
Chasing After My Wife

Jilyanna's face paled when she saw the man coming out from an expensive car. His face was as handsome as she last remembered but his dark eyes were cold and penetrating. His lips pulled up into a devilish smile making her heart faltered in its beat. "Why don't you return with me my sweet wife?" his voice was husky as he beckoned her to come closer. "I'm not your wife sweetheart. You've mistaken me for someone else." Jilyanna played along but her eyes were scanning her surroundings for possible escape. "You're not? Then give me back my sperm." Jilyanna choked at his words. She did promise him to be his wife, but she didn't want to get married at all. However, she did steal his sperm and it's over a month old.

_frieyaVida · สมัยใหม่
555 Chs


Note: Das Veilchen is actually a song made by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

(Because I like Mozart and I love the color violet, I just randomly named a restaurant after this. ^_^)

After spending her time with all those fools, Riley planned to go out with Shein. In the afternoon, they went to the Ocean Park and enjoyed herself with the little time she had with Shein. Tired from strolling, they had an early dinner in Das Veilchen. Then, they watched a movie before going home.

The next day, she went to shop with him and bought several things for Jillyanna's baby. She also bought some scar removal ointment for her sister and a watch for Shein.

"Let's visit Jackie in the afternoon. She told me that she's excused for the afternoon training." Riley told Shein while they were eating an ice cream.

"Why don't we visit her during lunch break so that we can have lunch with her?" Shein suggested making Riley nod her head.