
Concubine mine

This is a story of the unfortunate time-traveling lass who possessed the body of a reborn aboriginal maiden and became the Great Wei's beloved imperial consort.

mayumii · History
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10 Chs


As soon as Mu Xi Yao and her group returned to the residence, she immediately went to the main house to pay her respects to Lady Yu. At this moment, Xi Yao's attitude could only be described as extremely well-behaved. She clung closely to Lady Yu in a daughterly manner, chattering about what she had seen and heard on the streets, such as which maidens had beautifully combed hair or which maidens' fragrance couldn't compare to the 'Ting Zhi' she used. It was all girl talk. After a while, as if suddenly remembering something, she mentioned that she had encountered a mother and daughter on the way home.

Hui Lan, who was standing behind, had become well-accustomed to her mistress's sweet smile when she entered the main courtyard and well-behaved manner when she was in front of Sir Mu and Lady Yu. She listened for quite some time, but her Mistress didn't mention the unpleasant incident that happened today. Although puzzled, Hui Lan kept quiet and followed the rules. When her mistress finally mentioned the mother and daughter she had met, for once showing reliability, how come the more she listened, the fishier it sounded?

In Hui Lan's opinion, it was the debauched man who had offended her Mistress, and her Mistress had suffered a grievance. She should have gone to Lady Yu to complain and speak about her grievances, right? But how come that when she listened to her Miss's words, the whole matter turned to her being righteous and standing up for justice, saving both older and younger beauties, driving away the immoral rakes, kindly proving them her favorite cloak, and even assigning two additional guards to escort them home? Was that all that was to it?

Mu Xi Yao naturally wouldn't mention that she was also implicated, otherwise, if something arose in the future, how could she go out for a walk? Even going to Fahua Temple today under the guise of making a wish required a lot of effort on her part. She would be stupid to make trouble for herself. If Lady Yu found out about the filthy words that rakehell had spoken, it would only bristle her with rage. How can she go out alone next time? Even though Mu Xi Yao blurred and diverted the key points, Lady Yu still felt frightened for her. It was only after Lady Yu confirmed Xi Yao's safety and repeatedly urged her to take more guards next time that the matter was settled.

When Mu Xi Yao came out of the main house, she immediately instructed Hui Lan that what she had just said was precisely what had happened today. Anything more than what has already been said was not allowed to be mentioned. Mu Xi Yao also ordered people to inform Zhao Qing to properly seal others' mouths. Convinced that she hadn't left anything out, she returned to Yingshui Pavilion to take a comfortable bath and change into her indoor robe.

If her predictions were correct, it was unlikely that Di Wu Yi Zhao would come tonight. She wasn't like Zhong Zheng Ming, who was the prince of Great Wei. She was only a female member of the Qingzhou prefect's household. There was no rule that dictated rushing to thank a maiden late at night. Therefore, it was most likely that he would come tomorrow morning.


As expected, on the following day, Di Wu Yi Zhao first sent a visiting card to Sir Mu and then picked a time when Mu Jing Zhen was still at home to visit with his wife and daughter. This was Mu Xi Yao's first time seeing Di Wu Yi Zhao in person. In her previous life, she had only heard of his name.

She didn't expect that Di Wu Yi Zhao was just an ordinary man of average height who looked very young. He didn't have a beard, and his skin was fair. His expression was serene and he displayed no aloof or arrogant attitude. He seemed to be well-mannered and quite refined.

Mu Xi Yao was somewhat surprised. This person was actually Di Wu Yi Zhao, a person who had almost wiped out both Crown Prince and Prince of An1 in the previous life? Alright, one couldn't blame her for judging people by their appearance. Her imagination of this renowned strategist and counselor had always been stuck on the template of 'the handsome Guo Jia2' and 'appearance of the great Zhuge Liang3'. When she saw a man with an ordinary appearance, it was kind of hard for her to digest. It was a bit hard for her to adjust to seeing an ordinary-looking person.

She soon came back to herself, just in time to see Di Wu Yi Zhao expressing his gratitude to Mu Jing Zhen. Then he turned to Mu Xi Yao and respectfully bowed to thank her. Mu Xi Yao quickly got up and stopped him, stating that she didn't dare to accept such an honor. After that, the women went to the west-wing room to drink tea and chat, while Mu Jing Zhen invited Di Wu Yi Zhao to his study to talk about some matters.

Di Wu Yu Ying was very friendly with Mu Xi Yao. Lady Wen repeatedly praised Mu Xi Yao for her noble demeanor, sweet temperament, and virtue. Hearing others praising her daughter, Lady Yu was inwardly very happy. Of course, on the surface, she also had to return a few compliments to Di Wu Yu Ying. As it continued talking, Lady Yu and Lady Wen grew closer as they found more common topics to discuss.

Mu Xi Yao intended to befriend Di Wu Yu Ying, so she picked topics that Di Wu Yu Ying was interested in and chatted with her, coaxing her until she started calling her big sister Mu all the time. The two soon became close and even whispered secrets of young maidens to each other. When it was time to part, Di Wu Yu Ying was so reluctant that she even pouted.

Lady Wen laughed and tapped the tip of her nose, promising that they could invite Miss Mu and her family to visit them in the future and that the two could also write letters to each other. Somewhat satisfied with such arrangements, Di Wu Yu Ying let Lady Wen take her to the front yard to find Di Wu Yi Zhao so that they could return home together.

Mu Xi Yao wasn't the slightest bit interested in the conversation between Sir Mu and Di Wu Yi Zhao in the study. She understood very well that her father didn't have the capability to subdue Di Wu Yi Zhao.

From the beginning, the Bo Le4 she had in mind for Di Wu Yi Zhao was just one person: the sixth imperial son, Zong Zheng Lin. She didn't make all these plans because she was going to marry him, but rather to speed up the pace of Zong Zheng Lin's ascension so that she could be a favored consort in a flamboyant way.

This woman never thought that she wouldn't be able to handle these few people from the inner yard whom she had put on her blacklist. She had already started planning how to enjoy a good life once she fulfilled the previous incarnation's wish…


It has been a month since Di Wu Yi Zhao's visit. During this time, first paid them a visit as etiquette dictated. She had also frequently exchanged letters with Di Wu Yu Ying, and the two became close friends. The small abacus in Mu Xi Yao's mind5 was making a pitter-patter sound: winning over his wife and daughter to earn herself some extra points with him. It wouldn't be bad to occasionally receive his help after she entered the Sixth Prince's household. This was another thick gold thigh6 to hug, beside Big Boss. This content belongs to thehlifestyle.com, if you see this translation elsewhere, it's been stolen!

Mu Xi Yao was also waiting for news from Zhao Qing. According to the time, that person should have already received the news. After the New Year, he would personally make this trip.

Recently, Zhao Qing has become even more respectful to Mu Xi Yao. He heard from his brother, Zhao Yun, that Sir Mu held Di Wu Yi Zhao in high esteem. Sir Mu praised Di Wu Yi Zhao for his extraordinary wisdom and outstanding talent as a strategist! This, combined with Mu Xi Yao's secret order that followed, a vague clue had floated to the surface.

If he wasn't mistaken, his Second Miss was conspiring something considerably big, which actually involved two princes! How terrifying, considering that she was just a mere maiden!


Under the lamp, Zong Zheng Lin examined the note in his hand carefully.

The paper was ordinary, made of a rough material that could be easily found anywhere on the street. The note was the size of a palm with only four words written on it. The handwriting lacked any style and couldn't be described as neat. It appeared as if every stroke was scribbled and pieced together to deliberately conceal the writer. Even the remnant scent of ink was very common. No wonder his secret guards couldn't find any trace of the note's owner.

He then picked up another document from the table, which was densely packed with information and spanned seven pages. It had taken Zong Zheng Lin's most elite subordinates half a month to gather all the intelligence.

Zong Zheng Lin rose and left the study. He stood in the center of the courtyard, slowly rubbing the note in his hand and clenching it until it turned to ashes. The person who sent him the note…..good. Very good!

This person had only one goal. Recommendation!

Firstly, the possibility of planting a chess piece was eliminated.

From this person's actions, it was clear that he had acted on his own without notifying Di Wu Yi Zhao. It was impossible for someone like Di Wu Yi Zhao to do such a thing. Clearly, this person was extremely intelligent, as he could recognize Di Wu Yi Zhao's talent and also plot against him behind his back.

Therefore, someone this clever wouldn't possibly plant a chess piece around him. Furthermore, since this person had chosen him, it meant that he could somehow see through him. Those who could see through Zong Zheng Lin were naturally clear about his capabilities. As a result, there was no use in planting a pawn around him.

This person was apparently aware that Zong Zheng Lin had discerned his purpose. Yet, even though Zong Zheng Lin knew about it, he still had to willingly carry out that person's objective. He was clearly also a part of his scheme!

First, it was Di Wu Yi Zhao and then it was the imperial prince. This person indeed had big guts!

Zong Zheng Lin contemplated repeatedly. To be able to get in touch with both Di Wu Yi Zhao and himself, and furthermore, have such courage and boldness….

However, the result was that such a person did not exist at all. Currently, Zong Zheng Lin regarded Di Wu Yi Zhao with exceptional respect, but there was another person who appealed to him even more! Unfortunately, this person was too mysterious as no traces of him could be found. Zong Zheng Lin felt relieved that this person had no ill intentions toward him. Otherwise, it would be troublesome.

Zong Zheng Lin sighed and looked into the distance. After turning seven years old, this was the first time he had dealt with such a handful person. Truly rare.

Wei Zhen stood on the passage, his facial expression astonished. His Highness had actually sighed! This had never happened before. He recalled the note that had passed through his hands, the name written on it, and the information secret guards had reported. Could it be that this Di Wu Yi Zhao person was so capable and outstanding that he made His Highness sigh for him?

Unfortunately, both the master and servant in the courtyard misunderstood.

Wei Zhen was right that someone had made Zong Zheng Lin sight, but he was wrong about the target. Zong Zheng Lin guessed correctly that someone had made him feel resigned, but he was absolutely wrong that it was a rare thing. It wasn't anything uncommon at all. More of these resigned feelings were waiting for him in the future.

Translator’s notes:

[1] Prince of An was the First Prince’s title in his previous life.

[2] Guo Jia was an adviser, who served under warlord Car Cao during The Three Kingdoms period. He aided Can Cao greatly with his brilliance and foresight, and his strategies were instrumental to Cao Cao’s triumph over his rival warlords.

[3] Zhuge Liang lived during the era of The Three Kingdoms. He was recognized as the most accomplished strategist of his era.

[4] Bo Le was a name given to a man called Sun Yang who was an expert at evaluating horses. He invented Quine physiognomy (judging a horse’s qualities from appearance). Bo Le is often used as a metaphor for people who are good at discovering talents.

[5] A small abacus in one’s mind means fig. a selfish calculation.

[6] When one hugged a thick leg it means one found protection from powerful influence or power.

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