

A man named Kez stupidly fell into a Dungeon. Now he has to fight monsters and eat questionable things to survive. Will he manage to live? Well lets leave that up to chance.

Mother_1740 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Baby's first Attribute

'Ugh! What the he-urf!' Kez woke up with a horrible headache and upset stomach. He did not die but the aftermath of that plant was just awful. Kez spent two full hours in intense pain while vomiting. Not even giving him a chance to think about what had happened. Finally it stopped; he could now process all of this.

'GASP! Cough cough.' 'Ugh, that was nasty. I never wanted to die that much.' He then heard a faint sizzling noise. 'What?' He felt some bubbling under his palm and raised his hand up to his face to see what it was. 'Huh!?'

He saw a mess of melted mush on his hand that looked like it came from the ground. 'Did I disintegrate the damn floor!?' With the amusement of a caveman seeing fire for the first time.

'Hey system, did I get anything from this!' [...] 'Well let's word that better. System please show my info.'


This time Kez saw a little bar. He assumed it was the same bar that divers have that would let you scroll to see more information about them. He scrolled down and.


'Acid!?' He paused to think about this. 'I have acid for skin?' 'Well it seems pretty week, but by the look of it I might be able to make it stronger.' Kez couldn't imagine how much this would grow. But he came to a solution. If he were to eat these plants and survive, he could get more power and his acid skin would improve. He even considered planting the things, since he's a farmer after all.

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