

Will your father's sword choose you? The War of Three Brothers, which took place ten years ago, changed the unknown fate of Rhivenia. The Sword chose Prince Charles to rule; however, his brothers dared to go against its choice. Prince Charles gained victory over his brothers, who were the victims of their greed. Executing all the traitors, he strengthened his reign and became the rightful king of three kingdoms. He's been living a peaceful life with his two wives and four children until an unexpected enemy shows up.

AARON_Amah · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


"Really, Amah?" Matteo looks at you. "You should've remained silent. Didn't your mother tell you to be careful outside of the castle?"

"It wasn't a smart move," Sir Arnold agrees, "I just really hate that boy," you sigh. Matteo lets out a breathy laugh.

"Control your emotions," the knight responds. "That boy may cause you much trouble. Even if you don't care about your well-being, think about your kingdom.""I think it's time to go." Matteo slowly rises to his feet as he glances at Jarean, who is sitting in the chair with a hateful look on his face.

"Let us leave," Sir Arnold insists while he heads toward the door. "Are you coming, Amah? "I want to check on him," you let him know. The knight opens his mouth to argue but closes it when Matteo nudges his arm. He growls at the younger man, who lifts his hands in surrender and takes a step back.

However, Sir Arnold doesn't stop you from going to Jarean.Jarean lifts his head to meet your gaze as you walk closer to him. You notice the faint bruise on his forehead.

"I was lucky this time." He clenches his jaw, pointing at his damaged eye "I'm sorry I didn't defend you," you apologize to him.

"You could've just kept your mouth shut," he responds.

He's angry with you for siding with the man. You don't blame him "I should've sided with you," you tell him. He lets out a humourless laugh.

"But you didn't." He lifts his brows. "You asked that man to beat me."


"Leave me alone," he hisses.

You sigh and give him a nod before joining Sir Arnold and Matteo, feeling Jarean's gaze on your back as you leave.

Back in the castle…

Queen Isabelle is walking through the corridor with a frown on her face. She wonders why no one informed her that Matteo left with Prince Amah. He never mentioned that he was going. It seems the decision was made this morning.

Her steps get slower when she comes across Queen Alvena.

"Are you looking for your brother?" the queen asks, smirking at Isabelle.

"I know he left with Amah," she replies. "Am I right to assume it was your decision?"

"You're right." Alvena's smirk grows. "What is it? Are you disappointed that you're not able to assassinate my son? If you try, your brother will die as well."

"I'm not evil like you, Alvena," Isabelle growls. "Unlike you, I would never murder a child."

The smirk on her face drops as Alvena lifts her chin high, her emotionless mask back in place. "I never did such a thing."

"We both know that's a lie," Isabelle spits. Without giving the other queen a chance to respond, she walks past her with hurried steps.


After leaving the tavern, you continue exploring the city with Matteo and Sir Arnold. You watch two boys—whom you assume are siblings—sitting on the ground. One of them sings a song with a sweet voice while the other plays the flute You put ten golds in their box and give them a smile. The boys smile back excitedly "This is Princess Atheris," you hear a girl saying. Turning your head, you spot two girls and a boy holding four sticks in their hands. "She's fierce and strong."

"Fierce and strong?" The boy laughs at that. "My mother says if Atheris becomes the ruler, she will lead us to destruction."

The other girl agrees with the boy. "I don't like her much."

"What about Prince Richard?" The girl grabs the other stick. That's when you realize each stick represents an heir. "He's charming, wise and kind."

"He's the best heir!" the other girl shouts in excitement. "I want him to be the next king! I know he will save us from starvation."

Both girls nod in agreement. Starvation? What are they talking about? Isn't Rhivenia one of the richest kingdoms in the North?

You watch as one of them chooses another stick. "And this is prince Amah," she says, and you shift nervously, wondering if you really want to hear what they think about you.

"Most say he's a kind man," the boy says, causing you to relax. "I think he's merciful."

"I've also heard he's charming," one of the girls says, then pauses thoughtfully before adding, "but I don't think he would be a great leader. Besides, he's the fourth-born heir."

"Prince Richard is better," they conclude.

Sir Arnold's hand on your shoulder gets your attention. He smiles at you softly. "They do not represent all Rhivenians."

"Let's go." Matteo waves his hand. As you turn into the street, you bump into somebody who is almost the same height as you. You take a step back, putting your hand over your aching shoulder.

There stands a girl. Her clothes are not ladylike. She's wearing pants and a black tunic that matches her eyes.

"My apologies," she says with a tone that sounds more amused than apologetic You glare at her, refusing to respond. She doesn't seem to care.

You notice the way she eyes Sir Arnold and Matteo curiously Sir Arnold steps forward, giving the girl a stern look. "Give his ring back."

"My ring?" You frown and lift your hand to check it. Your finger is bare.

The girl gives you a pleased smile before turning on her heels to run. As Sir Arnold is about to go after her, she stops in her tracks and turns around.

"He is the prince of Rhivenia!" the girl screams, getting everyone's attention.

The marketplace grows silent

Sir Arnold steps forward, giving the girl a stern look. "Give his ring back."

"My ring?" You frown and lift your hand to check it. Your finger is bare.

The girl gives you a pleased smile before turning on her heels to run. As Sir Arnold is about to go after her, she stops in her tracks and turns around.

"He is the prince of Rhivenia!" the girl screams, getting everyone's attention.

The marketplace grows silent Murmurings start in the marketplace as people gather around you. They watch you with interest and curiosity. Some of them are eyeing your wealthy clothes with envy, while the others study your face attentively.

The girl smiles and turns to walk away with slow and delicate steps, knowing that you can't go after her now.

"We must leave at once," Sir Arnold whispers harshly, putting his arm around you protectively.

You leave the marketplace place in a hurry After the announcement of your true identity, you are forced to go back to the castle. You are riding your horse along with Sir Arnold and Matteo. The path is long but safe, at least.

"How did she know your identity?" Matteo still doesn't understand.

"She's a thief," Sir Arnold answers for you. "Thieves can always tell who you really are by your clothes and the amount of gold you carry."

"Did you see how people gathered around him?" Matteo looks at the knight. "They are intimidating."

"They were curious," the knight replies and looks at you. "They had never seen a prince before."

Back in the tavern…

"Jarean!" a voice calls out from outside. Recognizing the voice, Jarean purses his lips and leaves the tavern to see what his friend wants.

"What do you want, Erza?" he hisses, angry about the fact that she's disturbing him at work. He doesn't wish to lose his job. He barely gets any gold anyway.

"Look." Erza opens her palm, revealing a ring with a giant gold stone. Jarean gasps and looks around to see if anyone's watching them. After being sure that they are alone, he reaches out and takes the ring from her.

"Who did you steal this from?" he asks, admiring the shiny ring.

"There was a boy with two men," she explains. "He had black hair and dark blue eyes."

Jarean lowers his hand as he realizes whom she's talking about. He served them a few minutes ago. How come he never noticed the ring on his finger?

"I'm surprised they didn't come after you." Jarean frowns. He remembers how protective the men were. Whoever the boy is, he is very important.

"Oh, it's because I drew everyone's attention to him by calling him the prince of Rhivenia." Erza grins proudly.

"Everyone believed it?" He arches a brow.

"Of course they did. He didn't even deny it."

Jarean thinks quietly for a moment before saying, "That's because he's indeed the prince of Rhivenia." Erza's eyes widen and she puts her hand over her mouth in shock. She silently curses herself for putting the prince in danger. What if they come for her head?

"Worry not." Jarean smiles reassuringly as a plan forms in his mind. "This ring may save us all."


The gates open, allowing you to ride inside the walls with Sir Arnold and Matteo. Your mother greets you with a smile as you dismount your horse. You give the reins to Clara so she can guide Zeus to the stable.

"How was your trip, little one?" your mother asks, placing a kiss on your head "It wasn't good," you reply, frowning at the memory of the children praising Richard. They don't even know any of you well. How could they come to a conclusion so fast?

"I'm sorry to hear that." Alvena's smile falters. "Come, join us for supper."