
Chronicles of a Telekinetic with a Group Chat (Archive)

You wake up as Matt Garetty the day you get your powers. Oh, and you have a group chat. What do you do? Go. (Currently on Hiatus) ----------------------------------------------------------------- (Daily chapter, but subject to change.) https://www.royalroad.com/profile/246535/fictions https://www.fanfiction.net/u/15132842/ https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97664/rubberpeen/ Hello, everyone! This is my first try at fanfiction so forgive my rookieness. Also, kudos to you if you understand that reference from the synopsis. So, I recently watched Chronicle and I remembered how much I like it. I've also wanted to try fanfiction writing for a while now so I thought why not go for it. Chronicle is a small storyline overall so I decided to do something a little different with it, you'll have to read and wait to see. Also, this is more for my self-enjoyment than anything so sorry if you don't like it. As for romance, I'm not confident enough in my writing in general much less romance. I'll definitely keep it in mind, but it'll be a slow romance if at all. No harem, but MC will probably sleep around. Only one romance partner though, in the end. Obligatory notice of me not owning anything.

RubberPeen · ภาพยนตร์
103 Chs


'World Merge?'

[World Merge]

- Allows user to merge a random amount of worlds with user's main world

- User can set criteria for worlds to be merged

- Can be used with other items

'Holy shit. I can merge other worlds with mine. Does that mean I can merge my world with DC or Marvel?'

[The criteria chosen by admin will be used to randomly select worlds that primarily take place on Earth]

'Interesting. Well, I definitely don't want my main world to become full of super powers or the supernatural. I can world travel if I want to experience that. I need to think about this a little more. Let me look at my other rewards.'

[Random Item Token]

- Grants user a random item from any category

- Better items have less chance of appearing

[Rare Item Voucher]

- Allows user to pick one item from the Rare category and below free of charge

'Two free items and I can pick one of them! This mission is awesome! The 1000 points aren't anything to scoff at either but they can't even be compared to the others.

I'll use the items first before I invite the other members. I wonder who I'll meet?'

[Would admin like to use Random Item Token?]


[You have received]

- Omega-1 Nanite

'Omega-1 Nanite? What is that? I know what nanites are, but I don't know what an Omega-1 Nanite is.'

[Omega-1 Nanite]

- A large, silver nanite, also known as the Control Nanite, allows for the user to become an EVO, an Exponentially Variegated Organism

- Controls the active nanites within the users bodies and allows for the creation and manipulation of nanites

- Originates from the Generator Rex Universe

'I remember now. Generator Rex is the show where the MC is able to create weapons from the nanites in his body. I don't remember much of the show besides the basic premise though. I like the item, but I don't know how I feel about becoming infected with nanites. It creates a weakness that anyone with technopathy would be able to exploit. On the other hand, it is incredibly useful. It also makes up for the physical aspect of my abilities. I'll use it, but I wonder if I can discard abilities once I've used them?'

[Members are able to discard abilities they have accepted. However, once discarded, the member has to re-receive it as a reward or buy it again.]

'That's good then. I have no qualms about using it now. As for the voucher, I don't particularly have anything I urgently need so I'll save it for later. Let me accept the nanite.'

[Does member wish to accept Omega-1 Nanite?]


A flash of light is all I remember before I passed out.


'Ugh, again. I've passed out more in two weeks than I have my entire last life. Status.'


Name: Matt Garetty

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Mutate (Expand)

Bloodline: N/A

Age: 18

Title: N/A

DGC Pts: 1,000


Character Tokens

- Dr. Gregory House (Expand)


- Telekinesis

- Omega-1 Nanite (Expand)



- ~$100,000 USD

- Rare Item Voucher

- World Merge

'It says expand on Race now. I'm assuming that's because I'm an EVO.'

Race: Human/Mutate (EVO)

'I guess the DGC counts EVO as being a mutate as well. That makes sense considering mutate is just a person who got superpowers through other means. Okay now let's check out what the Nanite gives me.'

[Omega-1 Nanite]

- Enhanced EVO Curing, Machine Manifestation, Nanite Communication, Enhanced Technopathy, Enhanced Condition, Mid-Low Regeneration, Unlimited Nanite Creation, Extrasensory Perception, Reactive Evolution

'Nice! I don't need weapons now, I can just make them from my nanites. I need to see if Generator Rex exists in this world so I can take some inspiration from there. The only things I remember him making are fists, a cannon, a sword, and a jetpack. I have to say this item is extremely versatile. It covers up a lot of weak points.

Okay, I want to save the voucher for a rainy day but I need to get [Background Creation] so I can use it with the World Merge.'

I picked up my phone and went to check the Shop. Lo and behold, my luck is here.

Daily Deals - 50% off!

- Background Creation - 1,000 pts

- Iron Man Armor Mk. 2 - 40,000 pts

- Gale-Force Reading Glasses 32x - 2,000 pts

'Lady Luck is shining down on me today.'

[Purchase Background Creation?]


[Item Purchased]

'Good. Now I just need to think about how I want to use the World Merge. As cool as it would be to merge with a world like DC or Marvel, it would be too dangerous. If I want danger, I can always wait for a mission or just world travel. I'd rather my world stay normal, or at least as normal as it can be with aliens. Okay, I've decided on the criteria I want to choose.'

With that, I navigated to my inventory on my phone and was about to click on the World Merge item.

'Wait, if I use Background Creation and World Merge, does that mean the memories I made with my friends and family will be wiped out? What about Steve and Andrew's telekinesis?'

[The Background Creation user has purchased does not change reality in a major way]

'So, if I wanted to give myself the background of a genius that finished undergrad, medical school, residency, and is board certified before I turned 18, what would change?'

[All the necessary legal documents to ensure that background comes to fruition would be created. There would be no major changes otherwise, besides some minor memory alteration.]

'So anybody that would be witness to my background, if it were real, would have their memory altered to make it seem like it all actually happened?'


'That's good. Okay, time to do this.'

Pressing on the World Merge item, time stopped.

[World Merge Activated]

[Select criteria for World Merge]

'Sitcoms and slice-of-life anime. Nothing with superpowers or anything supernatural.'


[Compatible item, Backgroud Creation, detected. Would user like to use it now?]


[Please state the background user would like]

'I want my background to be one of a genius that finished undergrad, medical school, residency, and is board certified by the time I turned 18.'


[World Merge Commencing]

Twelfth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

As you can see, I'm done with the setup for the future. I wanted my MC to be able to interact with more characters from different shows, both sitcoms and anime. I think it adds another layer of interesting, IMO. But I can see that some people won't be happy with it, so I say once again thank you for your support thus far. To everyone else, this is where the fun begins.

Also let me know what you think about the Omega-1 Nanite. Always loved generator rex.

Also, not my best written chapter, I was kind of sleep deprived when I wrote this. (●'◡'●)

RubberPeencreators' thoughts