
Childhood Soulmates.

Warning: Mature content. Farah Blade: Twin sister of future Beta Adam Blade of Blood Moon Pack, Daughter of Beta Alexander Blade, and his mate and wife Isabella Alexander Blade. Beautiful, Innocent, Body of a supermodel yet never has an attitude or show attitude, Sweetest person you will ever meet but at the same time firm and strongest person ( both in wolf form and human form) you ever meet, Never mess with her family and friends. The only person who can calm him (her Best friend who loves her most apart from his Parents). Xavier Knight Black: Future Alpha of Blood Moon Pack, Only son of Alpha Damon Knight Black and his Luna and wife Stella Damon Knight Black. He is arrogant, Ruthless, Powerful, and the Most feared person, the Body of the Greek God, Girls fall on their knees for him boys respect him and even some are jealous of him, mostly all fear him but he pays them no attention, the person that has his heart and most important to him is her (his best friend) and his Parents. Both wished to be each other's fated mate and when finally their wish came true, they had to face various difficulties just because they were fated mates but they overcame all difficulties and remained together and lived a happy life in the end with their newly developed family. _________________________________________________ Farah: MATE! Xavier: MATE! I and Xavier said it together. I can't believe it Moon Goddess just made my dream come true. My mate is my childhood friend, my Crush whom I have a crush on from childhood, maybe in love with, My Xavier, My Xavi, My Mate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the full journey of Farah and Xavier from childhood friends to soulmates.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Critical Alpha.

Farah's pov:

After I composed myself, I and mama left to visit the emergency room where Xavier was being treated. Everyone is present there.

After a few hours finally, the doctor came out of the emergency room with a very anxious look. My whole body becomes tense. I walk to him trembling and very anxiously, I ask to shutter.

Farah: How... Is... My... Mate? .... How is my mate doctor?

Dr.Anderson: Alpha's condition is not good. He has been attacked by silver, not by some common silver but a magical silver weapon. I am sorry... I could not say anything about whether he will wake up or.....


This is the first time Rina said something. She had shut down herself from the moment Xavier was attacked. Dr. Anderson cowards backward due to fear because Rina used Luna's voice. Rina is right nothing will happen to our mate.

I immediately ran to my mate's room. As soon I entered the room, my heart shattered into a million pieces. Rina whimpered in pain. Our powerful mate, Alpha looks so weak. His whole face looks pale like he is half dead. I ran to him and cried in pain.

Farah: Xavier you have to wake up. You can't leave me. I can't live without you. You have to fight this.

I held his hand and cried for how long I don't even know and I fell asleep holding his hand.

1 Month later.....

It has been one month and there is no improvement in Xavier's condition. The doctor has no idea how to cure Xavier. They have lost all hope. I am dying per day seeing my mate's condition. The only thing that is keeping my mind saint is Xavier's faint heartbeat which I hear every day so I didn't lose my sanity. Everyone is depressed in the pack. Alpha Damon and Luna Stella are broken but to keep the pack stable, they resumed again the Alpha and Luna duties because I am not in a condition to handle anything. They are keeping themselves strong.

There is nothing that we can do instead of wait. Even Ivory had no solution to this. I hardly leave my mate's room. Every day, I remember memories that I spent with my mate and feel like suffocating with anxiety and pain. I remember fully the night before the attack, how we completed our mating that moment was very special. How much I wish I could bring that night back. Lately, I have been feeling so much tired, I think it is because of stress and lack of sleep and food. I can hardly sleep because of concern that something will happen to my mate and the nightmares of that night when Xavier was attacked with that deadly weapon. If it was not for Mama and Luna Stella, I doubt I would have eaten anything. Adam is taking care of pack duties along with Alpha and Luna. Rina has shut down herself, but I can feel that she is in deep pain. She has not spoken anything from that day when she threatened Dr. Anderson. He said that he can't say anything about Maxx as well. They don't know whether Xavier has lost his Wolf or not. Hearing this my heart broke down. He said that Xavier and his wolf are powerful which is why they are still alive as he has Pura Alpha blood in him as both Alpha Damon and Luna Stella are Alpha blooded. Rina could also not contact Maxx. We don't know what has happened to Xavier and Maxx. I just pray to the Moon Goddess to bring my mate back. Each day my patience is lost and I am losing hope. I don't know how long I will cope.

Writer's pov:

Alexander doesn't know how to help his princess. How to take away her pain. He feels he is losing her. He can see her hopeless eyes. He doesn't know what will he do if he loses her. His wolf is hurting just like him. He feels helpless because he can't do anything to lessen his pup's pain. A werewolf can cope with anything but the loss of his/her mate, is next to impossible. He sees his princess going towards darkness per day. He couldn't do anything. He prays to the Moon Goddess to save Xavier, they can't lose him, he is their Alpha and he is his princess's everything. He knows that he is gonna surely lose his daughter if anything happens to Xavier. His wolf whimper in pain thinking about it.

Adam is feeling pain seeing his baby sister in pain. He feels so helpless. He can't even imagine the pain his baby sis is going through. In a short period, he has become so attached to Mara that even though he is not sure that she is his mate even thinking about her in some sort of pain or danger, he and his wolf get crazy. He knows very well that if anything happens to Alpha Xavier he is going to lose his sister he is dying even thinking about it. His only sanity right now is Mara. His suspicion gets more that she is his mate because his wolf felt calm in her presence which only calms in his baby sis's presence who is not with him right now. After all, she hardly even leaves Alpha Xavier's room.

Mara feels helpless seeing her best friend, Luna in pain and at the same time seeing Adam in pain. She realizes that she has fallen for Adam. She is not only worried for Farah but also for Adam. She has so much turmoil inside her: She is worried about Alpha Xavier, secondly, she is afraid for her Best friend and lastly, she is worried about Adam, she realizes that she has fallen deeply for him, and she is afraid that if he will not be her mate in future she doesn't know what will happen to her. She got the idea that Adam's sudden interest in her is due to a mate bond but she is not sure about it and this thing is killing her. She can hardly imagine herself with someone else and Adam with someone else. Surely she doesn't feel any kind of mate bond because it is impossible for her to feel something at this early stage but still, she feels a sort of possessiveness towards Adam. She prays to the Moon Goddess for both Farah and Alpha Xavier and Also for Adam lastly, she prays that whatever she is thinking about Adam and her being mates comes true.

Isabella's heart is breaking seeing Farah like this. She is seeing that she is losing her daughter. At the same time, she is seeing her mate and son in great pain. She and her wolf are feeling like their family is falling apart. She is trying very much to be strong but it is sort of difficult when you see your daughter going towards darkness, your mate falling apart, and your son in great pain. Even though she has a special spot for Adam that never means that she loves Farah less. She is her daughter, her pup after all. She and her wolf equally love both their children. At the same time, she is breaking for her son-in-law, Xavier had always a special spot in her heart. He is more son to her than a son-in-law. He is not only her Alpha but also part of her family. She prays to Mood Goddess to save her family from drowning. She is nothing without her family. Save Xavier, protect all of them because if anything happens to Xavier everything will be finished.

She notices the special connection between Mara and Adam. She is happy that Mara might be Adam's mate but she can't express her happiness or anything right now because of all the chaos happening around her. She just Wishes Moon Goddess everything gets alright soon.

Damon and Stella are losing both their son and Daughter. They knew if anything happened to their son they would lose their daughter also. Farah has been their daughter more than her Daughter-in-law. She always had a special spot for her in their heart. They feel helpless that they couldn't do anything to lessen their pup's pain. But they have to be strong for the whole pack. They prayed to Moon Goddess that everything would get alright soon. Their son survives. They don't know what will they do if anything happens to their only son and what will happen to their daughter after that. Both of them just started their life together. They didn't have any time in their life yet. They begged Mood Goddess to make things alright. Their whole family, pack, everything is falling apart.