
Conquering Time and Space

“My life on earth was just a Pre-Birth Simulation?!” "Conquering Time and Space" follows the journey of a savant young prince who finds himself trapped in a futuristic sci-fi world full of cultivators. Facing higher powers unbeknownst to most, he is forced onto a path of accelerated human evolution stemming from extraterrestrial technology of ancient civilizations. Besides his photographic memory, his only hopes are the talents from his intriguing lineage and his maniacal obsession for power. Prince Chronos Astral must supersede his astounding potential and rise to power to protect the warmth of a family that he had never experienced and prevent the extinction of his planet. Join and support Chronos in his Journey up WebNovel rankings ! Follow Me & Share: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrbthenovelist/ ( Images of Chronos and His Family! Come check out to have some ideas of their character designs while you read! )

MrBtheNovelist · ไซไฟ
301 Chs

Who... Am... I...?

The world seemed to tremble in the aftermath of Chronos's departure, a strange silence filling the air, a stillness that was more felt than heard.

Then, slicing through the tranquility, came a personal spaceship, sleek and elegant, gliding with purpose towards the gathering below. 

The hatched opened, and three figures hovered out: King Izanagi, Empress Oya, and Empress Devi, the Grand Elders of time and wisdom. 

Their eyes widened at the scene before them.

A young Grandmama Tai Sui was in tears, her body still as crimson lightning befell upon her one after another.

'Please be okay, baby body. Don't worry; I'll find you!' she thought to herself.

The divine retribution was swift and merciless, punishment for daring to break the laws of the planet.

"Tai Sui!" King Izanagi exclaimed, his voice filled with concern. 

He descended rapidly towards her, the other Grand Elders following suit.