

"What the fuck?"

"How are you doing that? Is that a magic trick? Let me see." said Andrew before moving his hand around the keys to check for a string.

"Holy shit, there's no strings." he said with a look of absolute disbelief on his face.

"Bullshit, let me see those." replied Steve while reaching out for the keys. Which I promptly moved away.

"What the hell?!" x2

"I told you, I have telekinesis. I wasn't lying."

"But, how?" questioned Andrew.

"I already told you guys it has to be the alien. I haven't been exposed to anything abnormal besides that. Also, we all were there so that means you guys probably have the same thing. That's why I wanted to talk to you guys." I answered. There was one other thing I wanted to tell them, but it could wait for later.

"So you think the alien gave you, us that power?" questioned Steve clearly in disbelief.

"Trust me I had that same look on my face when I found out and yes, I do."

"We need to go check it out. Maybe it's alive and we can talk to it." interjected Andrew.

"I don't think that's such a great idea Andrew."

"Why?" questioned Steve puzzled at my rejection.

"Think about it. First off, it's an alien. That alone should be enough but I know it won't be enough to convince either of you. Secondly, it gave us, or at least me, these powers. That means the alien is from a civilization or race that is so much more advanced than ours that it's unbelievable.

We don't know how it will react to seeing us for the second time. Maybe its plan was to lure us back and kill us for sustenance. Either way, I think we should hold off on going to see it until we've got a better plan." I answered.

And logically it all made sense. If you knew there was an alien that could give powers, would you really rush towards an uncertain future or would you come up with a plan that's at least a little reassuring?

"Fine, you're right. We should probably wait. Anyways, let's go to my house to check if Andrew and I have powers. My parents aren't home so we'll be fine." said Steve impatient to see if he had powers like mine.

"Yeah, come on let's go, Matt." Andrew added on as impatient as Steve.

"Alright, alright, I know you're impatient." I said before driving off to Steve's house.


Now in Steve's room.

"Okay, let's start small. First, try to move the pen." I said to both of them before placing two pens in front of each of them.

"Okay, I got this. I can do this." said Steve hyping himself up before focusing on the pen.

Andrew didn't say anything and was already trying to move the pen.

"Remember, first try to move it. Don't try to lift it." I advised both of them. "And if you have to, use your hands like in Star Wars. I think it helps channel your abilities easier."

"Okay, no hands isn't working so let me try using my hands." thought Steve out loud.

"I did it! I saw it move!" yelled Andrew clearly excited at the prospect of being superpowered.

"No way! Let me see! Do it again! How'd you get it before me?"

"I don't know, I just felt something in my head and then the pen moved a little. Look." said Andrew before demonstrating again. And then the pen moved a little.

"See, I told you. Holy shit. I actually have powers." said Andrew in disbelief while staring at his hands.

"Nice job, Andrew. But remember to do it in moderation. I overdid it at first and I got a nosebleed. Also, remember to train it every day. It seems as if our powers work like a muscle, the more we train them, the stronger it gets. Whether there is a cap or not is something I don't know yet, but eventually, we will figure it out." I said letting them know of the limitations of our powers.

"Wait, how do you know our powers are like a muscle?" questioned Steve.

"Yesterday, after finding out I had powers I couldn't even lift a textbook. Today in the morning, I could lift the textbook with some difficulty. Unless our powers are experiencing a natural growth, I'm working off the assumption they're like muscles." I answered.

"That's kinda cool. I wonder if we'll be able to fly eventually." wondered Andrew out loud.

"Maybe, but first Steve has to lift a pen." I joked.

"Haha, real funny. Just give me a minute." he said before focusing on the pen again. And after a minute, he moved it. "I did it! HAHA! Awesome!"

"Well boys, I guess we're superheroes now."

"Yeah right, I wish though." said Andrew lost in thought at the idea of being a superhero.

"Really? You want to be a superhero? Never pegged you for the superhero type." said Steve.

"I don't know. Something about helping those in need and trying to make the world a better place always seemed like fiction. But maybe now that I, we, have these powers we could actually do something like that."

Seeing Andrew have those types of thoughts, really set in how much damage Richard did to him.

"Maybe one day Andrew. But for now, we need to keep all this secret and we have to set some rules to keep all of us in check." I said.

"Rules? Like what?" questioned Steve.

"Rules like no using our powers in public. If the government or any bad people catch wind of what we can do, we will be taken and experimented on."

"Okay, I agree with that one. I have too much to look forward to, to be experimented on." joked Steve.

"Good, second rule would be not to use our powers on living things, unless absolutely necessary. I know it's naive to say never to use them because there might be circumstances where we're forced to. But only if the situation truly calls for it, should we use our powers on living things." I said extremely seriously while looking at both Steve and Andrew nod.

"And last of all, if any one of us were to one day go rogue, the other two will hunt them down."

"What?!" x2

"What do you mean hunt them down?! You think any of us would do something like that?" yelled Steve while standing up.

"Hold your horses, Steve. This is a last resort. Because in case you didn't notice, we got these powers from an alien. That we know frighteningly little about. We don't know if one day these powers will corrupt us. If god forbid, the day comes when one of us uses our powers for selfish or evil reasons, the other two will put them down.

We have no idea to what level our powers will grow, and if they get to the levels I'm thinking of, we are walking nuclear deterrents. The havoc and destruction we will be capable of will be too much for us to be left unchecked."

I don't think anything will ever happen, for us to resort to hunting one of us down. But I'd rather be safe than sorry. Especially considering that there might be some dormant virus lying in wait for us to grow our powers before activating. I don't want to take any chances.

"I agree." said Andrew after a minute of silence.

"Me too." said Steve.

"Good, I doubt it'll ever come to it but you never know. And also there is one more thing I want to tell you guys." I said bringing up the other reason for asking them to meet with me today.

"Something else? Don't tell me you actually did find the cure for cancer?" joked Steve.

"Haha. Not yet. No, the other thing I wanted to tell you guys about is that I'm leaving in a week or so." I said.

"Leaving? Where to?" questioned Andrew

"I don't know yet. I want to travel the world helping people with my medical skills for a while before I decide to settle down someplace. I'm thinking I'll head to New York first, and who knows after that."

"Whoa. If I'm being honest, I forget you're actually the youngest doctor ever." said Steve baffled at what I said.

"Trust me, I forget sometimes too. But I'll be back to visit at least once a month from wherever I am. And even if I'm not back, you guys can call or text me anytime."

"That sounds cool, Matt. It'll be sad to see you go, but I'm glad you're happy." said Andrew.

"Yeah, I really am."

Twenty-first chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts