
Kang ji song

today the girls I had made me bored so I made it into a candy store to keep my mood.cuz my grandfather had recently rattledme again with his mouth saying that all I knew was girls and when I got into the candy store surprisingly the person at the counter was a very beautiful lady and I had this feeling I had never had before like when your heartbeats surprisingly very fast and I looked at the girl and thought that maybe she was not from a well-to-do family like I am or else she won't be at the counter working at a convenience store and I knew that this was the perfect girl that I could take as a girlfriend to my grandfather's wedding that I was attend.

ha-eun pov

I almost screamed I quickly replied rich guy hey are you talking to me I mean Kang ji song are you talking to me then he said of course who else am I talking to then I shouted getting my hair in my eyes 500 thousand won that will help me a lot I was so happy then I suspiciously asked well when is this your grandfather's wedding he said next 2 weeks then I said next two weeks next week is my exams then of course I can make it but you can't go back on your promise you have to pay me the money he then said of course do I look like someone short on money then I said definitely you do not. then I thought this guy sure waste a lot of money spending that huge amount of money just to find a girl to accompany him. well then I shook his hand saying nice doing corporation with you then he took my phone number and said I will call you so I should tell you where to meet me I replied ok thanks.