
Cowboy in a Fantasy World

mc gets transmigrated to a fantasy world CYOAs

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Job titles

After being struck by lightning by the capricious goddess, Eli began to inventory his equipment. He examined his attire first: a blue tunic paired with a dark brown vest, cuff-anchored pants, leather boots, and a cloak enveloping his frame. Additionally, he carried a short elven sword and two hefty silver coins.

"Where to first?"

Eli pondered.

"In tales such as this, the protagonist usually seeks out the Adventurers' Guild. That shall be my first stop."

Inquiring at various shops, Eli received directions to the Adventurers' Guild. However, each interaction was a struggle against his innate high elf superiority complex, urging him to view others as insignificant pests.

To mask his contempt for those not of high elf descent, he would close his eyes and muster the most insincere smile whenever making eye contact. He hastened to the guild, suppressing the urge to assert his dominance over those he deemed inferior.

Upon reaching the Adventurers' Guild, he observed numerous adventurers reveling together. To them, it was a festive gathering; to Eli, they were no more than boisterous primates engaged in frivolous antics. Like monkeys throwing their feces at each other.

"Maybe they'll eat it too."

Eli covered his mouth with his hands, shocked by the words that had just slipped out. He knew he had to be cautious with his words, or his mindset could land him in serious trouble.

"Damn, I must watch what I say, or it could be the death of me, especially if someone takes offense to my backhanded compliments."

Eli navigated through the throng of partygoers, skillfully avoiding any potential trouble. Upon reaching the front desk, he observed one of the guild clerks. She resembled a blonde, buxom model straight out of a fashion magazine.

"Great, another Dark Elf from the sticks here to sign up as an adventurer. I don't have time for these country bumpkins. I'll just pass him off to another clerk," she muttered under her breath as she caught Eli's gaze and directed him to a colleague.

The clerk who assisted him stood out with her long brown hair, red eyes, standing 152 cm tall, and an hourglass figure. But it was the pair of bunny ears atop her head that truly made her unique among the clerks.

 "Sir, welcome to the Adventures guild. Do you wish to register, change your job or any other assistance we can give you?"

Eli was befuddled and asked her, what she meant by jobs. "Yes, Miss. My name is Eli, I'm here to register. But what did you mean by changing jobs?" He took off his hood, revealing his face to her.

"Ah, you must be a young drow elf that left his village, on his pilgrimage to adulthood. My name is Bonnie Eclair and I'll be your personal clerk and don't worry about it. Frequently elves come to the city of Carthage to begin their journeys."

Bonnie saw that the whole time she was talking to him he kept staring at her ears. "If you're curious about my ears, that means you never met a Therianthrope Bunny before have you." Eli shook his head quickly, where it made her laugh a bit, about his ignorance.

"Sorry about that, Eli. I didn't mean to laugh at you, it's just that Therianthrope races are pretty common amongst the land. Therianthrope are just humanoids with animal features and possessed multiple animal traits." When she finished apologizing. She went to the backroom and brought a bunch of books with her.

She then began to pull out various books about the world. "Okay Eli. To begin with, you need 40 gems to register into the Adventures Guild. Do you know about the money system?" Eli shook his head showing her that he doesn't know about the money system.

Bonnie then began to pull out various coins, underneath her desk. "Eli, I'm about to teach you the forms of currency and what they mean. First, we have a copper coin. This one is worth one gem in our Currency. Now you take 10 copper coins, and it will be the value of one big copper coin.

Two big copper coins will be the value of one silver coin. Ten silver coins will be the value of one big silver coin. Now I will take five big silver coins to equal one gold coin. And at the end. ten gold coins will make one big gold coin."

Copper coins= 1 gem

Big Copper coin= 10 gems

Silver coin= 20 gems

Big Silver coin= 200 gems

Gold coin= 1,000 gems

Big Gold coin= 10,000 gems

"Okay, now do you have any money on you for the registration, Eli?"

He searched through his pockets and pulled out two big silver coins. "This is all I have on me in at the moment." Making Eli have a total amount of 400 gems.

Bonnie paid attention to all of Eli's gear, when he was searching for his coins. All his clothing was top quality in near perfect condition, and they were all elven design.

'Wow! Most elves come with one silver coin, if they're lucky and most beginning adventures don't see a big silver coin in their first year of their career. No commoner carries around that many gems with them, this kid must be a noble or of wealthy descent.

'He'll make a great client and probably helped me rise in my position. Too bad he's not that good looking for an elf. If he had more money, I would probably make him my sugar daddy.'

She then took one of his big silver coins and gave him back 8 regular silver coins, with a metallic card and a needle. "Now Eli, I need you to poke yourself with the needle and you need to place a single drop of blood into the card to begin your registration."

Eli took the needle and pricked himself dropping a single drop of blood into the card. It soon began to shine, and multiple words were printed on the card. Beginning with his name, Race, Stats and Job level, which said none.

"Good. Now that you're officially registered, make sure not to share your card info with other people. Someone could use your information in your card against you, most new adventures learned that the hard way." She then pulled out a Crystal orb Underneath her desk. Well, he waited for her to explain what she was doing.

"Now, Eli, I need you to put your hand on the crystal orb, and it will reveal the jobs that you can have, the first one's free. After that, each one will cost 40 gems for a job change, you'll start out as an E rank.

Everyone starts at that level then they eventually progress to a higher rank the more quest they complete. S rank is the highest rank an adventure can reach, while E rank is the lowest. Our city currently only has one A ranker adventure and a few dozen B rankers. Only the Royal Palace and Prominent Cities have multiple S rank adventures."

Eli followed Bonnie's instructions and placed his hand inside the crystal orb, then it began to shine, and a considerable amount of job titles appeared inside the crystal Orb. Rogue, Wizard, Archer, Smash Buckler, Merchant and Adventure appeared on the orb, then Eli heard a ping in his head.

[Host The Goddess Gaia has offered you 500 MSP and 10 gold coins, if you accept the Adventures Job title]

He would have accepted that offer, if it would have come from anybody else. Except for that shitty Goddess! He didn't trust her as far as he can throw her.

"Bonnie What can you tell me about the Adventures job title?"

"Eli, I'm warning you about the Adventures job title. It may sound good at first, but it has too many drawbacks. Anybody who's gotten that job title, switched out of it right away, and anybody who passed the job title regretted for the rest of their life."

"Job titles have levels. Each level up will give you one skill point to use in your skill set tree, meaning you only get one hundred skill points per job title. Each skill can only have 5 skill points assign to them. Assigning one skill point to each will bring your skills performance from Beginner, Average, Proficient, Expert and Master.

Each job title has a unique skill set tree, that other job titles can't learn except for the Adventure job title. This job title allows the user to have all skill sets, but they can only place two points on each. Making them a jack of all trades but a master of none. The job title sounds great but then comes the Downside.

By taking this title the user gains the boost of losing 15% of all their gained experience, as long as they hold that title. If the user reaches level 100, they'll keep the job title forever. Meaning they will always lose 15% of their overall experience for the rest of their lives.

Most Adventures switch before they get too far in that title. When they switch titles, it places the Adventures job title in lockdown, until they want to re-enter it again. Most don't! But they keep all the skills they learned along the way. Switching titles also works the same way for any other job title, you'll lose the boost, but you'll still keep all the skills you learned."

Name: Eli Rivers

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 17 +2

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 15+1

Wisdom: 10

