
Climb: Beyond Ordinary

John is a 27 year old office worker that live an ordinary life until he was summoned to another world along with the chosen heroes . after being identified as a peasant , he was banished from the castle with some gold as a compensation and became laughingstock of the King. Forced to live as a commoner , john decided to embark an adventure to find the mysteries of this world while climbing the ranks of most powerful entity of this world with his commoner skills, hoping comeback on his world and protect the innocent people.

PanDeSall · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 6: Suspicion

As the sun rises we start packing up and taking a carriage, while on our way to the plains she tell me that she will be a part of my party until we arrive our next destination Kingdom of Feudrich , her home town the place of the hero who died figthing the dragon but as a token of gratitude she left me this stone engraved with some symbols.

"I'll keep it , i promise" i said and then she smiled to me telling me not to be sad since i can get attached to a person easily.

The carriage then suddenly stop and said to us that due to the increasing number of monster we need take a foot to arrive our Destination.

"What?" I said with frustrated face

"I'm sorry but the kingdom prohibits us going far away " he said to me with a sorry face.

I immediately take back my words and apologize for my reaction and pay for the ride . After the carriage goes back we start walking to a temporary destination called cedar feilds which is full of lowrank monster a a village on the middle of the area. In the middle of our travel we encounter an enemy without the aura, gress start to panic and cast a defensive skill to us. 

"For a newbie this skill is pretty high leveled compared to my sheild , she is really a hero party member huh." I think after seeing her casting skills.

Now my time to show off with this ordinary skills.


"And now taste the power of my blessing."

A sudden prompt : Unlearned Skill Unlocked is shown on my status.

"I knew it , Unlearned skills are created by mind and will only depend how creative you are but does not work on curse since cursed spells are acquired in defeating cursed enitity without using purify and cleanse" 


"Wind Art : Wind strike"

After i cast it a sharp form of wind strike the bull monster but deflected it. 

"Ughh , is it the restrictions of an ordinary blessing?"

As i said but i was wrong. The armored bull's leg was sliced yet healed immediately and i noticed that the aura was start leaking just after we are attacked , and his eyes .... 


Gress suddenly cast a skill and destroyed the bull inside it's armor. I was terrified when i see her dead eyes before it came back to being a pure blue eyes . Something is wrong yet she looks disappointed in my skills.

"With that skill you can't even withstand a slime, peasant" she said and walks away.

"What just happened?" I said as i was confused then i healed my wounds and continues my walk and catch up her. What happened still ticks me but when we arrive at the village she seem to be back to her nornal mood.

"Is it really a good idea to bring her on my travels?" Came to my mind after i see her eyes , dead like the bull's and fierce like the dragon mentioned in the books. But i start to knock it off my head and negotiate with the village chief.

"Traveler , welcome to our village , perhaps are you a trader" says the chief to me.

"Ahh yes , i have some goods here from Phenel's town . " I replied.

The transaction wen smooth and i earned 6000 silvers by selling silk and leather i brought from the town. When i went out i start to notice that many childrens are playing around here and this is a free village . Some kids are playing with gress so i went for a small walk i saw a food vendor ,when suddenly a worried child approach me when i am about to buy a food.

"Oh a two for the child too" i said and the kid seems to be brighten up when i figured out what she meant to say. When the kid got the food , she suddenly ran away . I tried to follow her and i saw her in the alley with a small hut , she gives both her food to her mother and young brother. I approached but a two men suddenly approach and try to bully the kid and ask for debt payment in the family.

The mother said " but my husband paid it off last year before he died " and start crying while the childrens defend her .

I approached and ask to men how much are they're debt but refused to tell me , the child start to speak up but get slapped by the man .


The two man is shocked when they can't move due to the chains i created. 

"What the ? Did you do this?" The tall man said after he dispelled my spell

"What ? You dispelled it? " I said 

" Yes you peasant , we weild the dragon Gods element you fool so you can't defeat us with Curse Spell hahaha , now time for you to die" said by the man in a suit .

"No can do.."


The two men dodge and group together and asked me .

"Do you have the affinity with the God of Wind" said by the man in a suit.

"God of what ? I don't know them , i only worship one in my own w-" i responded yet cut through since I don't want to expose my origins so i won't attract more enemies.

"You talk too much " i said and cast a skill

"I have all of those element you adore, now have a taste of it"

As my rage grew stronger after seeing the family cried. I activated the skill even i don't know.



Bubbles appeared on my mind as all of my elemental magic fused into forming a powerful blast striking the two strangers.

After the blast the two stranger seems to be injured and cast a escape technique and said to me that

"It won't be the last time we will meet" and disappeared.

Gress suddenly appeared in my back and said that she have seen that power long time ago by a summoned hero but i interrupted her so she wouldn't suspect.

" Ah no you must have been mistaken , let's first see the family " 

After the battle i ensured that the family will be safe now since those two henchmen of the dragon god will be after me.

Before the sun sets we take a leave and rent a room for two but gress goes out for a walk and tell me not to follow. Next day will be the continuation of our travel i should let her off a bit.

" I should take some rest"

TO BE CONTINUED .... A secret will be revealed in the next chapter