
Cassie R.

Cassie's mother died when she was young, and her father brought home a stepmother and a stepsister. She later discovered that her father had been cheating on her with them; since then, she had suffered from the bullying of her stepmother Rose and stepsister Lindsay at home. But Cassie endured it all because she planned to marry her boyfriend, Scott, as soon as she graduated. However, everything changed when her father fell into a coma, the Rowan family's business went bankrupt, and her stepmother Rose forced her to marry the Crawford's eldest son, Ned, who was in a vegetative state!

Andreea_Sandor · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

As Cassie hurried home, her heart was filled with a mix of hope and anxiety. The news of Ned's awakening brought a glimmer of light to her life, but she couldn't shake the fear of what awaited her.

Entering their room, she saw him sitting up, his eyes open and aware. It was a moment she had longed for, yet she hesitated, unsure of how he would react to her presence.

As Cassie rushed to their room, her heart pounded with excitement and anticipation. The news of Ned's awakening had spread quickly, drawing friends, family, and well-wishers to celebrate this miraculous moment with them.

Entering the room, Cassie was met with a heartwarming sight. The space was filled with smiling faces, all eager to see Ned awake and aware. The atmosphere was electric with joy and relief, and Cassie couldn't help but smile through her tears.

As Cassie poured her heart out to Ned, hoping to accept her, she was met with an unexpected coldness from him. He listened to her words, but his demeanor remained distant, and his responses were short and detached.

The cold rejection from Ned continued to weigh heavily on Cassie's heart. Despite the glimmers of hope she had seen, it seemed that being a stranger to him had created an impenetrable barrier between them.

As Ned's grandmother confronted him with the possibility of Cassie being pregnant with the Crawford family heir, he was taken aback. The revelation opened a new dimension to their complex situation.

Ned's Grandmother: (concerned) "-Ned, there's something you need to know. Cassie might be carrying the Crawford family heir.

Ned: (startled) -What? How is that even possible?

Ned's Grandmother: (explaining) -Well, you two were married, and shortly after the in-vitro fertilization, you woke up from the coma. There's a chance she could be pregnant with your child."

Ned's emotions were in turmoil as he tried to process the information.

Ned: (conflicted) "-I... I don't even know if I'm ready to be a father. This is all so overwhelming.

Ned's Grandmother: (compassionate)- I understand, dear. You've been through so much. But you need to talk to Cassie and find out what she wants to do. She deserves to know, and you need to face this together.

Ned: (anxious) -What if I can't be the father she needs?

Ned's Grandmother: (reassuring)- You can't predict the future, Ned. But you won't know unless you try. Cassie will support you through this, whatever you decide."

As the weight of his situation pressed on him, Ned felt a mix of fear and uncertainty. He knew he needed to confront Cassie and have an honest conversation, but the thought of facing her after the cold rejection they had experienced made him hesitant.

Ned's Grandmother: (encouraging) "-You can't keep shutting Cassie out, Ned. It's time to face your feelings and the truth, no matter how difficult it may be."

Ned took a deep breath, realizing that his grandmother was right. Avoiding the situation wouldn't make it go away. He needed to confront the complexities of their relationship and the possibility of becoming a father.

Ned: (determined) "-You're right, Grandma. I can't keep running from this. I'll talk to Cassie, no matter how hard it is. I owe her that much.

Ned's Grandmother: (smiling) -That's the first step, dear. Take it one step at a time, and don't be afraid to lean on those who care about you."

Ned's emotions were a whirlwind, torn between his time loss and the potential responsibility he might now carry. He struggled to make sense of it all, his heart wrestling with conflicting feelings.

Cassie, too, found herself grappling with the unexpected turn of events. The surrogacy contract had been her lifeline, a means to support her family and save her father's company. Now, it appeared to have unforeseen consequences that only added to the complexity of her relationship with Ned.

She tried to remain composed, despite the uncertainty that loomed over their future. Deep down, she yearned for Ned's acceptance.

Summoning all her courage, Cassie approached Ned for a heart-to-heart conversation. She found him sitting alone in their room, lost in thought.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she began to speak, pouring out her feelings and vulnerability. She admitted her fear of losing him, her uncertainty about their future, and the weight of the surrogacy contract and the potential child they might have together.

In the midst of their heart-to-heart conversation, Cassie and Ned found themselves at a crossroads. The weight of their non existent past and the uncertainty of their future hung heavily in the air.

With tears in her eyes, Cassie finally mustered the courage to broach the difficult subject. She suggested an agreement - to dissolve the marriage after a month if she didn't get pregnant.

Cassie: (with teary eyes) "-Ned, there's something we need to talk about. It's not easy, but we can't keep avoiding it.

Ned: (guarded) -What is it, Cassie?

Cassie: (taking a deep breath)- I know you're still trying to figure things out, and I respect that. But we can't stay in this limbo forever. I... I want to suggest an agreement.

Ned: (curious) -What kind of agreement?

Cassie: (nervously)- If I don't get pregnant within a month, we can dissolve the marriage. It's not fair to either of us to be trapped in a situation that might not be what we want.

Ned: (taken aback)- Cassie, I... I don't know if I can be the husband you need right now. I'm still trying to piece together my past, and I can't make any promises.

Cassie: (softly) -I understand, Ned. I don't want to pressure you or force you into something you're not ready for. But I can't ignore the uncertainty hanging over us."

The decision was both heart-wrenching and pragmatic. It allowed them time to assess their feelings and the possibility of rekindling their love, while also recognizing the practical implications of the surrogacy.

As Cassie spent more time with Ned, the truth behind her actions began to surface. She had not only agreed to the surrogacy contract to save her father's company but also to seek revenge on Scott and her stepmother, Rose.

The pain and betrayal she had experienced at their hands fueled a desire for justice, and she saw Ned as a means to achieve it. She knew that by conceiving the Crawford family heir, she would gain a powerful hold over the family and potentially reclaim what was rightfully hers.

Determined to carry out her plan, Cassie took it upon herself to please Ned, even if it meant pretending to be a loving and devoted wife.

She acted out her part meticulously, ensuring that their interactions were filled with affection and care. All the while, she hid her true intentions behind a carefully crafted façade.

One evening, as she was deep in thought, Ned caught her off guard. He looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, sensing that something was amiss.

Unable to hide her true intentions any longer, Cassie finally confessed her hidden motive to Ned. She told him about the pain she had endured at the hands of Scott and her stepmother and how she saw this opportunity as a chance to gain back control.

As Cassie pleaded with Ned to listen to her side of the story, the gulf between them seemed to widen. Ned's anger and hurt were evident in his words and actions, making it challenging for him to see beyond the pain of his time loss due to being in a coma.

Cassie: (pleadingly) "-Ned, please, you have to believe me. I never wanted to hurt you. I did it out of desperation, to protect myself and my family.

Ned: (angry) -Desperation? Is that supposed to justify your actions? You used me, Cassie, just like everyone else in my life!

Cassie: (tearfully)- I know it was wrong, and I regret keeping it from you. But I was scared, Ned. Scared of losing everything, of being hurt again.

Ned: (bitterly)- And what about my feelings? What about what I've been through? Do you think it was easy for me to wake up from a coma and find out I had a wife I didn't even remember?

Cassie: (softly)- I can't imagine what you've been through, Ned. I know I hurt you, and I'm truly sorry for that. But can't you see that I'm trying to be honest with you now?

Ned: (frustrated)- It's not that simple, Cassie. I don't even know who I am anymore, let alone who you are to me.

Cassie: (desperate) -We can figure it out together, Ned. I'm not asking you to forgive me right away, but please, give us a chance to build our trust.

Ned: (hesitant)- I don't know if I can do that. This is all too much to handle."

Cassie, desperate to make him understand, continued to explain how she had been deceived by Scott and manipulated by her stepmother, Rose. She emphasized that she had never cheated on him and that her intentions were genuine when they got married.

As Cassie observed the pain and skepticism in Ned's eyes, she understood the depth of his hurt and mistrust. She knew that his time loss had clouded his mind and left him vulnerable to the manipulations of others, including the false information about her.

Taking a deep breath, Cassie mustered her strength to address Ned's concerns. "Ned, I can see why you feel that way, but please, let me explain the truth. I never betrayed you, and I never cheated on you with Scott or anyone else. I was deceived and manipulated by him and my stepmother, Rose."

Ned's expression stood still, then grabbed Cassie by her neck and threatened her:

"You should better pray that you aren't carrying my child!"