
Cao Ren's adventure in pirates

Cao Ren finds himself in the world of pirates and has to find multiple crystals that hold his summons.

funnygrunt11 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


Quetzalcoatl didn't see Ren's expression as they landed infront of a cave as he felt that it was more so, warm. He said, "It...doesn't feel like a ice cave. Are you sure they're here?"

Quetzalcoatl said, "The Mana here is more concentrated here. So, Kujata is here." Just as Ren was about to sigh in relief, he heard Quetzalcoatl chirp, "Hey old bull, come on out."

Ren heard a loud moo as a bull with three tails appeared. He then jumped out of the way as Kujata stampeded towards Quetzalcoatl. It mooed, "Get back here you lizard, you'll pay for what you did!"

Quetzalcoatl flew up trying to look innocent, "Hey, I didn't do anything but, you...you almost squashed our King."

Kujata said, "This calf is our king? He does have some mana but, he's too weak to be our king." He gave a good look and his three different colored tails which, had light blue representing ice; a red tail which represented fire and the last one which was yellow which represented lightning.

Ren said, "I'm almost 14, I think I'm out of the calf category. Besides, I only came to ask you to tone down on affecting the weather. You're both affecting the innocent humans and animals that didn't do anything to you. Plus, I don't even think I'm worthy of being a king of beings that can probably destroy a country within a few days or kill me with a flick of a finger."

Kujata and Quetzalcoatl became quiet for a minute and looked at each other thinking the same thing, 'This is the first time, I've heard a human asking any of us to tone down our powers for others...or show any greed towards our power.'

Kujata laughed, "You are weak but, you have balls. I have decided, I will follow you but, don't expect me to follow all of your orders." He led him inside and let Ren take a large three colored crystal which was absorbed into his soul.

Ren froze and grit his teeth as he felt as if he was getting electrocuted, roasted and frozen at the same time. He was like this for a long time before he passed out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~| 2 hours later |~~~~~~~~~

He groaned, "Why do I always pass out when you guys enter my body?" Ren moved to get up and saw two men arguing with each other. Quetzalcoatl was in his human form while the other, he assumed was Kujata, looked like a buff brown haired man and had a cow ring in his nose.

Kujata snorted, "So, this guy didn't tell you that your body has to adjust to our power. Even if you have our contract, you won't be able to survive. Humans aren't exactly supposed to have the power of the elemental planes and we have to limit our power or...boom." He moved his hands in a matter that emphasized it, "And with our ranks, especially the lizards, it will be a big boom. So, train hard enough to handle our power and abilities."

Quetzalcoatl said, "Why don't you call Bahumut and his kin lizards but, you often call me that? I look more like a bird, not a lizard."

Kujata humphed, "A. Bahumut and his kin are dragons that can destroy a planet. B. from what the kids toy says, you are a feathered lizard. And C. F*ck you that's why. I love this toy, all full of stories, info, videos, music and games. I especially like those myths about us."

Ren said, "You use it, you have to charge it. I still have to research and study what's in there. I only packed for a weekend camping trip and I can't afford a replacement...not that I know if we could get one here."

He sighed as he heard, "Got it but, you gotta be careful; we looked at your body's physique and meridians. It seems, you're special."

Quetzalcoatl said, "Yeah, it seems the element you're body resonates most with is fire and I noticed that when you hummed Lugia's song, it attracted those big fish. Though, it could be a coincidence..."

Ren was surprised by this and said, "I can what now? I used to sing with sis and her group when we were just hanging out and this never happened. Is it because, I have mana now?"

Quetzalcoatl said, "Maybe, either way, I think we should train our king. If he has never had mana before, he won't know how to use it."

Kujata said, "Fine but, he needs physical training first. However, not here; I went near that human town and they seem to think that you were the one who messed with the weather. I wouldn't know how you'd be strong enough to do it but, that's what the ones in white think."

He said, "Now, I'm confused...I remember telling that guy to protect the civilians while, I fix the weather issue; not that I caused it."

The two simply shrugged and Quetzalcoatl changed into his bird form as Kujata returned to his soul space.