
"I'll be Noah"

Allie's POV

"What's your back story? "

Everything's a mess today. Now that I connected the dots, it's very clear to me. The time Beth came back from London was the time when Collateral Connections broke up. I am currently in a bar drinking my fourth or wait fofth shot of tequila with an annoying person beside me. If there's a guinness world record for the most annoying person, he would be the one to bag the record.

"Every lonely girl sitting at a bar with a drink has a back story. Like her boyfriend broke up with her or she's broke or enjoying life for one last time or--"

"Or I could be a trained killer assigned to kill you" I make a sarcastic remark and I can tell that's he's surprised. Cocky annoying bastard. Two can play at this game.

"Sarcastic, fiesty, you're a great combination. May I ask your name, gorgeous?" This boy's a real charmer but I'm not going to fall for that.

"If you want a girl to fuck, then I'm not the girl for you, sorry" I gave him one of my most fake sweet smile, hoping he'd shut up now but the smirk on his face grew bigger. My hands are aching to wipe that stupid smirk off his handsome sexy face.

Wait what? The drinks must be taking a toll on me today.

"So you're not going to tell your real name, I guess. Why don't you be someone else tonight? I'll be Noah"

I laughed at his words, "Noah from Notebook?"

"Whats wrong with Noah?I'm a big fan. Stop laughing!"

I stop laughing and say, "This proposal of yours too childish, what are we - in high school?"

"It's not so bad, you're upset about something and this could be your distraction. Just one night." his husky voice bringing shivers to my body.

I pay the bartender and walk towards the exit. Since we are in the VIP area, it's isn't too much crowded. As I'm about to go out, I turn towards him," I'll be Allie, you coming or not ?"

He laughs, pays the bill and walks towards me, "Lead the way, Noah"

"You wanna grab dinner first? McDonald's is very near." he asks and I nod. I feel the adrenaline running fast through my veins, my heart beating fast , anticipation seeping through me, waiting for what's in store for me next. I need a distraction and maybe he's my distraction tonight.

We order some burger, fries and coke and I complete it all in just few minutes. I was starving. "You have a great appetite" he made a remark I playfully swatted his arm.

"I was starving and who doesn't love McDonald's? So where do we go from here?" I ask him and his mischievous smirk returns. "We'll be doing some crazy crazy things." I shiver at his voice, goosebumps forming on my entire skin.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go" my lips forming a smirk. I'm so ready.

I'm ready for tonight.

"Have you seen the Notebook?" Noah asks me while we walked down the road hand in hand like two teenagers.

"Yeah, it's a must watch. Noah and Allie are just goals. My thoughts went back to the time I forced Beth to watch The notebook with me. She hated clichés and now she's wrapped in her own version of romance.

" Did you hear what I said?" I saw Noah standing in front of me and we're alone in a secluded road.

" Is this the part where you kill me?"

He just gave me a boyish grin and I can feel my cheeks heating up. Am I blushing at a grin? I'm still not completely sober. Tequila is to be blamed here.

"Very funny but no I'm not. As you see - -"

I cut him off, "Is this place where you take all you romantic interests?" hoping he would get the catch.

"That's probably why I'm still a virgin at 18"he has the boyish grin on his face which makes my heart flutter.

" Quoting the fault in our stars, are we? What are we now, Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster? "

I laugh at at him," That's impressive "

"Coming back to the Notebook, wanna dance?"

"There's no music" I stated, he just looked at me, both of us were not saying anything until I decided to break the pause, "Then?"

"Let's dance"

"That's my girl!" God what is wrong with me? Why are his little gestures affecting me so much?

We swayed along to no music, he buried his head at the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. Shivers went down my whole body. "You're gorgeous, you know that?"

"You're irresistible, you know?"

He pulled me closer to him, my hands wrapped around his neck, our lips inches apart and I moved so that his lips landed on my cheeks.

I moved back from him, "Really who's acting like a child now?"

I laughed and said," Me, that's who"

"You really are something else, Allie Jamison.

My eyes widen and I look at him surprised. Realizing his own words he has the same expression as me.

" How do you know my name?"