
Cao Ren's adventure in pirates

Cao Ren finds himself in the world of pirates and has to find multiple crystals that hold his summons.

funnygrunt11 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Stormy seas

When they left a storm suddenly appeared. Ren asked, "Kujata, you aren't?"

Kujata said, "I use lightning to increase my speed and destructive power when charging. Look at the bird, he's the one who can make these storms." They both looked at Quetzalcoatl with suspicious eyes.

Quetzalcoatl chirped, "This is not me, you must've angered a certain someone with that song."

Ren looked at his bag and grabbed it hoping he would be able to keep everything. Kujata's hand yoinked the bag and brought it into his soul space. Kujata said, "I just don't want to loose my entertainment due to your stupidity."

Ren saw a huge wave and didn't have a happy face as it crashed into them washed them onto a different island.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| After his 'bath'|~~~~~~~

He coughed up water as Quetzalcoatl was forced back into his soul space, "Ugh," He slowly got up and moved into the forest as he was shaking the sand and silt out of his hair. He muttered, "I officially hate sand..."

Quetzalcoatl chirped in his mind, "You just had to sing a song that made a sea goddess angry."

He complained, "How was I supposed to know that there was a sea goddess here? I hadn't heard of anyone referring to the sea or any other real god since, I got here. Besides, that song was about Calypso, not whichever sea god was listening! How could it even tell I was singing about her? It wasn't like I said her name, just that it was a queen."

Kujata said, "According to the Earth's myths,, you are talking to two dieties; you know that right? Or do we not count?" Ren could almost see Kujata snorting and rearing his oxen head at him.

Ren said, "No comment, let me find a creek or pond...or hot spring for a bath before we find out where we are. I look like I pulled a Dracula..."

Quetzalcoatl chirped, "Why not a river?"

Ren muttered, "because, rivers are dangerous...I once heard of a prisoner that escaped had tried to swim across a river to evade capture. The strong undercurrents dragged him down and he drowned. Moral of the story, no matter how calm a river looks, don't trust it."

He walked to a creek that fed into a river and took off his shirt to clean it first and kept his eyes on the surroundings. He then cupped his hands in the water and started to clean himself. If anyone looked he would have the tattoo of a bull and a green and yellow bird on his back. He also had old bruises that was currently healing.

Once, he was done with his bath, he put on his second set of clothes and moved to the mountain he saw. It took him hours to get high enough to be able to see around the island. He then froze as he felt an earthquake before a new island appeared nearby.

He muttered, "That...that was kind of cool, I have read of islands being created quickly and quietly in old records but, seeing it is another thing." He then surveyed the land and saw no other city or any form of civilization.

He said, "So, is it agreed that we should make this place our current base?" He then mentally saw the two nod before he got to work.