
Check the last chapter.

A Young man is Travelling through Multiverse to finish the quest that God will give him while also polishing his swordsmanship to become the greatest. (I do not own anything used in this novel except the OC)

Daeemon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Zoro and Luffy

John woke up in his sleep in early morning. After waking up he bagan to do Stretching because he will do nothing but train today like what he does every single day.

In The next few hours he immersed himself to training whether it is training Haki, body, or swords.

While he is training he heard a notification through system.


*New Quest Initiated*

{Pirate hunter Zoro was caught by a corrupt marine captain named Axe-Handed Morgan Zoro is currently tied in the middle of their base. He will be saved by a kid named Luffy he is wearing a Strawhat. You will help him save Zoro.}

Help Straw Hat Luffy save Zoro: 0/1

Rewards: 50 Status Points

Penalty: Imprisoned

Time Limit: Do not let Straw Hat Luffy or Zoro get captured


John: Why do I need to help them?

{System: Answer, They can be powerful ally in the future to defeat World Government.}

After John heard the answer he was surprise and fascinated on how a kid will help him take down the World Government so he decided to ask the system.

John: How can he help me?

He asked with a fascinated look.

{System: Answer, He is the Main Protagonist in this World.}

John: I see well I shall go now and help him.

he closed the quest window and started to pack his things to go and help Luffy. He was also excited since he will get 50 Status points upon finishing the quest.

-Few Minutes Later-

John: Ok, Done let's go and check this kid if he is alright.

John then went out to go to the Marine base to help Luffy save Zoro.

-Few Minutes Later-

John arrived at the place there he saw a kid with Straw Hat and a guy with bruises wielding 3 Swords with a bandana on its head fighting against the marines.

John:Hmmm.... they are doing pretty good should I still help them they are doing pretty good. Well I should help them since that Is my quest but I should wear a mask so that the marines will not recognize me and put bounty on my head since it will be an headache to be chased around.

After John watched the fight for few minutes he proceed on putting a mask which made him looked like a ninja because of his suit karate gi.

Few seconds later he finished putting the mask on. He then check the fight if Zoro and Luffy are doing well. But they are not because of the Marine Captain.

John: Well I should now help them.

John then vanished from where he was standing and appeared at the middle of the fight which made the marines, Zoro and Luffy startled.

Axe-Hand Morgan: WHO ARE YOU?!

Axe-Hand Morgan asked the young man that suddenly appeared. The young man looked liked a ninja but his shirt and mask are white colored.

John: .....

Axe-Hand Morgan: You are not gonna talk then die!!!

Axe-Hand Morgan charged at the young man with a mask and also looked like a ninja.

John saw Axe-Hand Morgan charged in front of him trying to slash him with his Axe-Hand.

Axe-Hand Morgan: DIEEE!!!

Axe-Hand Morgan Tried to slash the young man with his Axe.

John saw Morgan waved his Axe-Hand on him trying to slash his head but John Blocked the attack with his sword and counter attacked with a kick to the left side of Morgan which made Morgan flew a few meters while holding his left.

Morgan:Agh! Your kick is powerful but not enough.

John: Tch! This dude keeps on blabbering I shall just finish this as early as possible and help those kids.

John talked through his mind.

But to Morgan's POV the young man just stare at him without talking which made some veins popped out on his forehead.

Morgan: Not talking huh? I bet you ar-

Before Morgan could finish talking John went into one of his Skill Stance.

Then in a blink of an eye John appeared in front of Morgan and said.

"Desusōdosutairu (Death Sword Style): Shi no Ōgama (Death Scythe)"

Morgan couldn't react to the speed that John showed.

After John went down to the ground Morgan's head slide through his body which made the marines lose their will to fight.

Zoro saw this happened. He couldn't believe what he just witnessed but they woke up after he heard someone said.

John: Go run now I will hold them back.

Luffy: Thank You!

Luffy said while running away with Zoro.

John: Now let's do this.

John said to the marines with an evil smile after he saw that Luffy and Zoro are able to escaped.

The marines heard this statement which made them quiver in fear due to the fact that the young man killed their Captain in one hit.

John then disappeared and he started killing all of the marines some are able to run.

-Few Minutes Later-

John: Finally done I should now go back to my house and clean myself then check my rewards.

John went back to his house.

-One Hour Later-

John finished cleaning himself and he is also done eating after he finished everything he went to his bedroom and sat on the bed.

John: System Notifications open.

{System: Notifications opening.}



*Quest Completed*

Help Straw Hat Luffy save Zoro: 1/1

Rewards:50 Status Points


*Hidden Quest Completed*

Successfully kill Marine Captain Axe-Hand Morgan: 1/1

Rewards:30 Status Points

John:Ohhh! This is good harvest didn't expect killing some Marine Captain got me Points.

After checking the rewards for a bit he opened his status.



Name: John D. Great

Age: 17

Race: Human

Height: 185cm

Status Points: 80

Strength: 108

Agility: 110

Durability: 118


John then began thinking where he would put his status points.

After John ponder for a whole minute he proceed to put 24 on Strength, 20 on agility, and 25 on Durability.

{System: Putting Status points.}


*Status Updated*

Name: John D. Great

Age: 17

Race: Human

Height: 185cm

Status Points: 11

Strength: 132

Agility: 130

Durability: 143


John felt the power surged inside him he felt his muscles changing it is becoming stronger.

-Few Minutes Later-

John:This is better I am now more light and have more strength. I still have 11 Status points left I will just left it there in case I need it. Now let's sleep and check my power up tommorow.

Here is a new Chapter Feel free to suggest something for my fanfic I hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Daeemoncreators' thoughts