
Childhood Soulmates.

Warning: Mature content. Farah Blade: Twin sister of future Beta Adam Blade of Blood Moon Pack, Daughter of Beta Alexander Blade, and his mate and wife Isabella Alexander Blade. Beautiful, Innocent, Body of a supermodel yet never has an attitude or show attitude, Sweetest person you will ever meet but at the same time firm and strongest person ( both in wolf form and human form) you ever meet, Never mess with her family and friends. The only person who can calm him (her Best friend who loves her most apart from his Parents). Xavier Knight Black: Future Alpha of Blood Moon Pack, Only son of Alpha Damon Knight Black and his Luna and wife Stella Damon Knight Black. He is arrogant, Ruthless, Powerful, and the Most feared person, the Body of the Greek God, Girls fall on their knees for him boys respect him and even some are jealous of him, mostly all fear him but he pays them no attention, the person that has his heart and most important to him is her (his best friend) and his Parents. Both wished to be each other's fated mate and when finally their wish came true, they had to face various difficulties just because they were fated mates but they overcame all difficulties and remained together and lived a happy life in the end with their newly developed family. _________________________________________________ Farah: MATE! Xavier: MATE! I and Xavier said it together. I can't believe it Moon Goddess just made my dream come true. My mate is my childhood friend, my Crush whom I have a crush on from childhood, maybe in love with, My Xavier, My Xavi, My Mate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the full journey of Farah and Xavier from childhood friends to soulmates.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Unexpected Surprise.

Xavier woke up in the woods near a waterfall. He immediately tensed thinking that where is he? He contacted his wolf who thankfully was also with him but he was also confused just like him. He remembered everything about Rogue's attack and Bastard David's attack. Suddenly he and his Wolf at the same time remembered their mate. Both of them become anxious. They were thinking about everything then they heard the sweet angelic voice but at the same time, the voice was very powerful. They sensed a powerful aura as well.

???: My child! Come here.

Xavier immediately turned toward the voice and saw a beautiful lady with white hair and a white gown sitting on a rock near a waterfall. Moon crown on her head. Xavier immediately knew that the lady was the Moon Goddess. He immediately bows down in front of her. Moon Goddess told him to stand up and come to her. He immediately did what she said. While he was walking toward her, he felt nervous and anxious and started thinking negative things: why is he here? Does that mean he is dead... He immediately felt worried for his mate. What will be happening to his mate? His princess? How will she cope with this? He promised to be with her always but he failed to fulfill that promise. What will happen to his princess? He thought that they didn't even have any time with each other as mates. These were questions coming to his mind.

As he reached Goddess, he looked towards her and saw her smiling at him. He tried to return the smile but failed immensely because he couldn't stop thinking about his princess who might be going insane right now in his absence. He asked nervously shuttering.

Xavier: Moon... Goddess... am... I... Dead... Am... I..... Never... Gonna...

Meet....my... Mate... Ever.....

She smiled at him and said smoothly.

Goddess: No my child, you are not dead although you would have been dead if you didn't have the strongest blood in you. You are very powerful Xavier, it was because of you, that your mate came back to life along with her wolf.

His body relaxed a little hearing this. She stood up from the rock and came to him and said softly.

Goddess: But still it will take time for you to recover because that weapon with whom you were attacked was a very deadly Magical weapon. You have to fight against that magical weapon because you are half dead due to that. You have to win this because something is waiting for you not only your mate.

He became confused before he could ask her further what was waiting for him apart from his mate she put a hand on his eyes and his eyes got heavy but he heard her voice before losing consciousness.

Goddess: sleep my child, you have a life battle to win for your mate and your family.

Farah felt very weak and fatigued day by day. Lately, she is not able to swallow anything, every time she eats something, she vomits out. She feels nauseous every time. Everyone is very worried about her. Her body is fully pale, it's like she also drowning with her mate. Xavier's wound even though is healed there is no improvement in his weak state and pale body, and neither there is an improvement in his faint heartbeat. It is like he is half dead.

All pack members have lost hope of him except his mate, her family, his family, and friends. All pack members are very much worried about their Luna, they don't want to lose their Luna as well. All Farah does is sit in her mate's room and cry for hours without any sleep or food, her body is very weak. Her family is so much worried about her, and they are thinking that they might lose Farah before Xavier because of her state. They are very much afraid for her as she is not listening to anyone. She has shut herself in her mate's room.

Xavier felt himself gaining consciousness very weakly due to someone's continuous cries. Even though he cannot hear voices clearly or cries clearly, he knows in his heart that this is his mate. His heart is shattered whenever he hears cries faintly but he is trapped in his body. He does not even feel his body or his wolf is strong enough to contact her wolf. He is like floating in the air. He is very much weak. He wanted to comfort his mate, take her in his arms, and reassure her that everything would be alright but couldn't do anything. He feels so helpless and weak, but the only thing that keeps him motivated is that he has to keep trying to fight for his mate as he remembers the Goddess's words.

Isabella and Stella enter Xavier's room and find their weak daughter sleeping at the side of Xavier with her whole face wet due to tears. They become very much worried. They went to her and shook her a little bit to wake her up. She has not eaten in 2 days. Even though she hardly eats anything but still under pressure she eats a little bit but today she has not eaten in 2 days, not even a sip of water. They are very much afraid of her. All of them worried.

Isabella: Farah my dear daughter, wake up darling.

Farah stirs in her sleep and slowly opens her weak eyes which have become very weak due to crying. She slowly lifts her head from Xavier's bed.

Stella: Baby you have not eaten for 2 days, please have some food.

At that moment Mara and Adam came with a food tray for her, followed by Alexender and Damon.

Farah Said in a weak state, shuttering.

Farah: I....m... Ot.....ngry...

She couldn't speak proper words because of her weak state.

Alexander went to his daughter with tears in his eyes.

Alexander: please princess, eat something for your papa. You are not OK. Please.

He cried in front of her not caring about others present in the room. Suddenly he feels suffocating due to pain and anxiety about losing her daughter. He stood up and started leaving the room.

Farah felt pain seeing her papa in pain and seeing him crying, she tried to stand up and run towards him, but all of a sudden her body felt so weak that her head started spinning and he fell to the floor unconscious. Everyone shouted running towards her. Alexander halted his steps and turned around to see his unconscious daughter and shouted and ran towards her.

Alexander: FARAH!

Adam immediately picks his baby sis in panic and took her to the emergency room. Everyone followed him.

The doctor immediately put Farah on me. V because he came to know that Luna had not eaten in 2 days. He also came to know about her condition so he ran some tests on Luna Farah. He told her family not to worry, she became unconscious because of her weak state. Now he has put I.V. on her she will be fine in a few hours and he has also run some tests on her to see the problem of her fatigue and nausea.

After a few hours, Farah gained consciousness, the nurse informed her family and everyone came to see her. Alexander came to his princess and hugged her lightly because she was still weak and crying.

Alexander: you scared us, princess.

Farah: I.... Am.... Fine.... Papa.... I.... Am.... Sorry.... I....

Alexender: shush princess.

The nurse went to get the doctor, doctor informed her that tell everyone to leave the room because he wanted to check on Luna. When everyone left, he took the test reports with him which he had already seen.

Dr. Anderson: Luna you need to eat properly, your body is very weak, and you almost lost your baby today. But thankfully everything is alright.

Farah's heart stopped beating for a second by thought that She was pregnant and was about to lose her baby. She said shuttering.

Farah : doctor...am....i....preg.....

The doctor smiled at her and said.

Doctor: yes Luna congratulations. But you need to take care of yourself, you can't skip food now.

Farah immediately put her hand on her flat belly.

Farah: Is..... My... Baby... Alright..... Is...

Doctor: relax Luna, everything is alright but due to weakness you could have lost your baby.

Farah cried again, she might have lost their baby. She feels sad and happy at the same time. She feels slightly happy after one month first time because she is gonna have a pup with her mate Xavi which she has been waiting for her whole life but she is sad as well because her mate Xavier is not here to share this news with her.

She has great motivation in her, she needs to be strong for their pup. She needs to take care of herself because a little life is dependent on her but she can't do it alone, she needs her mate, he has to wake up not only for her but for his child as well.