
Concubine mine

This is a story of the unfortunate time-traveling lass who possessed the body of a reborn aboriginal maiden and became the Great Wei's beloved imperial consort.

mayumii · ย้อนยุค
10 Chs


Mu Xi Yao had predicted wrong the time of Zong Zheng Lin's arrival in Qingzhou. Instead of coming after the New Year festival, he had come two days earlier to pay a formal visit to Di Wu Yi Zhao. Mu Xi Yao was very curious and wondered if there would be an elegant event like 'Three Humble Visits to a Thatched Cottage'1.

As a result, on the afternoon of the following day, Mu Xi Yao received a farewell letter from Di Wu Yu Ying, stating that she would return home with Di Wu Yi Zhao, ending their family visit. Therefore, Mu Xi Yao concluded that this matter was probably resolved. After Di Wu Yi Zhao returns home and settles everything, the next time he receives a letter should be from the capital.

The New Year festival was approaching and Mu Xi Yao held this family reunion in high regard as it was supposed to be her last time celebrating the New Year with her family. What awaited her shortly afterward was the imperial edict issued by Yuancheng Emperor.

Therefore, when Mu Jin Zhi managed to make it back to the prefect's residence on New Year's Eve, he was greeted with a warmer welcome than ever before by Mu Xi Yao. This made him very uneasy, worried that Mu Xi Yao had either caused some trouble or that he was about to become her scapegoat.

After the whole family spent a harmonious and delightful New Year, Mu Xi Yao reluctantly sent Mu Jing Zhi off. The young man in front of her was high-spirited. He suavely mounted his horse and turned his head to give her a hearty and warm smile. After, that, he kicked his horse and left.

Mu Xi Yao's eyes unconsciously moistened with tears, but she held them back and turned to go back. There was not much time left, but still, too many things that needed her preparation.


Zong Zheng Lin was sitting by the window on the second floor of Juxian Tavern, watching the lively crowd on the street. Suddenly, he recalled the warm and sweet female voice that he had not been able to forget since late autumn of last year. And, her fair little hand that had put down the curtain of the palanquin.

This evening, the most upstanding and solemn Sixth Prince of the Great Wei dynasty experienced an awkward moment for the first time in his life. The caress of a little hand and the soft moans of a faceless woman in his dream actually made him release his pent-up lust. When he woke up early in the morning, he still vaguely remembered that dream. Zong Zheng Lin's expression turned unsightly. He sat up and pulled back the blanket and sure enough, it was a complete mess underneath.

Outside the door came the sound of Wei Zhen knocking on the door, Your Highness, have you woken up?"

"Immediately bring in a bucket of hot water, and then withdraw." Zong Zheng Lin commanded with a deep voice.

After freshening up a bit, Zong Zheng Lin sat quietly on the couch bed with a deadpan expression, lost in thoughts. At this moment, Sixth Highness's emotions were difficult to express in words.

Zong Zheng Lin, who had always been indifferent and well-manner, had never been so embarrassed before. Besides, it was already the second time he had inexplicable images of that woman flashing through his mind. The graceful and lithe silhouette, the delicate fair hands, and the warm and soft voice. The more he thought about it, the worse his complexion became. Zong Zheng Lin considered himself uninterested in feminine charms. The two concubines in his inner yard couldn't arouse any desire in him at all. Every time he faced them, it was done with reluctance.

What was going on? How could he develop such despicable thoughts about a woman he has never met before? It was practically a violation. Zong Zheng Lin felt extremely agitated.

Finally, His Highness emerged from the door. Wei Zhen looked up to check the time. It was already the hour of Si2. His Highness usually got up at the hour of Mao3 to practice fists and swordplay in the yard, and he had never missed his morning exercises before. The Sixth Prince, Zong Zheng Lin, had started practicing fists while standing on poles and later swordplay at the tender age of four. He trained diligently every day without any exception, even when it rained or snowed. If the weather was bad, he would simply move his training indoors, never slackening off.

His Highness got up early, but he called for water. Was it possible that....no, it wouldn't take so long. Wei Zhen had noticed that His Highness had been acting more and more strangely lately, and coupled with his previous sighs, this was the second time his Master had displayed unusual behavior.

When he looked at his Master again, Wei Zhen was shocked. Earlier, he had been preoccupied with guessing the time and trying to figure out His Highness's abnormal behavior. But now he noticed that the person in front of him was shrouded in a chilly aura that gave off a strong warning to not approach him. What had happened? How could he have changed so much overnight? His Highness was still alright when he went to bed last night.

Even if Wei Zhen racked his brain, he wouldn't be able to guess that the cause actually lay in the Sixth Prince's spring dream4.


Mu Xi Yao had a very good time during this period. Although she was reluctant to leave this courtyard and her family, and felt melancholic during quiet evenings, being able to go out and explore the outside world and freely breathe the air of this dynasty before the imperial edict reached Qingzhou provided her with some comfort.

Great Wei was a relatively enlightened dynasty that did not prohibit the education of women. Although it had not progressed to the point of establishing female schools and allowing everyone to enter school and receive education, it provided libraries that were open to the public. Every prefectural city had them, and all students, well-known scholars, gentlemen, and young ladies from noble families could borrow or copy books from them.

Mu Xi Yao visited the library several times a month. Even though her family had collected many books, they were mostly historical records, policy arguments, river management, agricultural and commercial books. On the other hand, in the city's library, Mu Xi Yao could borrow many travel notes, various records, biographies, as well as folk stories, theatre scripts, or odd skill manuals. All of these brought Mu Xi Yao great joy.

Today, Mu Xi Yao was free, so she slowly browsed through travel notes of Yuzhou, reading about its local conditions and customs that were entirely different from those of Qingzhou. A sense of yearning sprouted inside her. Right when she was enjoying the section that talked about the bride kidnapping custom in Yuzhou, Mo Lan behind her reminded her that it was time to return home. Quite reluctantly, Mu Xi Yao closed the book and attentively smoothed its corners before getting up to put it back on the bookshelf, arranging it neatly.

"Miss, Mo Lan has never seen anyone who cherishes books as much as you."

"There are so many good books here, yet I don't have time for all of them. What a pity." Mu Xi Yao smiled and shook her head, feeling that time passed too quickly.

"In a few days, Mo Lan can accompany Miss back to the library."

Mu Xi Yao was caught off guard but then smiled without saying anything. It wasn't that she didn't have time today, but that in the future, she wouldn't have the same freedom to come and go to the library as she did now. Mu Xi Yao thought, her expression turning gloomy.

"Let's go back." Taking Mo Lan with her, she walked out, but unexpectedly, a young man dressed like a scholar came over and greeted her a few steps away from the library entrance. He stood still and anxiously looked up at her.

Mu Xi Yao sized up the coming person, feeling baffled. She didn't recognize him. She turned her head to cast a glance at Mo Lan, who was also puzzled, and shook her head.

The scholar seemed to be quite uncomfortable. His face grew redder and redder, and suddenly he took a deep breath and earnestly said to Mu Xi Yao, "This humble one shouldn't have bothered Miss, but," his voice was a little unsteady, but he plucked up his courage and calmed himself, "this humble one has admired Miss for a long time. Every time Miss comes to the library, this humble one sits across Miss with only a table separating us." He couldn't speak any further and stood there like a fool, his hands trembling slightly at his sides.

Mu Xi Yao was taken aback. She hadn't seen this coming. Mo Lan stared with wide eyes, panicked, and looked back at her Miss, not knowing how to respond. In Great Wei, unmarried maidens weren't prohibited from going out and making friends, so occasionally, some bold individuals would express their love to the maidens they were fond of.

The problem was that this was a library and they were under the watchful eyes of others. Mu Xi Yao had a strange expression on her face. Was this an ancient library romance? This content belongs to thehlifestyle.com, if you see this translation elsewhere, it's been stolen!

Mo Lan was so distressed her eyes turned red. Why was it a rakehell last time and now it's a scholar? Although their behaviors were completely different, they were both rude. What would she do if their Madam found out?

Nevertheless, Mu Xi Yao was the first to come to her senses. Instead of speaking directly to the scholar, she turned her head to ask Mo Lan, "Who is this gentleman?" She didn't need Mo Lan to answer. As if realized something, she said to the gentleman, "Greetings, Gentleman Zhang. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough last time. It is my fault. Toward Gentleman…I do not harbor any thoughts." After speaking her mind, she made a curtsey with a slightly apologetic expression and left with Mo Lan.

Mo Lan was confused and pondered over who this Gentleman Zhang was and what happened last time. Could it be… that's how it was. Miss intentionally acted like this to tell this scholar tactfully that she hadn't even noticed him, so she couldn't accept his feelings.

After realizing this, Mo Lan stopped worrying. On the other hand, the scholar stood there absent-mindedly. It took him quite a while to snap out of it. Nonetheless, he suffered a huge blow and looked defeated.

"I am not Gentleman Zhang...." He stumbled out of the door with a dazed expression.

There was another person whose mood was even worse. Zong Zheng Lin stood rigidly behind the bookshelf, and the expression on his handsome yet cold face could not be described as unsightly anymore.

He had been perusing through the first volume of "Classic of Mountains and Rivers" and planned to switch to the second volume when he looked up and he saw a woman's figure pass by him. He had a feeling of familiarity, yet there were some differences.

It was because Mu Xi Yao had grown taller. Moreover, today she was attired in simple yet fancy clothes that differed greatly from the lithe and graceful dress she wore last time. The fact that Zong Zheng Lin could see similarities with just one glance was already not easy. Later, when he heard her conversation with the scholar, her soft and tender voice instantly made him freeze on the spot.

It was her! The Sixth Highness of Great Wei actually had a guilty conscience. Even after that silhouette had completely disappeared, Zong Zheng Lin was still unable to move a step.

That morning's incident made him feel humiliated, so much so that even words could not describe his feelings. For the first time ever, the thought of 'being too ashamed to see others' emerged in Zong Zheng Lin's heart. Right now, he felt extremely annoyed. He did not understand where this feeling came from. He only knew that the Gentleman Zhang, who had been mentioned by her lips, and the scholar who confessed his feelings to her, both upset him and made him very displeased.

Wei Zhen had lousy luck again. When His Highness came out of the library, he was so cold he seemed to shed icicles. After only a few steps, Zong Zheng Lin abruptly came to a halt. A few seconds later, his face turned completely black. Subsequently, he increased his pace. He didn't utter a word throughout the journey. His handsome face was strained the whole time and even his footsteps were heavier than usual. Seeing this, Zong Zheng Lin's retainer Ye Kai, who was next to Wei Zhen, obediently followed his steps.

After returning to the residence, Zong Zheng Lin immediately ordered to depart the next day, as they would be returning to the capital in advance.

If he stayed in Qingzhou, he would be too close to that woman. Zong Zheng Lin felt that it was way too easy for him to lose his cool here. Just a moment ago, he suddenly stopped because he had figured out the recent conversation between that woman and the scholar, as well as the initial reaction of the servant girl. If his assumptions were correct, the woman had played some tricks on the scholar. She was surprisingly mischievous.

But what did it matter to him whether she was mischievous or not? Why was he feeling suffocated and depressed just now, but now he gradually calmed down? Thinking this way, he felt that the woman who had disturbed his mind was truly detestable! What bothered him even more was the fact that a mere woman could actually throw him into disarray. It was absurd, wasn't it?

[1] A three humble visits to a thatched cottage refers to a famous episode in the Romance of Three Kingdoms, where warlord Liu Bei recruits Zhuge Liang by visiting him three times. This idiom is often used to describe people who invite someone in all sincerity and eagerness.

[2] Hour of Si refers to 09 AM-10AM.

[3] Hour of Mao refers to 06 AM – 07 AM.

[4] Spring dream refers to an erotic dream, wet dream.

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