
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

DonPablos · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 22: The Rise of Asura

"The energy in my body reacted with The Rise of Asura..."

There could be two reasons for this. Either this technique had been created for him and was waiting for its owner, or it had the same origin as a technique he had already learned. Alexander thought. He had learned many techniques and they all had similar roots. Which one or one of them could have caused this technique to react?

He thought for a while but soon let it go.

It would take a long time to find the answer.

"It will take a lot of skill to wield the six swords. I wonder what it says in The Rise of Asura..."

He opened the booklet and looked through the contents. It was a very detailed manual. It started with a technique that would allow him to use all six katanas at the same time and introduced a section called Asura Katana Training.

It was divided into many different chapters and dealt with various sword techniques.

Alexander took the booklet and the six katanas and left the hall. There was no point in staying here any longer.


"Is this your weapon of choice?"

The shadow was waiting for him outside. When he saw the six katanas he carried in his arms, his eyes opened wide and he shivered involuntarily. He didn't remember such a set of swords being placed in the weapons hall. Where had this boy gotten it?

"Yes, sir."

When Alexander replied respectfully, Shadow could say nothing. After dropping her off in her room, he said nothing more and left. He was as cold as ever.

"Why are you grinning like a cooked head? Did something good happen? Did you kill Graham and the others?"

Noah was building a tower of silver wire when his eyes fell on Alexander, who had entered the room. He was practicing a technique called the Silver Silk Road, which allowed him to control the Silver Silk. His Shadow Weapon, like Alexander's, had been taken from storage.

"Don't you see these? I've finally found myself a suitable weapon."

"These are..."

Noah looked at the six katanas with a strange expression. It was difficult to control one sword skillfully. Those who could control two swords were praised by all of Elysium. Three swords were impossible and six was sheer stupidity. Was this the weapon Alexander had chosen?

"You're jeopardizing your future Alex, this is not something you can take lightly. It will be very difficult after your muscles are shaped. It will cost you a lot of time."

"You don't have to worry. I know what I'm doing."

Alexander moved his body after placing the katanas on his body. He had to open at least his fifth acupuncture to be considered a Shadow Priest. When he did, he would be able to breathe at the same time as the world and benefit from all its powers.

"Are you sure?"

Noah was worried about him.

Alexander looked at her worried face and laughed.

"How many times do I have to repeat? I'm going to practice."

"Can't you get some rest? We were thinking of celebrating our success in the mission."

"Have fun, I'm going to practice."

Alexander hopped into the development room and began to try out the swords. He drew the swords hanging on either side of his waist and started swinging. The sword fit perfectly in his hand, his lithe build made him perfect for slicing through things.

He started swinging his sword rapidly. He tried a few techniques he had learned earlier with these swords. It was not too difficult for him to control the two swords. But it would take him a long time to get used to fighting with these swords.

He swung the sword until it was in his hand, then sheathed the swords and suddenly drew the other swords strung in an 'X' on his back. These swords were slightly longer than the swords on his waist. Controlling them required more effort and attention.

"It will take me years to learn how to use this weapon."

The ultimate form mentioned in The Rise of Asura was to wield all six swords simultaneously. It would take a very long time to reach this level.

"I don't need to hurry. If I can learn about The Rise of Asura, I can counter Noah's Silver Silk Road."

Although Alexander had some confidence now that he was at the second level, he didn't think he could stand up to Noah. In one-on-one combat, Alexander might be strong, but in strategic warfare, Noah was the strongest. Even if everyone in the group attacked, he could lose to him.

Of course, this was in a place like the jungle.

Alexander envied that power. Strategic skills like Noah's were exactly what he needed. Silver Silk was one of the best weapons for an assassin.

Alexander opened the booklet and started reading the first chapter.

"Sah Chakra?"

In the first chapter, he talked about the need for a special kind of energy to unleash the true power of swords. This energy was the Sah Chakra, an energy that had never been heard of before. Chakra was the type of energy used by the vast majority of assassins.

It was not so difficult to attain and could only be maximized by those who were in touch with the laws of nature. The Sah Chakra seemed to be a type of chakra. There were good things about this energy that was completely foreign to him.

And that was because it was like Shadow Energy.

Alexander and almost all Shadow Priests did not convert all the Qi in their bodies into Shadow Energy. Instead, they created acupuncture vortices that allowed them to create Shadow Energy.

So they would have both Qi and Shadow Energy.

Of course, not all energies could be sustained in the body at the same time. Antagonistic energies would interfere with each other and as a result would tear the body apart. Therefore, energies that supported each other or did not interfere could exist at the same time.

The Sah Chakra was suitable for all kinds of energies.

Alexander involuntarily frowned as he learned more about the Sah Chakra. He closed his eyes and channeled his Qi into his Spirit Seal as it was written in the diagram in the booklet. After a few seconds he suddenly opened his eyes and groaned.

Every grain of Qi he sent to the Spirit Seal was transformed into a red-colored energy. The energy was very different from Qi. It was certainly stronger than it, but it had no qualities. It was just formless, wild, and ruthless like a tyrant.

As Alexander tried to channel the red energy, a sudden wave of pain shot through his body.


Alexander's world suddenly went black.

Huge amounts of Sah Chakra wrapped his whole body like a cocoon.

Dedicated to Daoistw9BpEt....

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