
Cao Ren's adventure in pirates

Cao Ren finds himself in the world of pirates and has to find multiple crystals that hold his summons.

funnygrunt11 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

meeting Luffy and Ace?

As Quetzalcoatl flew through the fog, Dragon got scolded as he was attacking the sea kings that got attracted by the dead carp sea king. Dragon wasn't exactly happy but, understood some of its points. He even had to laugh at its statement about the celestial dragon.

On the wind, he could still hear Quetzalcoatl but, what he heard was it slowly humming a song he'd never heard before it disappeared entirely. He glanced at the direction before noticing that the seakings submerged back under the water as the song disappeared.

He thought, 'We'll meet again kid.' He then flew down to give instructions, "Bring up those sea kings and fill up our food storage."


Quetzalcoatl began to get tired after awhile, and landed on Dawn Island. He then separated his form from Cao Ren and put him under a tree having him hold onto his bag. He then bowed his head before returning to Cao Ren's spirit space.

Luffy and Ace looked at him with awe, "Did you see that? That bird turned into a boy! Did he eat that bad tasting fruit too?"

Ace said, "First, let's get him to Gaban's, she might know something." When they got close, a few strands of lightning was dancing on his body. He said, "You carry him Luffy, I'll check out his stuff, YEOWCH" A bit of electricity hit him in his butt as he tried to grab his bag. He said, "Or, you carry both."

Luffy laughed, "Your hair's funny," He then got a smack as he was kicked to do it.


When Cao Ren woke up in a strange room and automatically moved to a defensive position as lightning moved around him. He then looked at his hands that had a few strands of lightning on them, 'So, that dream was real? Both me and Lil are royalty...it's just too surreal.'


He was on a hill overlooking a large lake and a large cherry trees behind him. He said, "Am I back home?"

Quetzalcoatl flew down and turned into a middle-aged man with yellow and green hair. He knelt down and said, "You aren't on Earth my king, this is your spiritual world."

Cao Ren asked while pointing at himself, "King?" He knew his sister was grooming him to be the Patriarch of their clan but, king?

Quetzalcoatl chuckled, "Yes milord, you are the king of us Eidolon. Before we all got separated, Kronos told us that you are our true king. He also said that your sister was to rule another world and that she swore she'd find you."

He was quiet and asked, "I don't understand...how could I be your king? I'm not an Eidolon; I am just a human. Even if I was being trained to be the Patriarch of my clan...that doesn't mean that I..."

Quetzalcoatl slowly got up and put his hand on his head, "All of us will help you, I only ask that you help me find the others. We'll figure out the rest."

*end of flashback*

He calmed down before checking his backpack if everything was there. A woman came in and held his boot and combat knives, "Looking for this? I must say, these are interestingly made. So, who are you really?"

He said, "give those back," some lightning appeared around him which, spooked her.

Gaban said, "So, you ate a lightning bird devil fruit, huh?"

He didn't say anything before he parquored and tried to steal his knives back. She moved and said, "Kids your age shouldn't have these knives."

He said, "I'm not a helpless kid who doesn't have any combat training." He quickly moved without making noise and showed his agility.

She watched him and noticied that he was trained before she tossed them at him. He grabbed them by their sheath. He said, "Thanks for the bunk but, I'll be leaving."

She said, "Thank the two brats, especially that rubber brat, none of us but, him could touch you." He just nodded before packing his stuff and began to leave.

Luffy said, "Leaving so, soon? you won't get any friends. Why don't you join my crew? We could go after One piece together!"

He said, "Not interested," He walked into the forest and stopped at a creek. Both Ace and luffy followed as he moved to scoop some water up to wash his face. He glanced back at them and said, "What?"

Luffy said, "Why aren't you interested in the One Piece? We'll be pirates and look for it...then we'll be king of the pirates."

He said, "Why would I want to be one those evil bastards? They're almost as bad as those pussies who call themselves dragons. They give real dragons a bad name."

Luffy said, "Dragons are pussies?"

He said, "The one Quetzalcoatl met was. That astronaut wannabe wanted to make him a pet and the guy practically wet himself when Quetzalcoatl killed a giant carp in one hit. He did say that he liked that vice admiral with tattoos on his face."

Ace said, "Quetzalcoatl?"

Cao Ren said, "My friend...he's a feathered lizard." He then moved to take his combat knife and stabbed a fish that he saw in the creek. He then went to grab some leaves to make a rope with their fiber.

Ace asked, "What are you doing?" He was getting curious about him.

Cao Ren said, "I'm making rope, it'll help me make a fire...and carry multiple fish." He looked at them, "What? I have to be careful about the fins or I'll get cut."

Luffy asked, "Oh right, What is your name? I'm Luffy and this is Ace."

He looked up and said, "Amagi Cao Ren, you can just call me Ren or Cao Ren." He then started to clean the fish and fillet it after cleaning off a rock. He then moved to make a fire using the friction method and put a small pan in it before cooking it.

Luffy said, "Ok Ren, what's your dream? Ours is to be the pirate king." He was also curious a bit but, not as much as Ace.

Ren muttered, "Dream huh, I guess, it's to help Quetzalcoatl find his friends and find my big sister." as he said that a happy beast call sounded as lightning came out of his body showing a miniature version of Quetzalcoatl's body. It flew around Ren's body before landing on his hand.

Quetzalcoatl then looked at the two's shocked expression. It looked quite proud before it flew above his bag and picked up a book to put it infront of him.

He picked it up and said, "Serena's herb and spice book? I forgot that I packed some of those books."

Luffy went and grabbed the books out of his bag, "What the heck? You like reading or something, you have like a dozen books in here. I don't even know these words."

Ren said, "Most of those are textbooks and others are ones that my sisters group recommended. There's a saying that my sister's nerd friend always says, 'Knowledge is power, the government can take your books but, not what's in your head.' and careful, with that."

He moved to grab the laptop from him and exhaled, 'at least it isn't damaged, I think.' He then moved to repack his military bag. He said, "Don't touch things, you know nothing about. That could've been a bomb, you idiot."

Ace said, "Hold on, you can make a bomb? Why would you know how to make a bomb?" He was surprised at that...even Gaban who was listening in via observation haki was surprised.

He said, "You have to learn this stuff when you come from a long line of mercenaries, warlords and soldiers." He then went back to his fish and started to eat it. He muttered, "This needs lemon juice...or lemongrass and sage. Crap, I even overcooked it."

Luffy said, "Your a soldier like, a naval officer? does that mean you work for Gramps?" he jumped back as if he was afraid he'd get hit when both looked at him as if he was stupid.

Ren said, "I am not in the navy, you idiot; and soldiers aren't always in the Navy. Where I'm from, the Navy is just one branch of the military. As for me, I am still training and won't be in the family business for years. Besides, I plan on traveling and learning more before making a real decision on my path."

Once he finished eating, he kept the bones in a different pile before washing his utensils. Quetzalcoatl flew around before nudging Ren before it flew to a bigger space and grew to his full size. It shocked the boys before Ren climbed on his back. Ren said, "Are you sure one of your friends are here?" Quetzalcoatl chirped and flew up to check out one of the mountains.