
Climb: Beyond Ordinary

John is a 27 year old office worker that live an ordinary life until he was summoned to another world along with the chosen heroes . after being identified as a peasant , he was banished from the castle with some gold as a compensation and became laughingstock of the King. Forced to live as a commoner , john decided to embark an adventure to find the mysteries of this world while climbing the ranks of most powerful entity of this world with his commoner skills, hoping comeback on his world and protect the innocent people.

PanDeSall · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: Secrets

The sun shine bright again, gress is sleeping and i woke up earlier than her. Upon seing her face i didn't realize i was sleeping with a beautiful girl on my side with a minimal sadistic side, still her past is still a mystery to me.

While there is time , i took a strool outside and visit the shops. first is the blacksmith , blacksmiths in this village are very talented and open to visitors even i am just taking some look to their product the master took a liking on me and decide to teach me the basics of it.

"Child, are you gonna stay here for a week ?" The grandmaster smith says to me.

"No , i'm just taking a stroll perhaps this after we're gonna leave for the neighboring kingdom it would take days so i wanna relax for a bit" i responded

The Grandmaster said again " Do you mind if i reach you some smithing skills, while you are talking i perform advance appraisal to you and i found that you have a hidden skill in smithing and you a fast learning skill which is the adapt which makes you easier to teach with a few practice "

Appraisal? Good to know someone have those other than the summoned heroes. and it is also advance compared to mine it can see through my skill board and locked skills

"Then i shall accept your lesson master" i said , i don't want to miss this opportunity to unlock new skills that may help me with my trade.

The Grandmaster show me how to smith a sword ,from melting the iron, sharpening the blade and many more processed. As i watch my [ADAPT] skills are active and i easily learned the process, thanks to the grandmaster smith although i felt bad that they learn this for their whole life and i just learned it in 3 hours by watching.

"My child , i am not angry about you learning my skills in a short time . I am truly glad that i can pass this to you" the grand smith tells me like he sees through me.

"How did you know master?" I said 

"I live a long life , teach other smiths and some people who have the same skill to you. You have a lonv life ahead of you child , cherish it , protect the innocent. I've see that you have a long road ahead of you but beware that you may get betrayed sooner than i expected" he responded to me

The shop felt silent and i continue to adapt and practice smithing and after an hours of try , i finally my first:

Acquired: KATANA (ordinary)

New Skill Unlocked: Basic Smithing Skill , Smithing Spell

The skill board shows and prompt me this , my old sword have sentimental value to me so kept it in my Storage skill ,after my training i bid farewell to my master.

"Master , it's time for me to go back " i said 

The master took a box of scrools and a gem that can be forged in my sword to make it powerful.

The master secretly tells me " Forge this now and go , i sense that this village will soon turn to ashes"

I followed my master orders and used my skills to combine the gem and my sword and it does make it powerfull giving it a skill , a new color and boosted stats although i refused to leave and decided to stay in the village to protect it.

I came back in the inn but gress is not there. 

This village is full of secrets that i don't wanna know but i will take my master's word and protect this village .

After leaving the in , i took a walk in the alley and see gress talking to someone.

"The Peasant hero is here and i sensed that he have the Gem we needed in this village , the heroes can take the other gem so we have no use for the peasant , by the order of the king and the Dragon God , Burn this Village" she said to a girl in a royal maid outfit.

After their conversation end , i confronted her with saddened face.

"I've trusted you" i said. Yet i receive no response.

"Why ? Why take the villagers home ? Aren't you friends with those kids?" I said.

I finally received a response and she said " friends! I don't have no friend , i am the dragon's servant this will be the end for you peasant . HAHAHAH"

"The shadows are here, oh my beloved prince is waiting for me too , he will shower me praises of love " gress added as the sky darkens

One secret has been revealed to me yet i didn't feel any remorse to her , is it because i was betrayed a lot of person before? Yes maybe but i want to be optimistic in this situation and i must protect this village at any cost.

I left her as she laughed and make my preparations , WAR IS COMING.