
Cosmic Ascendancy: Rise of the Overlord

In a secluded village, Evan discovers a mysterious knife that unlocks his dormant cultivation potential. Rising from Mortal Seedling to Mortal Crown, Evan undergoes a transformation from a frail boy to a young cultivator. He later joins an academy, gaining allies and mastering new techniques. During his cultivation and transformation, he will lead his village to the focal point of the universe using all his legendary encounters and objects.

sunhell · Eastern
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77 Chs

Wind strengththen fire

There was an innate frustration in the endeavor. The patterns were right there, shimmering beneath his fingertips, yet they remained elusive. It felt almost as if the designs themselves were resisting him, actively evading his attempts to decipher and remember them. This perplexed Evan deeply. He had encountered countless mysteries and challenges in Mystic Meadow, but this defiance by an inanimate pattern was new.He pondered whether this resistance was merely a result of the complexity of the designs or if there was a deeper mechanism at play. Perhaps the patterns were not meant to be comprehended by someone of his current level of understanding. It was a humbling realization. No matter how adept he became in the physical combats of Mystic Meadow, there remained aspects of this world that he had yet to unlock, layers of depth that he had not yet delved into.Drawing back, Evan sighed and took a moment to gather his thoughts. Maybe there was a fundamental truth he was overlooking. Maybe the patterns were not meant to be simply memorized but understood on a deeper, more intrinsic level. Just like the very soul essence that flowed within him, perhaps these patterns required a resonance, a harmony that he had yet to achieve.Mystic Meadow continued to challenge Evan in ways he hadn't imagined. It wasn't just about combat prowess but also about understanding and resonating with the world around him. The patterns he saw within the creatures might hold the key to unlocking higher realms of understanding. But for now, they served as a reminder of how much he still had to learn.

As Evan gazed at the creatures laid out before him, a thought surfaced: every creature, no matter how small or large, had some essence of value. This idea wasn't about the size or might of the creature but about the intrinsic value within. With careful deliberation, he decided to harvest the beads from these creatures. These beads, he knew, held concentrations of the creatures' essence and, perhaps, some of their power.

Evan began with the ant, its smaller size proving a little more manageable. The process required precision. As he reached into the ant, he located the bead. Even in death, the bead pulsed faintly, as if holding onto a fragment of life. Gently, Evan extracted the bead, holding it up to the light. It was tiny, no larger than the tip of his pinky, but it shimmered with a vibrant energy, an amalgamation of the ant's life force. He could sense the power contained within, a dormant strength waiting to be tapped.

Turning his attention to the snake, Evan prepared himself for a slightly more complex task. The snake, being larger, had a more intricate internal structure. As he delved into its form, he was taken aback by the sheer complexity of its design. It wasn't just about size; the snake's essence was layered, multifaceted. After what felt like hours, Evan's fingers closed around the bead. It was noticeably larger than the ant's and pulsed with a deeper, richer energy. The hue of the bead was more profound, almost as if the snake's life experiences, its essence, and its very soul were captured within.

Evan held both beads in his palm, marveling at the contrast. The beads, though vastly different in size and essence, bore an uncanny resemblance in their core structure. It was as if nature, in all its diversity, had a unifying theme running through every living being in Mystic Meadow.

While Evan had initially embarked on this harvesting process as a means of gaining potential power, he now found himself deeply introspective. The beads were not just sources of strength; they were a testament to the lives these creatures had lived. Every pulse, every shimmer reflected their struggles, their experiences, and their essence.

As he pocketed the beads, Evan realized that Mystic Meadow wasn't just about survival or gaining power. It was about understanding the interconnectedness of life, about realizing that every creature, no matter how seemingly insignificant, had a story, a purpose, and an essence that contributed to the tapestry of this realm.

With this newfound perspective, Evan continued on his journey, not just as a warrior or a seeker of power, but as a student of life, eager to uncover the myriad mysteries that Mystic Meadow had to offer.

Evan blinked as the flash of lightning momentarily blinded him. It seemed as if time momentarily froze when the jagged streak of light made contact with the nearby tree. The instantaneous ignition wasn't what stunned him; it was the nature of the flame that followed. Instead of the orange-red hue he expected, the flame danced in a spectrum of mesmerizing colors: deep purples, radiant blues, and shimmering greens.

But Evan had no time to admire the spectacle. As if the lightning strike was a signal, the once calm environment turned hostile. A powerful gust of wind picked up, whistling through the gaps between trees and rustling the canopy above. The flames, fed by the wind, quickly started spreading. Sparks, carried by the aggressive gusts, rained down upon the surrounding forest, turning verdant foliage into potential fuel for the encroaching inferno.

Within moments, a cascade of small fires erupted. It was a domino effect. As one tree caught fire, it rapidly spread to the next, the flames intensified by the fierce winds. The air grew thick with smoke, making Evan's eyes water and his breathing labored. The world around him transformed into a scene of chaos, the once tranquil forest now a tempest of fire and smoke. The very ground seemed to pulse with the heat, and the noise – the crackling of fire, the rustling of leaves, the cries of fleeing creatures – was deafening.

Evan's instincts kicked in. He knew he had to move, and fast. The fire was spreading at an alarming rate, driven towards him by the persistent winds. The warmth on his back grew more intense with each passing second, a grim reminder that hesitation could be fatal.

As Evan sprinted, he tried to recall any information about forest fires he'd come across before arriving in Mystic Meadow. He remembered that running uphill was a bad idea as fires tend to spread faster uphill due to the rising heat. Water sources would be ideal, but Evan didn't recall seeing any nearby. His best chance would be to find a clearing or an area with minimal vegetation to reduce the risk of getting surrounded by flames.

The underbrush crunched under Evan's feet as he ran, his eyes scanning the surroundings for a safe spot. The luminescent flames cast an eerie glow, turning night into day, making it easier for him to navigate through the dense woods.

The intense heat was a constant reminder of the encroaching fire. Trees that moments ago stood tall and sturdy were now being consumed, reduced to charcoal husks. The roaring sound of the fire combined with the cracking of burning wood and the fierce winds created a cacophony of chaos. Evan's heart raced, thudding loudly in his ears, each beat matching his rapid footsteps.

With the flames pursuing him relentlessly, panic threatened to take over. The hot air singed his lungs with each desperate breath. But within the depths of his frantic mind, a realization slowly began to dawn on him.

In his previous uses of EtherealGlide, he'd merely skimmed the surface of its potential, never truly delving into the intricacies of the technique. The wind, a force he'd always viewed as a mere tool for propulsion, could be so much more. If harnessed correctly, the wind could amplify his speed and power exponentially.

With the inferno as his deadly motivator, Evan began to experiment. At first, he tried to focus on the direction of the wind, attempting to align his movement with its flow. The results were immediate; he felt a surge of speed. However, the wind's unpredictability caused him to stagger and stumble.

Realizing he needed more control, Evan took a deep breath and attempted to harmonize his soul's energy with the wind around him. He visualized himself not just harnessing the wind, but becoming one with it.

The next time he activated EtherealGlide, it was a revelation. He felt as if he were riding the very currents of the wind, each gust propelling him forward with more vigor than before. The sensation was exhilarating – it was as if he had unlocked a hidden layer of the technique, one intertwined with nature itself.

The flames, while still a looming threat, seemed less imposing as Evan continued to master his enhanced glide. The once rapid approach of the fire was now matched by his own blistering speed.

Trees and shrubs became blurs as Evan raced ahead, the wind's whispers in his ear guiding him. And then, as his confidence grew, the sound of rushing water reached him. Hope surged within him. Pushing himself harder, he amplified his speed, the wind responding eagerly to his call.

Emerging from the dense trees, a wide, shimmering river stretched out before him, its waters gleaming under the moonlight. Without hesitation, Evan used his newfound mastery over EtherealGlide to propel himself into the cool embrace of the river. The cold water provided immediate relief, dousing the heat and smoke that clung to him.

Floating in the river, Evan took a moment to catch his breath. He had narrowly escaped the jaws of the inferno, but in the process, he'd discovered a deeper understanding of his abilities and the world around him. It was a harsh lesson on the unforgiving nature of Mystic Meadow, but also a testament to Evan's resilience and adaptability.

In the tranquil embrace of the river, Evan's temporary relief was abruptly interrupted. Small ripples and disturbances in the water heralded the approach of a new threat: a school of palm-sized fish with sharp, serrated teeth. They darted around him, their silvery scales shimmering, their predatory eyes locked onto their target.
