
Chapter two:Dinner party

It was the day of the dinner party and dad had already sent my dress earlier today it was a black strapless evening gown that was endowed with pearls around the waist area it was accompanied with a white fur and silver shoes it was really beautiful dad most have spent a lot of money on this dress,sitting in front of the mirror staring at the wonders that the makeup artist and hairstylist had done I could barely recognize myself my straight black hair were coiled up and braided and endowed with silver pins and kept on my shoulders,standing up I stared at myself in the mirror obviously amazed.

"You look beautiful Muriel',the hairstylist said to me.

"Thank you"I smiled as she lead me out leaving my dress to sweep the already clean floor."I bet your going to steal the spotlight tonight Muriel"Nanny floral said.

"Nanny floral,I couldn't contain my excitement as I pulled her in for a hug,she had taken care of me like her child after mom passed away "Thank goodness your are finally back I missed you so much"she patted my head smiling "I missed you too Muriel you will be late get going now your father must be waiting for you.

"Okay nanny I'll get going now when I get back we have alot to talk about,I said before freeing her from my embrace "goodbye nanny.

Walking towards my dad were Elsa was already sitted in the car it was obvious they had been waiting "Sorry for keeping you waiting dad,I apologized to ease the anger surging from dad.

"Dad we would have left her behind since she doesn't want to attend anyway',Elsa sneered at me hostility clearly written in her clear black eyes.

" Enough you both, get in now we are already running late,Dad said impatiently

I got into the car when I noticed Elsa's gown was same as mine but hers was red in colour while mine was black with her wavy brown hair packed in a messy bun I have to admit she was looking very beautiful,dad as usual got me expensive stuffs but he never cared about my feelings the same happened today while driving he would occasionally check up on Elsa forgetting my existence I didn't mind,I had grown accustomed to it after a while of driving we arrived at the Marquis mansion it was an all all white building giving out the feeling of been in heaven on earth,it was dark already but it didn't hide the beauty of the house and with the number of people inside and the music in the background it was really heavenly.

"Anthony Everest it's nice meeting you again after what happened seven years ago I didn't expect you to come,Trevor's father Raymond Marquis said extending his hand for a handshake, and this must be your daughter's he said pointing at Elsa and i.Dad nodded "yes they are this is Muriel and Elsa.

"They are beautiful young ladies,Raymond emphasized,"they really are,replied dad.

"Come on in,he led us to the banquet hall were other guest were gathered,people where already dancing with partners including Elsa who was on the dance floor i was so bored and decided to take a walk,when Trevor suddenly approached me I tried to avoid him but he grabbed my hands pulling me close to him.

Trevor was walking aimlessly around the hall he didn't like staying in crowded places with loud music and was about to leave when he sighted the lady on the black dress pulling the side of his lips up he approached her,seeing her try to avoid him he pulled her close to himself,why are you avoiding me my little rabbit.

Did he just call her a rabbit,glaring angrily at him she retorted" who are you calling a rabbit you brainless donkey let go of me now you hear me.

"Sure but only when you dance with me,he released her a bit and took her hand ,can I have the honor of dancing with you Milady he said bowing slightly.

"Get lost am not dancing with you now let me go,I tried struggling when dad voice came ringing behind me "oh no"

"Muriel ,whats happening here,he asked looking at them suspiciously

"Nothing dad Mr Marquis was actually living already right Mr Marquis she said giving him that say yes look.

" Actually Mr Everest I asked your daughter for a dance and she has refused and am so hurt right now he said pitifully with a pained expression.

"This guy was a real drama king how did his expression change so suddenly.

"Muriel,go dance with him it's just a dance right go on.I knew this was going to happen I turned back give him a piece of my mind when I saw that grin on his face,ughhh this guy,with no other choice I had to dance with him,thankfully he didn't do anything out of line after the dance he pulled me to a lonely corridor trapping me between the pillar and him.

" What are you doing if someone sees us here I'll be in trouble please just let me go,I pleaded with him.

"Why are you avoiding me Muriel tell me,did I do something wrong,why are you treating me this way like a stranger have you forgotten the promise we made to each other then let me remind you I promised to marry you before I traveled and i told you to wait for me and you promised to wait so what changed tell me,he yelled he was really angry this time.

Seeing her still quite frustrated him,what could have transpired in the seven years he was away it can't possibly be someone since he had already knew she had not been in any relationship in this seven years so what really happened this was driving him crazy he pulled on his hair trying to figure out what happened.

"I remember but that was in the past I have moved on now,I said choking on my own tears and you should do the same.

"How am I supposed to do that when the only person I have ever loved is you why are you doing this to me Muriel why he said as he suddenly started hitting the wall."what are you doing Trevor you are hurting yourself are you crazy,I took his hand seeing the blood spilling from it my heart tightened in pain"what have you done Trevor you are bleeding I'll go get the first aid box were is it placed I asked him intending to help him treat his wound.

" What do you care,you moved on right so it doesn't matter if I leave or die it has nothing to do with you,the pain I feel here he said pointing at his bleeding knuckles is nothing compared to what I feel here he pointed at his chest,Muriel just tell me what happened,tell me you love me please Muriel please.Seeing him like this was very painful for her, bending to his level "even if I tell you it doesn't make a difference I can't be with you,you have no idea how painful it is for me it's true I still haven't moved on,I still love you very much and I remember our promise to each other but it pains me to know that I won't be able to fulfill that promise,I love you Trevor I love you so much that it hurts to know that I can't love you the way I want to please understand I stood to leave "Please don't hurt yourself because of me make sure to treat your wound,I headed home without dad and Elsa I was exhausted I just needed to rest or I might really go crazy.

" Ohh dear what happened Muriel,nanny floral approached her enfolding her in a warm embrace,once she was in nanny floral's embrace she couldn't hold it anymore, wuwuwu nanny his back his back nanny..,wuwuwu what do I do am so confused, she cried bitterly "it's alright dear if you two are meant to be then time will fix everything for you two so don't worry okay everything will be fine.

" it's all my fault nanny if only I had been a little careful this wouldn't have happened,it's all my fault wuwuwu,nanny floral patted her back "it's not your fault dear everything happens for a reason you will be fine,now go ahead and change your clothes I'll prepare some snacks for you to help you feel better.

" it's okay nanny I ate something before coming back so I'm not hungry I'll go to my bedroom now good night nanny.

"Good night Muriel"

Returning to my bedroom I freshened up and but on my nightgown and retired to bed but I just couldn't sleep my mind kept going back to the last seven years,the best years for me.