

Will your father's sword choose you? The War of Three Brothers, which took place ten years ago, changed the unknown fate of Rhivenia. The Sword chose Prince Charles to rule; however, his brothers dared to go against its choice. Prince Charles gained victory over his brothers, who were the victims of their greed. Executing all the traitors, he strengthened his reign and became the rightful king of three kingdoms. He's been living a peaceful life with his two wives and four children until an unexpected enemy shows up.

AARON_Amah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


You're fourteen years old…

Since King Oliver's murder three years ago, Queen Lena has been ruling Asinea. She hasn't made any significant differences in the country; her actions are limited because Prince Xavier is still a prisoner. Hoping to avoid angering King Charles, she makes every decision carefully.

The alliance between the two kingdoms has been rebuilt. Although most people expected the king's murder to cause a war, Queen Lena hasn't sought revenge. The decision isn't surprising. As long as her brother's life is in your father's hands, there will be no war because she knows that Prince Xavier would be one of the first casualties.You haven't seen your father since the incident at the meeting. You've spent most of your time at the training ground, practising your skills with Sir Arnold. You use the privilege of having a strong mentor to learn many tricks and moves. Not everyone has such an advantage.Your siblings gather in the garden as usual. Freya is painting something on paper while listening to Richard's stories. You also spot Atheris sitting on the bench, sharpening her sword.

"Have you seen Xavier?" Atheris asks when she notices you approaching. You shake your head and sit on the bench.

"I saw him," Richard says. "He was carrying coals for blacksmiths."

"I pity him," Freya says, her tone quiet and sad. "He's innocent."

"Freya, you think everyone is innocent," Atheris scoffs. "Clearly, he knew about his father's intentions. King Oliver favoured him for a reason." "I agree with Freya," you opine. "He has no fault. I saw the way he looked at his father when he was accused of treason. He was as surprised as we were."

"Or maybe, he was surprised that our father discovered their treason," Atheris rebuts.

"Stop arguing," Richard groans. "It's been three years. There's no need to discuss King Oliver anymore."

"It's Freya and Amah who still feel pity for traitors." Atheris glares at you both. You manage to catch a slight frown on Freya's face before it falters. She focuses on her painting, not bothering to respond.Meanwhile…

Xavier puts the coals on the ground, feeling relieved that his work is finished. However, the blacksmiths don't seem to have any intention of letting him rest. Not because they have a lot of work to do, but because they want his life to be hell.

All traitors must suffer.

"Not enough," the blacksmith growls. "Bring more coals."

"You don't even use them," Xavier argues, breathing heavily. He really is thirsty.

"Do as you're told, traitor's son! Be grateful you're not dead like your father."

He wishes he was dead.

"Bring more coals," the blacksmith repeats. "After that, you will cut wood."

Xavier grits his teeth, his hands trembling with anger. He wants to grab one of the swords and drive it into the blacksmith's neck, watching him choke on his own blood. He shakes his head to dispel such thoughts. He's not evil; he will never be like them.

"What are you waiting for?" the blacksmith demands. Xavier stiffly nods and walks away to carry out his order.Back in the garden…

"Now that we're seeking a new subject." Richard glances at you. "Are you looking forward to your visit to the city?"

Once an heir passes the age of thirteen, they're able to spend a day in the capital. Now that you're fourteen years old, you can explore the city and visit the taverns and marketplaces, as long as you don't leave the capital. As expected, leaving the castle by yourself is forbidden, so Sir Arnold, your mentor, will accompany you during your trip.

"Such a shame we can only leave separately," your half-brother adds. Generally, heirs can't visit places together—in case they are ambushed or attacked. Losing all of the successors would lead to the kingdom's destruction.

"Today is your day," Atheris says, smiling at you. "Have fun, brother. Don't forget to visit the taverns."

"I will go tomorrow then," Richard says, earning a growl from your sister.

"No, I will!" Atheris glares at him, daring him to defy her.

Richard holds up his hands in surrender."Did someone mention taverns?"

Matteo enters the garden with a grin on his face. When you met him for the first time, he said he would be staying in the castle for a few months. Now, he plans to live here permanently, but no one really minds since all he does is eat and sleep.

"It's Amah's day to leave the castle," Richard explains, but Matteo seems to know about this.

"It's our day." He grins. "Queen Alvena wishes for me to come with you."

Your mother isn't fond of Matteo. That's no secret. Every time someone mentions his name, her face falls, and she goes out of her way to avoid talking to him or being in the same place as him.

It's odd that she's asked Matteo to accompany you to the city."Alright." You shrug, knowing that his presence during the trip won't annoy you or make you uncomfortable. He smiles and reaches out to pat your back before sitting on the bench.Atheris shoots daggers at Matteo with her eyes, visibly showing her discomfort. Even after three years, she still doesn't trust him.

"What are you painting?" Matteo asks Freya. You notice how your sister's face lights up at his question. She seems to be happy that someone is paying attention to her.

"I haven't finished it yet," she says and turns the paper to show her work. Again, it's the painting of a ship, but this time it's not distressing. The ship is sailing in the calm sea, with the sun shining in the cloudless sky.

It seems more hopeful than the one she painted years ago.

"It's beautiful," Matteo praises her work, studying it with genuine interest. "May I hang it on my wall after it's finished?"

"This one is a gift for a friend," Freya says. "But I can draw another one for you."

"A friend?" Atheris lifts a brow. Freya lowers her gaze, instantly regretting her choice of words.

"Leave her alone, Atheris." You glare at her. Freya smiles, silently thanking you for saving her from such an embarrassing moment.

"Relax." Atheris's gaze turns sharp. "I was just teasing her."Alright," Matteo says as he rises to his feet. "I should get some rest before the trip."

"I'm coming with you," Richard says quickly, standing up as well, and you watch them leave the garden together."I don't trust Matteo," Atheris comments after they depart. "I will never trust him."

"I still think he's nice." Freya shrugs."I'm going to read a book in the library," Freya declares. "We can talk later."

"I will be at the training ground," Atheris announces. "Enjoy your trip, Amah."

Freya makes her way inside the castle while Atheris heads to the training grounds. You sit on the bench alone, watching children play in the garden. You're not sure if you were too young at the time or if it just never happened.

Behind the children, you notice Prince Xavier—he's standing in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest. His face and arms are covered in bruises, and you assume he received them from the blacksmiths he serves.You stand up from the bench and walk towards him. His hateful gaze falls on you as he turns his head in your direction.

"What do you want?" he asks in a tired tone."I will set you free someday," you promise him. You can tell he's surprised by the way his eyes widen. He opens his mouth to say something, but no sound comes out.

"Xavier!" one of the blacksmiths calls. "Come here. You have a lot of work to do."

"Did they do this to you?" You point at his bruises. He glances down at his arms, frowning in confusion. Didn't he notice them before?

"Xavier!" the same man shouts again, beckoning him over. Xavier curses under his breath and walks past you, following the blacksmith."I will set you free someday," you promise him. You can tell he's surprised by the way his eyes widen. He opens his mouth to say something, but no sound comes out.

"I will set you free someday," you promise him. You can tell he's surprised by the way his eyes widen. He opens his mouth to say something, but no sound comes out.

"Xavier!" one of the blacksmiths calls. "Come here. You have a lot of work to do."

"Did they do this to you?" You point at his bruises. He glances down at his arms, frowning in confusion. Didn't he notice them before?

"Xavier!" the same man shouts again, beckoning him over. Xavier curses under his breath and walks past you, following the blacksmith.You walk into the stable, hoping to find Clara. She has become a stable girl, despite Gerard's complaints. You've heard them arguing about it a few times. Gerard doesn't want his daughter to work in the stable, but Clara doesn't intend to stop taking care of the horses.

"Hello, Amah," Clara greets you. She keeps her attention on Silver as she feeds him."I wanted to check on you," you tell her. She lifts her head to look at you.

"Check on Zeus?" she murmurs."No," you reply. "I wanted to check on you ."

She stares at you curiously, taking a moment to process your words—then gives you a soft smile before looking back at Silver. She seems to be lost in her thoughts.

"Is something wrong?" You notice her frown.

"My father told me about Prince Francis and his lover," she answers. "She was the daughter of a knight. They were in love with each other, but Prince Francis was executed before he could marry her."It's such a tragedy." You press your lips together. "He was a good man."

"Indeed," she agrees, lowering her gaze.

Silence reigns over you and her again. Both of you stare at the ground, unsure how to continue the conversation.

"I've fed all the horses," she says, changing the subject. "I will return in two hours to check on them."

She gives you a small wave before leaving you alone with the horses.As you make your way to the castle, you find Richard and Matteo sitting on the stairs, having a conversation. Your half-brother talks about something passionately while his uncle listens to him. Judging by the frown on Matteo's face, you can tell he isn't paying much attention to Richard's words. However, his mouth curves into a smile whenever Richard checks his reaction.

Richard pauses when he sees you. "Oh, you're here."

"Join us, Amah," Matteo offers. Richard looks away, jaw set

"Alright." You sit next to him. Matteo turns his head towards Richard and watches him silently, waiting for him to continue his story.

"It's over," Richard lets him know. You know his story is far from being over. It seems your presence makes him uncomfortable.

"Oh." Matteo frowns in confusion. Then he turns to you and asks, "When are we leaving?"

"In an hour," you answer. He hums and nods, looking at the ground. All of you sit in silence for a while.

"I will check on my sister," Matteo says and gets up from the stairs. Richard lets out an audible sigh, watching his uncle walk away.

You really did ruin their conversation.You walk down the corridor to visit your mother. As you stop before her door, you hear talking and laughing coming from the room. You suppose Catalina is with her.

You knock on the door a few times and take a step back. Voices are hushed as your mother orders, "Enter."

You walk into the room and close the door behind you. Unsurprisingly, you find Catalina and your mother sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in their hands.

"Amah." Alvena smiles. "I assume you already know it's your day to leave the castle."

"Yes." You nod. "I heard you asked Matteo to come with me."

"He's a strong warrior." She shrugs. "All he does is drink and sleep. I want him to be useful."

"Does Queen Isabelle know about this?" you ask. The warmth in her eyes turns cold. She glances at Catalina, who shifts in her seat nervously.

"Stay close to Sir Arnold and Matteo during your trip," she says, avoiding your question. "Enjoy your time outside of the castle, little one."

"I will prepare your clothes," Catalina offers, quickly standing up from the couch and exiting the room.

Your mother takes a sip of her tea, staring off into space."Why do you dislike Matteo?" you ask, glancing at your mother. She lowers the cup and turns her head in your direction, tilting her head.

"I don't dislike him." She blinks. You can't tell if she's lying or not. "I would never send him with you if I didn't trust him."

After a while, Catalina returns and informs you that your clothes are ready. You bid goodbye to them and leave the room.You go to your chamber, lie down on your bed and close your eyes to get some rest before leaving the castle.After an hour, you wake up and get out of bed. You're certain Sir Arnold is already outside, patiently waiting for you. You walk to your wardrobe, checking the clothes Catalina prepared for you.

Your gaze lands on the dark blue tunic that matches your eyes perfectly. It was a gift from Catalina for your fourteenth birthday. You keep it for special occasions.

You push the tunic aside and reach out to grab one of your ordinary outfits.

After getting dressed, you head outside,As expected, Sir Arnold stands by the gates, hands clasped together, face serious. He bows his head respectfully as you approach him.

Matteo appears beside you in a short amount of time. You notice the way Sir Arnold glares at him. He doesn't trust him; you have no doubts about that.

"Open the gates," you order the guards. The gates open slowly, allowing you to see outside.

Finally, it's time to walk freely in the city.You ride with Matteo and Sir Arnold in the marketplace. The sellers shout competitively, trying to sell their goods, while children run around, laughing and playing.

On the other side, artists paint portraits for gold. They remind you of Freya. You're sure that she would rather be an artist in the city than a princess of Rhivenia.

"What a peaceful life," Matteo comments wistfully. "They have no kingdom to rule, no hard decisions to make."

"As if you do," Sir Arnold mutters under his breath. Matteo arches a brow, giving the knight a curious look, but remains silent.

Your steps get slower as you find a tavern on the left. You assume this is the place Atheris was talking about.

"Let us get inside." Matteo smiles brightly.The three of you walk into the tavern full of people drinking and talking. Not a single soul notices you when you enter. Everyone minds their business, not caring about your presence. It feels different; you're used to being the centre of attention all the time.

You seat yourself at one of the wooden tables. Sir Arnold sits next to you protectively while Matteo takes the chair across from you.

"Welcome to our tavern, my lords," a young man says, smiling as he walks over to your table. Both the iris and pupil of his left eye are oddly cloudy, making it obvious that he can't see out of it. His right eye, however, is healthy—a bright light blue. You worry that you're staring, and your eyes dart away, but if he's noticed, he doesn't show it. "What do you wish to drink?"

"Beer," you answer. His smile widens into a grin as he looks at you and eventually turns to Matteo and Sir Arnold.

"I will take a beer as well," Matteo responds while the knight shakes his head, indicating that he will not be drinking.

The boy nods and walks away to prepare your drinks "I thought he recognized you for a moment," the knight says with a frown. "He was staring at you for so long."

"Perhaps he was admiring Amah's looks." Matteo smiles teasingly.

"Matteo," Sir Arnold admonishes, giving him a warning look. The younger man sighs and looks away."I wonder what happened to his eye." You frown.

"Someone definitely did that to him," Matteo comments.

After awhile, the boy returns, carrying your drinks in his hands.

"We're known for our best-tasting beers," he says, slowly putting two cups of beer on the table. "If you mention my name to anyone, they will immediately start rambling about my drinks."

"What is your name?" Matteo asks, reaching for his drink.

"Jarean, my lord," the boy replies. "Don't misunderstand me; I do not own this tavern. However, I make most of the drinks."

"I see," Matteo comments and moves the cup toward his nose. He hums in satisfaction, smiling.

"Taste it, my lord," Jarean insists as he glances at you, the confident smirk remaining on his face. "Tell me what you think."

You and Matteo take a sip of your cups at the same time. As soon as the beer touches your tongue, you close your eyes and enjoy its cold, smooth taste. It burns your throat a little bit, but not in a bad way.

Since you have never had a drink before, you can't tell if it's the best-tasting beer or not. But you know someone who can confirm it.

"Jarean," Matteo says, putting the half-empty cup on the table, "you're my hero."

"Did you like it, my lord?" Jarean asks, even though it's evident that Matteo loves it.

"It's indeed the best beer I've ever had." He nods and takes another long sip.

The boy's piercing blue eye lands on you. "What about you, my lord?"."Not bad," you reply. "But it could've been better."

"It's quite clear that you've never had a drink before, my lord." Jarean throws a grin in your direction. He doesn't seem to be offended. "Otherwise, you would be amazed by its unique taste."Boy!" A shout coming from the other table startles you. Jarean runs his fingers through his wavy red hair angrily before turning to the older man, who continues shouting. "Bring me some beer! Be fast!"

"Quit yelling, old man. You're making everyone uncomfortable," Jarean warns him. He shakes his head and brings his attention back to your table. "I'm afraid I have to go now. Let me know if you need anything else."

"I want to live in this tavern forever," Matteo mumbles dreamily. He looks down at his cup, feeling disappointed that he's out of the drink.

"You're here to protect our prince," Sir Arnold hisses. "Quit drinking."

"I can protect and drink at the same time," Matteo replies with a smirk.

"Boy!" The man from earlier shouts again. You watch Jarean, who makes his way to the man's table. His knuckles are white from gripping the cup so tightly.

"You wanted a drink?" he asks with a grin. "Here is your drink!"

Before the man can react, Jarean dumps the beer on his face and clothes. The man roars and jumps up from the chair, glaring at him.

He takes a step forward and yanks Jarean by his collar. Everyone watches them with interest, not daring to intervene.

"You're dead, boy," the man threatens.

Jarean simply smiles."Beat him good." You grin. The man eyes you curiously, his hand still gripping Jarean's collar.

Taking advantage of his distraction, Jarean headbutts him, making him fall to the ground. He turns to the workers, saying, "Throw him outside."