
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 23: Mission (1)

Time flew by like water.

Six months had passed in the blink of an eye and dozens of different assassination missions had been accomplished. Everyone in the group had at least once taken a leadership role and led the mission. The good thing was that everyone was a genius.

No one failed.

But if asked who had the greatest achievement, everyone would point to Noah without hesitation. Noah may not have been the team's strongest in terms of individual strength, but his leadership skills eclipsed Alexander.

Even the weakest became the most dangerous weapons under his command.

Natasha, too, won the trainers' admiration for her diligence and composure. She was right behind Noah and Alexander in leadership. It wasn't that she lacked talent. Only Alexander and Noah were ridiculously talented.

Alexander specialized in strategy, while Noah specialized in tactics. When the two combined their genius, the result was a perfect plan.

Graham stood out for sheer strength, Natasha for stealth and the others for a wide range of skills. It would not be wrong to say that they all had their own specialty.

The sun had barely risen when Alexander and Noah were exchanging punches in the training room. Noah's fists coiled like snakes, landing in vital spots. He was striking so fast that the average person wouldn't even see him move.

In time, Noah had opened his fourth acupuncture. With his mastery of the Silver Silk Road, he could kill warriors of the fifth level. After all, he was a monster made for killing. He was learning more in a year than a human could learn in a lifetime.

Alexander was not much different. He had changed completely since he started working for The Rise of Asura. Whereas before he used to smile more around Noah, now there was no emotion on his face.

He attacked Noah's pressure points with his palms and fingers, moving like a swan. The battle between them was not much different from an ordinary level four battle. Fists and elbows collided with each other. Tough sounds echoed in the room.

Noah hit Alexander's diaphragm with his elbow and bent his knees into a crouch. At the same time, he lunged for his groin and attacked his throat with his other hand. Each attack was lethal. If Alexander had taken one of them, he would have been paralyzed or killed.

Fortunately, nothing like that happened. Alexander took a step back and stepped out of Noah's reach. At the same time he threw a kick that knocked Noah to the ground.

Even though the narration took so long, everything happened in a split second.

Noah felt his world spinning.

"It's not that hard to follow your moves. You are practicing a fighting system, so your moves are easy to predict. You have to think outside the box."

"I didn't expect the difference between us to be so great."

"Our specialties are very different. You can't win against me at close range because you specialize in control. It's like putting a lion in water."

Alexander held out his hand to Noah.

"I'm the big one. Hpmh, next time let's fight in the jungle."

Noah grabbed Alexander's calloused hand in reproach and let him lift him up. They were both sweating so much that their clothes revealed their curves. They were almost sixteen years old. Years of hard training had turned their bodies into fighting machines.

Noah was tall and had well-proportioned muscles. His shoulders were broad and his waist thin. His forearm muscles and chest were well-developed. He was not a mass of muscle like Graham, but he was not as shapely as Alexander.

Alexander, on the other hand, was well-developed from years of a deadly training program. His arm muscles were like a horse's legs. His milky white chest was covered with dark sword and gun wounds. But his chest was also well developed. It would not be wrong to say that his physique was perfect.

The first day he met Sah Chakra, his life changed completely. Sah Chakra served as a bridge between the swords in his hands and his body. Each of his attacks contained a high percentage of Sah Chakra, making him dangerous even at his weakest.

It would not be wrong to say that the Sah Chakra had recreated his body. Even his disproportionately developed physique had evolved to perfection by the next day. Every fiber of muscle was full of infinite potential. Neither Noah nor Graham could match him in this regard.

Alexander and Noah were exchanging ideas when one of the short instructors entered the room. The two stopped talking and suddenly jumped to their feet.

"Alexander salutes Instructor Vinmoore."

"Noah greets Instructor Vinmoore."

Instructor Vinmoore was one of the main instructors of the Deadly Training Program. They were instructors of poison use and alchemy. He taught how to make poisons and various potions that would be useful to an assassin.

Vinmoore gave them a look.

"There is a mission for Alexander."

Alexander had only just noticed the scroll Vinmoore was holding.

"Chancellor of Aldmoor? Isn't that a very high-level mission?"

Alexander frowned involuntarily as he looked at the details of the mission. Aldmoor was a small kingdom to the west of Elysium. Though its territory was not vast, it was one of Elysium's middling forces and was known for its brave knights.

"Your target this time is the People's Representative Draegan Roseberg. Aldmoor is governed by a congress called the 'Round Table'. Draegan Roseberg is the only chancellor who represents the people."

"Why does he have to die?"

As a hound dog, he was normally forbidden to question his master, but as the best student, he had certain privileges. So Vinmoore could only sigh.

"A rebellion has broken out in the back streets of Aldmoor. The congress is in big trouble, the knightly order is about to collapse. The people are very unhappy with Draegan Roseberg, who represents them in the assembly. His death will calm them down."

"Got it."

The reason was not very important. With no chance to refuse the assignment, he skimmed the details. Draegan Roseberg was a troubled name. He was connected to the upper echelons of a large kingdom a hundred kilometers east of Aldmoor.

The Roseberg dynasty to which he belonged was also very influential. It was a marquis-level dynasty of the Anruin Empire. Although Draegan was a member of House Roseberg, he was exiled to Aldmoor because of his lack of talent.

It was known to be on the fifth level.

"I accept the mission."

"Good, you will leave tonight. You can get what you need from the mission depot. Aldmoor is a week away. I hope you succeed."

"Thank you, sir."