
Cassie R.

Cassie's mother died when she was young, and her father brought home a stepmother and a stepsister. She later discovered that her father had been cheating on her with them; since then, she had suffered from the bullying of her stepmother Rose and stepsister Lindsay at home. But Cassie endured it all because she planned to marry her boyfriend, Scott, as soon as she graduated. However, everything changed when her father fell into a coma, the Rowan family's business went bankrupt, and her stepmother Rose forced her to marry the Crawford's eldest son, Ned, who was in a vegetative state!

Andreea_Sandor · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Chapter 2

As Cassie entered the luxurious room designated for Ned and her, her initial apprehensions began to melt away. Scott had painted a dark and unflattering picture of his uncle, describing him as cruel and ugly. However, the reality she faced left her in disbelief.

The memory of Scott's words about Ned being cruel and ugly lingered in Cassie's mind as she gazed at him. However, what she saw before her was far from what Scott had described.

Ned's good looks were striking, almost mesmerizing. His features were chiseled and handsome, with an air of elegance and refinement. Cassie couldn't help but feel a wave of conflicting emotions as she realized the extent of Scott's deceit.

Ned's appearance struck Cassie like a bolt of lightning. He was nothing like the image Scott had painted in her mind. Instead, she found herself gazing at a man of striking handsomeness, with features that seemed almost sculpted like a masterpiece, although he lay motionless in a coma, a silent presence surrounded by medical equipment and the trappings of life on pause.

As Cassie sat by Ned's side, her mind drifted back to the revelations about the surrogacy contract and the marriage. She couldn't help but wonder what led him to make such an arrangement.

As she looked at his peaceful face, she wondered about the dreams and desires that lay dormant within him. Cassie longed to understand the man behind the comatose exterior, yearning to unlock the mysteries of his heart.

Cassie's heart pounded with shock and anger as Scott brazenly attempted to manipulate her once again. His audacious proposition to cheat on his comatose uncle and to use her for his own gain was beyond reprehensible.

Cassie: (furious) "-How dare you, Scott! How could you even think of such a despicable plan? Cheating on your own uncle, using me as a pawn in your twisted game... It's sickening!

Scott: (smirking)- Oh, come on, Cassie. It's just business, nothing personal. Ned doesn't even know what's going on. He won't remember any of this anyway.

Cassie: (angry) -That doesn't make it right! You're heartless, Scott, using his condition to your advantage. And what about me? Did you ever care about me at all?

Scott: (mocking) -Care about you? Please, you were always so naive, believing in love and all that nonsense. I never loved you, Cassie. It was all part of the plan."

Cassie felt a mix of rage and hurt, realizing the depth of Scott's deception and cruelty.

Cassie: (firmly)"- Well, your plan won't work, Scott. I won't be a part of your manipulative schemes any longer. I deserve better than this, and so does Ned.

Scott: (smirking) -Suit yourself, Cassie. But remember, you'll never find anyone as wealthy and powerful as me. Without me, you'll be nothing.

Cassie: (resolute)- I don't need your wealth or your power. I'd rather have nothing than be with someone as heartless as you."

Her eyes narrowed with determination as she found the strength to confront him. The disbelief she had once felt toward Scott had now turned into contempt, realizing the depths of his deceit and cruelty.

With a steady voice, Cassie revealed that she had seen through his lies from the beginning. She knew of his plans to sabotage the surrogacy and to take advantage of Ned's condition for his own inheritance.

Cassie: (calm and resolute) "-You underestimate me, Scott. I saw through your lies and deceit from the very beginning. I knew about your plans to sabotage the surrogacy and exploit Ned's condition for your own gain.

Scott: (stammering)- Wha... What are you talking about? You couldn't have known!

Cassie: (firmly)- Oh, I knew, Scott. I heard you and Lindsay talking, laughing at my gullibility, and discussing your selfish intentions. You never loved me, and you never cared about Ned's well-being."

Scott's face turned pale, realizing that his carefully crafted facade had crumbled.

Scott: (trying to regain composure)"- It's not what you think, Cassie. I was just desperate, and I thought...

Cassie: (cutting him off)- Desperate for what? To inherit the Crawford fortune and live a life of luxury at the expense of others? You're heartless, Scott, and I want nothing to do with you.

Scott: (defensive)- You can't just walk away from me! I had plans for our future together!

Cassie: (firmly) -Our future? There was never a future with you, Scott. I won't let your greed and manipulation dictate my life anymore. From now on, I'll make my own choices, free from your toxic influence.

Scott: (angry)- You'll regret this, Cassie! You're making a huge mistake!

Cassie: (unwavering) -No, Scott. The mistake was ever trusting you in the first place. I won't let you ruin my life any further."

Cassie refused to be a pawn in his malicious game, no longer willing to submit to his selfish desires. She saw the real Scott now, devoid of the love and trust she had once placed in him.

As Scott attempted to defend his actions, Cassie stood firm in her resolve. She refused to let his manipulations sway her, determined to protect her own integrity and that of her family's legacy.

Her voice rang with a newfound strength as she reminded Scott that true love was not built on lies and deceit. She refused to be a part of his treacherous plan, understanding that her value extended far beyond being a means to an end.

In the face of Scott's rage, Cassie stood her ground, unyielding in her resolve. She questioned how he had the audacity to expect her to continue with the surrogacy after all the pain and deception he had caused.

As Scott's anger escalated, his features seemed to contort, transforming into something sinister and unfamiliar. A chill ran down Cassie's spine as she watched in astonishment. It was as if the venomous nature of his true character was finally revealing itself.

In the midst of the tension, an unexpected turn of events caught both Cassie and Scott off guard. Ned, who had been in a coma for so long, suddenly opened his eyes.

The room fell silent as Cassie and Scott stared in disbelief at Ned's awakening. His eyes, once vacant, now seemed to hold a glimmer of recognition and life. It was as if a miracle had occurred before their very eyes.

As Ned's eyes locked onto Scott, there was a newfound clarity in his gaze. It was as if he had witnessed the betrayal and venomous intentions in his nephew's heart.

As the room fell quiet after Scott's hasty departure, Cassie was left trembling with fear and disbelief. The sudden turn of events had left her emotionally drained and overwhelmed.

Ned's eyes, though weak, remained focused on Cassie with a sense of gentle understanding. Even in his fragile state, he seemed to emanate a healing presence that offered her a sense of comfort and reassurance.

As Cassie learned about Ned's frequent eye openings without any further response, she couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and disappointment. The revelation shifted her perspective on their situation.

She had held on to the hope of negotiating with Ned once he woke up, but now she realized that their communication might not be as straightforward as she had hoped. Despite this realization, Cassie knew that she couldn't let go of her commitment to surrogacy and her desire to protect Ned's legacy.

As the day of the surrogacy procedure arrived, Cassie felt a mix of excitement and nerves. She knew that this was a pivotal moment in her journey, one that would bring a new life into the world and also honor Ned's legacy.

In the hospital room, surrounded by medical professionals, Cassie took a deep breath and prepared herself for the surrogacy procedure. The anticipation of bringing a child into the world filled her with awe and wonder.

As she lay on the hospital bed, Cassie thought about the life growing inside her, a testament to hope and the beauty of new beginnings.

As the surrogacy procedure progressed, Cassie saw this act not just as fulfilling a contractual obligation but as a symbol of redemption and a celebration of life's resilience.

She knew that the child she carried represented a beacon of hope and healing for all the challenges she had faced. This new life embodied the triumph of love over deceit and the strength to rise above adversity.

Throughout the procedure, Cassie felt a deep sense of connection with the child growing within her. She talked to the little one, sharing her hopes and dreams, and silently dedicating this act of love to Ned's memory.