

Will your father's sword choose you? The War of Three Brothers, which took place ten years ago, changed the unknown fate of Rhivenia. The Sword chose Prince Charles to rule; however, his brothers dared to go against its choice. Prince Charles gained victory over his brothers, who were the victims of their greed. Executing all the traitors, he strengthened his reign and became the rightful king of three kingdoms. He's been living a peaceful life with his two wives and four children until an unexpected enemy shows up.

AARON_Amah · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


You've finally returned to the castle after a long trip. The gates slowly open as you and your siblings ride inside the walls, following your father.

Once inside, you're greeted by Queen Isabelle and an unfamiliar man. You eye him curiously, noticing the similarity between him and the queen. They both have red hair and brown eyes.

"Uncle Matteo!" Richard speaks in delight, dismounting his horse to make his way to the man. It confirms your suspicion; he's the brother of Queen Isabelle.

"Richard!" Matteo grins, pulling his nephew into a hug. "You're a grown man now."

"So are you." Your half-brother chuckles. "I can't believe it's been eight years already. Where have you been?"

"I was busy." Matteo shrugs. Spotting your older sister, he changes the subject quickly, "Atheris! I remember you."

"I remember you as well, unfortunately," Atheris replies and dismounts her horse. Matteo's face becomes more serious as he hears the annoyance in your sister's voice.

"Matteo brought gifts for you," Queen Isabelle says, trying to ease the tension. Freya's and Richard's faces light up at the mention of gifts, but Atheris seems unexcited.

You wonder where your mother is."I learned some information about each of you before buying your gifts," Matteo explains, rubbing his hands together nervously. He clears his throat and grabs one of the packages before turning to Freya. "This one is for you. I've heard that you love painting, so I think you will like this."

"Thank you," your sister says shyly, taking the gift from him. Her mouth curves into a smile as she studies the package, already knowing what's inside.

"Alright," he says, grabbing another package and handing it to you. "This is for you, Amah.Thank you, Matteo," you say politely and take the gift, unwrapping the bundle while your siblings watch.

"It's a sword decorated with blue crystals," Matteo says quickly. "Well, the crystals are not the same as the ones in the throne, but still, I think they look amazing."

You finally unwrap the bundle fully and throw it aside, uncovering the sword. He's right, you realize. The blue crystals that decorate the blade look fascinating, though they don't shine like those on the throne.

"Sir Arnold said you're more interested in swords," he adds nervously. "I hope you like it.""I love it," you say, and his face breaks into a huge smile. He lets out a sigh of relief and draws attention to the next gift.After giving the presents to the heirs, Matteo sits on the couch with a tired sigh, then smiles in satisfaction as they admire their gifts.

Richard's gift is a black necklace with a small golden wolf. It's the symbol of Poleria, the place his mother and uncle grew up. He has always been interested in Polerians and their traditions.

Atheris's present is a book that includes stories about Queen Maerisa and her people. Judging by the faint smile on her face, she's pleased with the gift. There's only one book about the Queen of Velerans in the library, which you think Atheris has already read many times. Now she has a new one.

Freya's been smiling widely, staring at the various brushes Matteo bought for her. You know she will spend every day painting new things with them."How long will you stay?" Richard asks, seating himself beside his uncle.

"A few months, perhaps?" Matteo responds. "I'm not certain. Poleria bores me." He chuckles. "Maybe I should stay here forever."

"You should." Your half-brother nods eagerly. "We can go riding and hunting. We can even spar together. I can teach you some tricks."

"Excuse me, but I already have excellent skills." Matteo squints his eyes at him.

"I bet even Amah can beat you," Richard playfully taunts."Yes." You grin. "I can beat everyone in this room."

Atheris snorts. "I'd like to see you try, brother."

"You can't beat me, Amah." Richard smiles, but there's no amusement in his tone. As he realizes how serious he sounds, he quickly adds, "However, you can kick my uncle's ass in a second."

"With all due respect, I'm eleven years older than Amah." Matteo glares at him playfully. "He doesn't have a chance against me."

"You really are an old man," Atheris says, smiling teasingly.

Matteo clicks his tongue. "That's impolite."

You learn a lot about Matteo during your conversation. He tells you how he trained himself and gained the title The Winner of Tournaments. Despite being one of the strongest warriors of Poleria, he has never asked to be knighted. He thinks being a knight is a huge responsibility, and he never wishes to carry it.

"All I want is to drink, sleep, and travel forever," Matteo says wistfully, taking a sip of his beer. "Besides, if I were knighted, I would be forced to stay in Poleria and join the army."

"You could drink and sleep all you want on your farm." Atheris cocks her head. Everyone knows that Queen Isabelle and Matteo are from a farmer's family. They used to live with their father until she married Charles and became the queen.

"After my father's death, I felt lonely at our farm. It was difficult for me to stay." His eyes seem saddened for a moment—then he shakes his sadness away and smiles. "I'm lucky because my sister is the queen of Rhivenia. Without her, I would live a poor life."

"Yes, I'm the one who keeps you well-fed and healthy." Isabelle shoves her brother lightly.

"I'm not a horse." Matteo gulps down his drink, glaring at his sister playfully. Yawning, he rests his head on the queen's shoulder.

"I think we should leave," Richard says, noticing his uncle's tired eyes. "He needs to sleep."

"Let him rest." Isabelle nods. "He has been riding for two days."

"Three," he mumbles, closing his eyes.You and your sisters walk out of the room, leaving Matteo alone with his sister and nephew. You can hear their muffled conversation as you walk through the corridor, but their voices are not clear enough for you to understand the words.

"Matteo is nice," Freya says. "I like him."

"I appreciate his gifts, but I don't trust him," replies Atheris. "Buying gifts, making jokes…I feel like he's trying to manipulate us."

"You trust no one, Atheris," your sister groans, rolling her eyes."I think he's a nice man," you add, agreeing with Freya. "He doesn't seem to have bad intentions."

"He knows almost everything about us, Amah," Atheris points out, shifting her gaze from you to Freya. "Didn't you see the presents he bought? We're not his blood. Why is he interested in us?"

"Maybe he wants to earn our respect and love." Freya shrugs. "He mentioned that he feels alone. He wants to build friendships with us."

Atheris sighs and shakes her head but doesn't argue any further.You walk into your room after a long day and hang your sword on the wall, taking a step back to admire it. The weapon fits your room perfectly. It doesn't look empty and boring anymore, but it still needs more decorations.

After you finish admiring your gift, you flop onto the bed and lie motionless, too tired to move a muscle.

You fall asleep as soon as you close your eyes

The following morning…

You and your siblings walk into Gerard's room for the new lesson; however, the adviser lifts a hand and stops you all before you can take your seats. He smiles and clasps his hands behind his back.

"Today, I will not talk," he says. "I will show."

"Show what?" Atheris asks.

"I have the king's permission to take you on a small trip," the adviser explains. "We're going to Ozgar Hill."

Gerard once said you could admire the whole city from the top of Ozgar Hill. Since only heirs over the age of thirteen can leave the castle, you can't yet visit the city. At least you will find out what it looks like from above.

Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Asinea…

King Oliver is sitting on his throne, brows wrinkled and jaw set. He brushes his fingers through his beard subconsciously, staring off into space.

"Father?" His son walks into the throne room. "I was informed you're preparing to leave for Rhivenia."

"Yes, Xavier," the king answers, pinning his gaze on his son. "I will take you with me."

Xavier's dark brown eyes shine with excitement. Seeing Rhivenia is one of his dreams, and thanks to his father, it will become a reality soon. However, a matter troubles him.

"What about Lena?" asks the prince. King Oliver constantly ignores the fact that he has a daughter.

"Your sister will stay here," the king declares. "Her presence is not needed."

"But isn't she supposed to attend all political meetings?" Xavier frowns thoughtfully. "She's the first heir to the throne."

"She might be my firstborn child," King Oliver concedes, pausing for a moment, "but I choose you to be my successor and you know that."

Xavier begrudgingly lowers his head in deference as his frown deepens. It's not fair, he thinks. Lena is the firstborn child; she should be the one who takes the throne after their father's death. However, he doesn't bother speaking his thoughts, knowing that the king's decision is final.

He hopes Lena will forgive their father for this.

In Ozgar Hill…

After several minutes of riding, you've finally reached Ozgar Hill. Gerard warns you to be careful with every step you take; no one can save you if you slip and fall.

He dismounts his horse and stands on the peak of the hill. "Come closer and take a look." He pauses, giving you and your siblings a stern look. "As I said, be careful."

"After you, Atheris." Richard grins at her, gesturing ahead of him with one hand.

"So you can push me to my death? No, thank you," she scoffs, rolling her eyes at him.

"Come on now," Gerard insists, beginning to lose his patience. Atheris huffs and walks away until she stands beside the adviser on the end side of the hill. "Oh, and be aware of snakes."

"Snakes?!" Freya squeaks Looking down, you find many houses and buildings below. It's not a breathtaking sight, but still, it reminds you that there's a life outside of the castle walls. Thousands of people live in those houses, pouring their hopes into the ones in the castle.

Your siblings are unfazed since they are old enough to visit the city, but all of this is new to you. There are so many people you've yet to meet, so many places to explore outside the walls.

Gerard points to the west and says, "As you ride to the west, the weather will get colder and colder until you finally reach the castle of House Everan. Don't be fooled by the summer, it's probably snowing in Whistlerock."

He moves his finger to the east. "And this is where Asineans live. Unlike Everans, they are used to the warm weather. I doubt any of them could survive in the West."

"King Oliver and his children will visit us soon, right?" Richard asks the adviser. "What will they come for?"

"Your father questions their loyalty," Gerard answers. "Now that Lord Raleigh is dead and Lord Daemir is the ruler of Everans, King Oliver may be trying to manipulate him."

"But why does he think that?" Atheris asks as she frowns.

"I don't know, Princess Atheris. Even though I'm your father's adviser, he never truly tells me what he thinks." Gerard sighs. "Lord Daemir is young and inexperienced, so my theory is King Oliver may want to take advantage of this situation."

"Lord Daemir is the same age as me and Atheris," Richard points out. "I wouldn't call him young and inexperienced."

"We will see what kind of leader he is soon," the adviser concludes, ignoring Richard's objection and closing the subject. "Let's return to the castle.You mount your horse and start following Gerard along with your siblings. It's nice to leave the castle for a while and have fresh air. Hopefully, there will be a chance to visit more—

"Zeus!" you scream when your horse rears with a loud neigh. You grip the reins tightly to avoid being thrown off. On the side of the road, you spot a snake and immediately understand why your horse is scared.

"Amah!" You hear Gerard shouting your name, but you can't see him while you're struggling to stay on top of your horse. You attempt to pat her neck to give her some comfort, but it doesn't work.

Before anyone can come to help you, your arms lose their strength. The reins slip from your hands as Zeus throws you off.

As soon as you hit the ground, everything goes black.

In the castle…

The gates open as Gerard rushes inside with Amah in his arms. "Fetch the healers! He fell from his horse!"

"Amah!" Queen Alvena cries, running towards the adviser and heirs. "What happened to him?!"

"Is he alright?" Isabelle asks. A tone of slight concern seeps into her voice.

"His horse threw him off!" Richard answers. Panic is evident in his voice. "I think he hit his head."

"Where are the healers?" Freya sobs, searching for them desperately. "Save my little brother!"

The healers finally rush out of the castle. One of them takes Amah from the adviser's arms and hurries back inside with the others.

"Gerard, why did you take us there?" Richard gives the adviser a disappointed look. "You knew it was dangerous."

"It's my fault…" Gerard mutters, covering his face with his hands.

In your room…

You feel someone wrapping something around your head. You're too tired to open your eyes, let alone object. There's a sharp pain in the back of your head.

"Will he be alright?" You hear your mother's muffled voice. It sounds like she's far away, but somehow you feel her standing next to you.

"Yes, he will wake up soon," a man says. You don't recognize his voice. "We're lucky he didn't hit his head hard. Stay here with him. We will make a medical drink for his pain."

You hear someone leave the room. You can still feel your mother's presence beside you. Everything is silent until she speaks again.

"His horse threw him off," your mother informs someone, then you hear a door closing—and don't feel your mother's presence anymore.

Suddenly, you feel a rough hand caressing your cheek. A hand that definitely doesn't belong to your mother. Your mother has a soft and warm hand; her touch is always gentle.

But this hand is much different. It's a touch that you've never felt before."…Father?" you rasp out. The hand pauses for a moment. Then it continues stroking your cheek as gently as possible.After the hand leaves your cheek, you attempt to open your eyes. The pain is sharp, but it's nothing you can't handle. Turning your head to the side, you let your eyes flutter open.

Your mother's relieved smile greets you. She places a kiss on your forehead, stroking your cheek. You were right; the hand that touched your face seconds ago wasn't hers.

You lift your head a little bit to see another figure standing in the doorway. He leaves before you can meet his gaze, but you manage to catch a glimpse of his long blond hair.

It was indeed your father, and he didn't mind that you knew it was him. He continued caressing your cheek.It's not enough, you think. He will never be the father you want him to be.The drink the healers gave you eases the pain. You will probably walk around with your head wrapped for a few days, but you're lucky your fall didn't cause a severe injury.

"Here you are." Richard walks in, smiling slightly. Clara follows behind him. "How do you feel?"."Like I fell from a horse." You grin.

Richard chuckles. "Only you would manage to fall from a horse."Clara walks closer and puts her hand over yours, smiling. "I was so worried."

Richard stares at your joined hands. Is he jealous? You don't blame him for being jealous. You're attracted to girls, and Clara is lovely. Hopefully, he will not make a big deal out of it

"Little brother!" Freya rushes inside the room. She leans over and wraps her arms around you, resting her head on your chest. "I was so scared."

"We're glad you're alright." Atheris appears in the doorway.

"Let him rest!" your mother calls out from outside. "He needs to sleep!"

Clara withdraws her hand and steps back. "We shall leave you be."

Sighing, Freya lifts her head and pulls away from the hug. She places a kiss on your forehead before joining Clara.

"Sleep well," Richard says.

You watch them leave the room.

A week later…

The castle is exceptionally loud today. The last time King Charles had such a meeting was when he made an alliance with the king of Asinea and stopped the war. You don't know how this meeting will end, but judging by the look on your mother's face, she's not hopeful.

"Political meetings end with either peace or blood," your mother says, pacing in her room. It's the first time you've seen her nervous like this.

"What makes you think that this one will not end with peace?" Atheris asks, watching her mother walk back and forth. The queen stops pacing and turns to face her daughter.

"Because once your father loses his trust in someone, it's over," she replies. She purses her lips together as her eyes become sorrowful for a moment. "It's impossible to earn his trust again."

She hardens her gaze and lifts her chin. "Be brave in the meeting, my children. Don't feel nervous or scared. Your father will pay attention to how you act."

"Now, you may leave," your mother says. "Do whatever you want to do until the meeting. Don't be late." You go outside to keep yourself busy until the meeting. You're glad your wound healed fast. It would be embarrassing to sit in the meeting with bandages around your head.

"Look, this is the Prince who fell from his horse!" a boy says to his friend.

You turn your head in their direction. They look the same age as you. Since they are allowed to live in the castle, you assume they are the children of handmaidens.

"What kind of Prince falls from his horse?" The other boy laughs."Your mothers will lose their job because of you!" you threaten them. Their laughter grows louder.

"I don't think the king or the queens care enough to dismiss our mothers for you," one of the boys mocks you. You don't understand what gives them the courage. Don't they know how much trouble they will be in if your father finds out about this?

But then again, your father is never around. He will never find out you're being bullied by handmaidens' children. You doubt he would even do something about it."Boys," Atheris growls from behind you. She walks past you, making her way to them. You don't see the expression on her face as her back is turned to you.

"How can we serve you, Princess Atheris?" the boy asks with a shaky voice.

"You can serve me by explaining why you're bullying my little brother." Atheris's voice is as cold as ice.

"W-we didn't bully—" one of them attempts to lie, but he knows your sister is no fool. "We didn't mean to."

Atheris grabs him by his collar. "Give me a reason not to break your legs right here."

His friend takes a step back, planning to run away.You grab the other boy by his collar before he can escape. Atheris looks at you, eyes shining with pride.

"Please…" the boy pleads Atheris. "We will not do it again."

"We're sorry," the other one apologizes to you

You share a look with Atheris. A mischievous smile spreads over her face as she understands your intention.

You and your sister punch the boys at the same time. They let out a cry and fall to the ground, holding their faces.

"This is what happens when you're disrespectful." Atheris grins at them. "Now get out of our sight."

The boys stand up and run away together without looking back."Bastards," Atheris spits. "Who do they think they are?"I didn't need your help." You frown at her.

"Of course you didn't." She grins and reaches out to ruffle your hair.After Atheris walks inside the castle, you stay outside. What do you want to do until the meeting? The gates open with a loud shriek, allowing King Oliver to enter with his Asinean soldiers following closely behind. A young man, who's clearly the prince, sits tall on his horse beside the king. He has a muscular build and short, slightly curly hair that matches the colour of his dark brown eyes. Judging by his facial features, he's at least Freya's age.

He's clearly a prince. King Oliver and his son dismount their horses and head towards the castle. Their eyes search for your father, but he's nowhere to be seen.

"Welcome to Rhivenia, King Oliver," your mother smiles. "King Charles will join us soon. Please, make yourself comfortable."

Your father might be the king of Rhivenia, but King Oliver is also the leader of an independent kingdom and should be treated as such. Your father's failure to greet the Asinean king himself is a sign of disrespect.

"The capital is beautiful," King Oliver praises. He eyes the heirs attentively before shifting his gaze to the king's wives. "May I explore the castle, my Queens?"

"Of course." Queen Isabelle nods. She turns to her brother. "Guide our guest inside, Matteo. Show him the castle."

"I will stay here," Prince Xavier decides. His father gives him a nod and walks into the castle with Matteo."He's handsome," Freya comments, gazing at Prince Xavier. Richard and Atheris whip their heads in her direction with narrowed eyes. Feeling nervous under their gaze, your sister smiles sheepishly. "Just an observation."

Atheris opens her mouth to say something but quickly closes it when Prince Xavier approaches. He offers you and your siblings a friendly nod, a stray curl falling over his forehead. He combs it back with his hand before he says with barely contained excitement, "I've always wanted to meet the heirs of Rhivenia."

"My name is Richard," your half-brother introduces himself—then points at you. "This is my fun-loving half-brother, Amah. Most of his words consist of mockery and sarcasm."I don't mock anyone but you," you say, grinning at Richard.

"You wound me," he gasps playfully. Prince Xavier watches you playfully arguing with a tiny smile on his face.Moving on, he nods toward your sister. "This is Atheris. I'm certain she's already planning to murder you for speaking to her."

"I'm not as evil as Richard describes," your sister objects and crosses her arms over her chest.

"And this is my favourite half-sibling, Freya." Richard wraps his arm around her lovingly. "She's less annoying than these two."

"I'm honoured to meet you." Prince Xavier smiles."It's nice to meet you too." You grin mischievously. His smile disappears as he lowers his gaze, blushing lightly.

"I must check on our men," he suddenly announces after he clears his throat. "I will see you in the meeting."

"Has anyone seen Clara?" Richard asks after Xavier walks away.

"She was heading to the stable last time I saw her," Freya answers. "She told me she wanted to brush horses."

"Brush horses?" He blinks at her in confusion.

"I didn't understand the reason either," Freya says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"I will check on her," he decides. Freya's lips curl into a knowing smile as she watches him stride away.

"He really fancies her, doesn't he?" she comments. Atheris shrugs lazily, not interested in her half-brother's love life.

"I wonder if Clara returns his feelings," Freya says, more to herself than to you and Atheris "I don't think she fancies him," you say, trying to hide your anger. Freya looks concerned, clearly noticing your discomfort, but doesn't comment on it.

"I'm going inside the castle," Atheris states. "Don't be late for the meeting."

Prince Xavier stops his conversation with his men as soon as he notices you. He waves his hand to dismiss his soldiers before turning his attention to you. He quirks his brow questioningly, waiting for you to speak.

"How can I help you, Prince Amah?" he asks politely."Is your father betraying us?" You eye him suspiciously, and he frowns in confusion.

"Betraying you?" he echoes. "We're loyal to your father, Prince Amah."I hope you're not plotting something against us." You give him a warning look.

"We are not traitors, Prince Amah." His gaze sharpens. "My father will not betray the king, and neither will I."

His face becomes emotionless as his gaze shifts from you to someone behind you. "King Charles is here."

You turn your head to find your father making his way to the castle.

It's time. King Charles sits at the head of the table, and King Oliver sits at the other end. You and your siblings gather around the table. There are three guards in the room, each standing behind the king they are supposed to protect.

"Where is your daughter?" your father asks, breaking the silence. "Isn't she supposed to attend the meeting?"

King Oliver shares a look with his son before answering. "She wasn't feeling well."

Your father hums and nods his head. There's no emotion on his face, so you can't tell if he's convinced or not. He lifts his eyes to observe the Asinean guards before looking at the king.

"You've been visiting House Everan a lot lately," King Charles speaks again; the only sound in the room is his husky voice. "Why?"

"As you know, House Everan produces perfect steel for weapons," King Oliver calmly explains. "I wanted to be assured that they'll keep providing for us."

You remember Gerard saying that the location of House Everan plays a significant role in their strength. Their forests have the best woods, and they are known for their strong steel. Your father always pays special attention to the alliance with Everans.

"Why do you need perfect steel so badly?" Your father tilts his head to the side curiously. "You're not preparing for war, are you?"

"The real reason for my visits is not steel," King Oliver quickly responds. "They are our powerful ally, and I'm trying to keep our bond strong. Sooner or later, a war will occur. We have to be ready."

You can feel him panicking from here. You shift your gaze to his son, who is staring at your father with sharp eyes. He also seems to sense his father's nervousness.Only guilty men feel nervous when being questioned, your mother used to say. Seeing King Oliver's trembling hands, you're coming to realize that he might be guilty.

"Then can you explain to me why Lord Daemir sent me a letter warning me about your suspicious actions?" King Charles asks, tossing a letter onto the table. Everyone in the room gasps as they turn their heads to look at King Oliver.

"Why do you believe a boy's words?" King Oliver frowns. "He's not wise enough to judge my actions."

"I happen to trust a thirteen-year-old boy more than I trust you," your father spits, leaning closer to the table.

"I did nothing suspicious, King Charles," he defends himself. "All I want is to keep my alliance strong—"

"Enough," your father interrupts as he waves his hand impatiently. "You're boring me with your nonsensical explanations."

"King Charles?" The king of Asinea swallows thickly, anxiously shifting in his seat. "What are you saying?"

Without a word, King Charles holds his hand up, pinning his eyes on the other king. Before you understand what is happening, your guards swiftly draw their swords and run them through the Asinean soldiers.

"Father!" Prince Xavier attempts to warn his father, but it's too late. Sir Arnold drives his sword into King Oliver's heart and leaves him to die. Xavier watches his father choke on his own blood with wide eyes."King Oliver is gone." Your father rises to his feet. "Long live Queen Lena."

Xavier is staring at his dead father, trembling with fury and sorrow. He clenches his jaw so hard that even the muscles in his neck tighten. His face is pale with rage as he lifts his head to look at your father.

"I hope your sister values your life," King Charles says to the prince, "because you're a prisoner of Rhivenia now. You will pay for every single mistake she makes."