
Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter

This fanfic has been dropped.

SmotheryGecko · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
27 Chs

Kai- The Military.

As you were asking so much, here it is not at war yet but it is close.

First of all, like any completely normal person, I don't know anything about army ranks. So I decided to put only the Officer Ranks.

Have a good chapter.


One year has passed~

"YOU ARE HERE TO DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY!!!" An army colonel shouted in front of the cadets wearing camouflage clothing.




'So that's why Daddy didn't want me to join the army now' Who thought of this was our protagonist Kai.

After a while since he spent with Ariana and Sarah, he told John that he wanted to join the army.

As expected, he refused saying that he is too young.

But after half a month, John finally gave up and let him join.

But only after going through special training.

It took half a year for Kai to go through this training, and for another half a year Kai spent in the army.

He became an army officer after two months, and the rest he spent doing various jobs in the army.

He became the best of his base, and now he was called for this special training, he was not the only one who was called from his base, even some recruits from his base were called.


"ARE YOU GUYS READY!!!" He asked.

Everyone got into formation and said "YES SIR!!!"


Kai then made his way to his seat.

On the way he met many people, as he is going to a war it is of utmost importance to have allies.

Kai arrived at his post "Tent-0007" He read aloud.

Entering he saw that his companions were already here.

He saw that there was one on the bed shaking and whispering to himself.

He couldn't hear, but reading his lips he understood "I didn't sign up for a war, I didn't want to be here, I had to listen to my father and join the army."

"I'm going to die, I don't want to die."

Kai shook his head, on the way here he saw many people like that, after a while they would accept reality and would calm down.

He decided to introduce himself to them "My name is Kai".

"I'm Jake" Answered the first of the three men, he seemed to still be getting over the news.

"My name is Henry" Answered the one who was shivering on the bed.

The last walked over to Kai, he was about Kai's size and looked like a wall.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Ethan" He held out his hand and smiled.

Kai shook his hand, with that handshake alone Kai saw that this guy was pretty strong.

He didn't seem surprised by the news, he probably comes from a Soldier family and already knew the news.

Kai wasn't the only one who evaluated the other, Ethan also evaluated Kai, Kai is tall and a little muscular, and he wasn't worried about the news.

So even trying hard Ethan couldn't evaluate Kai.

But he could tell Kai was very strong, well they are all strong to be in this special training they need to be strong.

A time passed with Kai getting to know his companions.

Jake was a normal young man who joined the army, and after he stood out he was eventually called to participate in this special training.

In fact, before he got here, Kai already knew many things.

First, this war will not be on a large scale, and only those military personnel who are participating in this special training will take part.

Well, this is normal, since even that colonel who was speaking before has not participated in any war.

So the people who were the best in training and in their service will participate, but in return they will get a lot of merits... if they survive.

Well, even if you end up dying, your family will end up getting your merits, and this is the case with Henry.

Henry is the typical non spoiled rich guy, probably hated for something he is not to blame, like his mother dying when he was born.

He got into the army forced by his father, Kai thinks that probably Henry's father already knew about this war, and sent him here, since his father said that if he worked hard enough he would be the heir.

And well, since he's here, he really did try his hardest, he's being used as a sacrifice piece and doesn't even know it.

Ethan, the typical patriot, upon learning that his country was going to take part in a war, didn't hesitate to enter this special training.

He was already a soldier 'He is like Captain America... After taking the super soldier serum' Kai thought.

Kai also told a little about himself, but of course he didn't tell his real age.

Kai always wondered how they would react to knowing his true age, they would probably say he was lying and not believe him.

Just imagine a man who is almost two meters tall saying he is 10 years old.

Of course the superiors know about this, when Kai enlisted they refused at first.

But upon seeing a picture of Kai and about his personal experience and training with John Kreese they accepted.

After all, if with Kai they can avoid casualties they wouldn't refuse.

And even if it goes wrong the most that will happen is that Kai will die, but if it goes right, as I said there will be many fewer casualties.

Well, Kai doesn't worry about that, he is absolutely sure that he will be able to survive this war, otherwise he would have already fled.

And honestly with his skill it's basically impossible to beat him with weapons.

Kai continued talking to them, gaining their trust, and when he finished even Henry was eager to show what he was capable of, and no longer afraid of dying.

In fact Kai knew that with a few more conversations he could make Henry someone who was afraid to die, someone willing to die for his country, just by talking.

Fortunately for them Kai was not someone patriotic, since he would be able to convince someone afraid to die, imagine what he would do with those people who willingly came to participate in a war.

Kai decided to go to sleep.

Their tent had four beds, two on each side, divided by a few curtains.

Kai went to sleep, always looking at the door and alert, he lost count of how many times he was attacked by his father while he was sleeping.

His body eventually get used to being attacked, and now his body could use his ability to dodge, even though he was unconscious.

That's right, not sleeping but unconscious, he was trained by John to the limit, resistance to weak poisons, and being able to wake up whenever he wanted, and sleep anywhere, and of course play dead.

Actually Kai went to the limit on the latter, his body was able to easily simulate a corpse, lowering his body temperature and making his heart beat only every two minutes.

Of course, when his body is like this, he will not be able to fight, not least because his body is not receiving its proper nutrients.


As expected by Kai, they were attacked during the night.

Five people came to the tent.

One person for the others, but for Kai it was two.

"I don't know why, two people came for just one man, I alone could take care of him" One of the people who went to attack Kai grumbled, not caring to be heard.

"Be silent" His companion spoke, the other three looked at him like an idiot.

They then entered the three tents, but in the group that was going to attack Kai, only one entered and the other stayed outside.

The one who entered Kai's tent, went to Kai's bed and pulled a fake knife from his waistband, and just as he was about to attack Kai.

Kai moved, stretched his arm towards the knife, and kicked the back of his knees, with that attack he bent over, Kai then grabbed him, and pulled him close.

Holding the man, Kai stole the knife and put it around his neck, and covered his mouth so he wouldn't scream, all this was done as quickly as possible and without any noise.

Feeling the knife in his neck and Kai's golden eyes made him swallow dry, the worst was that he lost his means of screaming.

And in that position Kai could easily kill him, and he couldn't even say it was a test.

Kai had already noticed that the knife was fake, so he whispered in the guy's ear "You're dead".

And then dropped him, he didn't even know what to say, Kai didn't care about him, if Kai was right the other tents had people in them too.

Before he left, he bent down, he knew there was another person outside the tent because Kai had heard what he said.

He slipped his leg underneath, knocking the guy behind the curtain.

This was so sudden that he didn't even think to scream and just fell. Kai didn't let him fall to the ground and held him and then hit his head on the ground making him pass out.

'You're right, they shouldn't have sent two people, they should have sent more' Kai made his way to the other bed.

He expected this guy to scream, but fortunately he didn't.

He went to Henry's bed first, since he knew the other two would be able to hold out for a while.

He went silently, and when he got there, the guy had his back to Kai.

Kai took the fake knife and went behind the man, and covered his mouth before he screamed, and put the knife to the man's neck.

"You are dead" Kai left him there and went outside, when he got there he saw that Jake and Ethan were fighting with their opponents.

He just waited and didn't get into the fight, and when he saw that they were outnumbered he helped them.

After a few minutes they managed to defeat both men, they had already noticed that Kai was helping them.

This further increased their confidence, and further increased their trust in Kai.

Knowing that Kai is there for them is what causes this increase in confidence.

The two that Kai had defeated came bringing the guy that Kai had fainted.

They joined the other two, and then left, after a while, an old man entered the tent.

Everyone looked at his chest and saluted "General!"

On his chest were five stars, showing that his rank was the highest in the army "General of the arm" the bigwig.

"Rest" Then he looked at everyone, until he saw Kai, and said "Kai Kreese come with me".

Kai replied "Yes sir" and followed the man.

Kai then walked beside the General completely ignoring the difference in ranks.

The General also ignored this and began to say "Kreese, I fought alongside your father, he was a good soldier and I expect you to be better".

"You can just call me Kai".

"Kai, I know your age and I don't think it matters, your father talked to me about you, you have a lot of experience and after this little test I saw what he meant, you are the best here" The general continued.

It may not seem like much, but there was a reason that guy was in a bad mood for having to attack Kai, they are the elite, and Kai was able to take them both down easily.

"And that's why I called you here, you are being promoted from Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant."

Yes, Kai had already received a rank before he came for this special training, only unlike this promotion he had a reason.

"Don't worry we will keep our word".


Before you comment your doubts, wait because in the next chapter that is already written, most of your doubts will be answered.