
Cosmic Ascendancy: Rise of the Overlord

In a secluded village, Evan discovers a mysterious knife that unlocks his dormant cultivation potential. Rising from Mortal Seedling to Mortal Crown, Evan undergoes a transformation from a frail boy to a young cultivator. He later joins an academy, gaining allies and mastering new techniques. During his cultivation and transformation, he will lead his village to the focal point of the universe using all his legendary encounters and objects.

sunhell · ตะวันออก
77 Chs

Soul form solidifying

Though battered and exhausted, Evan's survival instincts were still razor-sharp. His gaze shifted back to the glistening hive, the source of so much conflict. The opalescent red fluid inside shimmered invitingly. While the ruby bees' aggressive defense had been formidable, their treasure might well hold invaluable properties. After all, it wasn't everyday one found a substance worth fighting to the death over in this treacherous forest.

However, Evan faced a dilemma. He had no container to store the fluid, and the hive itself was too cumbersome to carry. He could leave it, but that seemed a waste. After a moment's contemplation, he decided to take a risk: he would consume as much of the fluid as he could. If it held restorative properties, or even a boost to his soul energy, it would be invaluable. If not, he reasoned, it would at least offer hydration and perhaps some nutrition.Kneeling beside the hive, Evan tentatively touched the sticky fluid. It was thick and warm, reminiscent of honey but with a texture more like nectar. Bringing a finger to his lips, he tasted it. Sweet, with an almost floral undertone and a hint of tang.

Encouraged, he cupped his hands and began to drink.As the nectar flowed down his throat, a warmth spread throughout his body. It was soothing, like a gentle caress on his weary muscles and a balm on his stinging wounds. Evan could feel a subtle energy coursing through him, rejuvenating and invigorating him. The welts from the bee stings began to fade, and the dull ache from his recent battles lessened. It wasn't an immediate cure-all, but the benefits were unmistakable.

As the sting of his wounds gradually faded, Evan became distinctly aware of a peculiar transformation occurring within him. The mystic Meadow, where he found himself, was a realm unlike any other. In this mystical expanse, he had always perceived himself as a mere wisp of soul essence, devoid of solid form or substance. This form, nebulous and intangible, was symbolic of his weakened state. Like a faded memory or an elusive dream, he was present but not quite tangible.However, now, as the residual energy from the nectar coursed through him, a palpable shift began. His once ephemeral essence started exhibiting signs of solidity. The nectar acted as a catalyst, fortifying his soul, making it more coherent and less dispersed.Evan held up his hand, or what he always perceived as a hand, and to his astonishment, there was a subtle density to it. It was no longer just a vague representation of a hand but was beginning to possess form and structure. It was as if the soul nectar was weaving together the very fabric of his essence, granting it stability and shape.Pondering this revelation, Evan began to understand the frailty of his existence in the Mystic Meadow. His initial formlessness was an indicator of his soul's vulnerability.

It was a direct reflection of his spiritual weakness and lack of grounding. The more tenuous and undefined he was, the weaker his soul was considered in this realm.However, the consumption of the nectar had initiated a transformative process. Even though the energy was being used up swiftly, it was clear that its effects were profound. It wasn't merely about physical or, more aptly, 'soulful' healing; it was about reinforcing his very existence. Based on the rapid consumption of the nectar's energy, Evan estimated that he had gained about a 1% increase in solidity.Questions flooded his mind. If he was initially so insubstantial because of his weakened state, did this newfound solidity mean he was strengthening? Could the nectar, or substances similar to it, continue to fortify his soul essence? And most crucially, what did it mean for his journey in the Soul Meadow?The path ahead was still uncertain. The Meadow, with its ethereal beauty, was also fraught with enigmas and dangers. However, this newfound solidity, though marginal, gave Evan a glimmer of hope. It hinted at the potential of growing stronger, of becoming more resilient

In the quiet aftermath of the battle, Evan turned his attention to the fallen adversaries — the colossal snake and the ferocious ants. Each creature of Mystic Meadow held secrets, intricacies woven into the very fabric of their being, which Evan believed might offer insights into the deeper mysteries of this realm.

With utmost care, Evan began the process of dissecting the yellow ants. The exoskeleton was tough but gave way under his precise incisions. Inside, the most striking feature was a series of patterns that seemed to run along the creature's meridians. It wasn't the anatomy one would expect but rather intricate, almost runic designs that pulsed faintly with residual soul energy.

Turning his attention to the massive brownish snake, he started the same meticulous process. The snake, being a more formidable opponent, was assumed to possess a more complex internal structure. And Evan's hypothesis was proven correct. Within the snake, the designs were not just more intricate, they were labyrinthine. Each pattern interwove with the next in a dance of complexity that was both bewildering and awe-inspiring.

Evan traced the patterns with his fingers, feeling the minute pulses of energy. While the ants' designs were simpler, more linear, the snake's patterns branched out, spiraled, and looped back on themselves in intricate knots. The designs seemed to tell a story, hold a purpose, but their exact meaning eluded him.

This discovery led Evan to hypothesize that in Mystic Meadow, the strength and complexity of a being might be directly linked to the intricacy of these patterns. They possibly served as channels or conduits for the soul energy that powered each creature. The more intricate the pattern, the more energy it could potentially channel, thereby making the creature more formidable.

However, questions remained. What did these patterns truly signify? Were they just a source of power, or did they hold deeper insights into the nature of the creatures and Mystic Meadow itself? And most importantly, did Evan possess such a pattern within himself?

Evan's fingers gingerly traced the intricate patterns within the snake and the ants. It was like trying to follow the course of a river that branched off into countless tributaries. Every time he thought he'd committed a segment to memory, it would blur and merge into the larger maze, making it impossible to retain the exact sequence.Determined, Evan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to imprint the design into his mind. But the effort was in vain. Each attempt felt as if he were trying to hold onto a handful of water, the memory slipping through his grasp no matter how tightly he tried to hold on.