
Cao Ren's adventure in pirates

Cao Ren finds himself in the world of pirates and has to find multiple crystals that hold his summons.

funnygrunt11 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


Ren had got on Quetzalcoatl's back before Ace grabbed Luffy as he stretched his arms to get on. Ren said, "Whoa, Are you trying to kill us?!" He held onto Quetzalcoatl as he swayed trying regain balance.

He looked down and said, "Quetzal, can you land us near that village? We'll explore that mountain tomorrow, ok?"

Quetzalcoatl chirped before gliding down to the village. However, Luffy saw his grandpa's ship which, caused Quetzalcoatl to accidentally drop them. He chirped in concern before he caught Ren leaving those two and Ren's laptop to hit the ground.

Ren panted heavily, "LUFFY! I am going to kill you!" He pet Quetzalcoatl's head before they landed and Quetzalcoatl went back to Ren's spirit space. He ran to check his laptop which, was caught by Bojacks. He took it from him and exhaled, "Oh, thank the four gaurdian beasts..."

He respectfully nodded to Bojacks before going to Luffy, "You idiot, when there's something that needs to be balanced on like, a bicycle, motorcycle or a large bird like creature; YOU DON'T MOVE AROUND AND SHIFT THE WEIGHT OFF ITS CENTERPOINT! Cause, if ya do; you'll crash and either die or get hurt or worse, kill a pedestrian. You're also lucky my stuff wasn't damaged or I'd take it out of your hide."

Luffy who was grabbed by Garp said, "Sorry Ren, I panicked...and thought you...were in...danger. Plus, most of your stuff is books with a weird characters."

Ren said, "I was going to explore the big mountain and Quetzalcoatl would never harm me. Plus, Kanji is one of the three writing styles of my homeland." He then grabbed his bag and the rest of his stuff to leave before he gets more mad at Luffy.

Ace said, "Where are you going Ren?" He was in the other hand before Garp dropped them with an oof.

Ren said, "Train before I decide to put Luffy's head up his bum." He then walked off into the forest his pointer, middle finger and thumb out as a wave.

~~~~~~~~~~~|Garp's POV|~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Garp asked, "Why do I sense three kids in the air?" He then looked up as Luffy, Ace and Ren was on a large green and yellow bird that was having difficulty flying. He said, "Bojacks, help save those kids."

The two moved as they fell but, the large bird caught one of the boys. It then flew down slowly putting the boy on his feet before disappearing after the kid stroked its head.

The kid said, "I'm going to kill you Luffy. You idiot, you never make the Centerpoint shift when you have to balance on something." He then checked on the thing that fell from his bag saying, "Thank the four gaurdian beasts..."

Garp thought, 'Four Gaurdian Beasts? What is that weird bird? Weird writing? is it the ancient language? Is Quetzalcoatl that bird? and why does this kid care about what fell out of his bag? Who even is that kid?'

After the boy left, he grabbed both of them and said, "Ace, Luffy, tell me about your new friend, Ren was it?"

Luffy said, "He's weird, he can talk to that weird bird and says weird things like, putting grass on a fish and making rope out of leaves. He even reads weird looking words. He also said that he can make a bomb."

Ace said, "Idiot, he said Lemon grass, not grass. He even said that he was from a clan of mercenaries, soldiers and warlords so, it makes sense that he learned that stuff. He probably learned it to go into the family business. He can even control lightning."

Garp said, "Lightning? Did he eat a devil fruit..." He was thinking of different things before he went after Ren. He saw him in the middle of a field with his eyes closed in a meditative position with a small green bird like creature with yellow and dark green markings.

It chirped and hissed like a lizard like, it was scolding. After Ren would reply, "I know I shouldn't trust people but, those guys seemed alright."

It then gave a hiss as it nestled in his hair while, being gentle, *and you think that cause they saw your tech, you had to give them a lesson.*

Ren said, "Yeah, I thought that would give them a lesson. Plus, it isn't like, I lied or nothing; if you don't know what you're looking at or touching; you may end up getting cursed or having it blow up in your face. That is what I learned from big sis and her gang."

Quetzalcoatl chirped, *Plus, you do know how to make bombs from both your clan and hanging around Lucca.*

Ren moved to look up and asked, "Did Kronos tell you that too? Not that he's wrong since, I always go to her for science and tech help." He then picked up Quetzalcoatl who gently bowed its head.

Quetzalcoatl chirped apologetically, *Sorry my king, I had accidentally saw some of your memories when I explored your soul space.*

He was surprised and said, "Quetzal, I figured someone whose old as dirt like you would know that's rude."

Quetzalcoatl changed the subject, *and the second reason? You didn't need to tell them about your family.*

Ren shrugged, "Needed an excuse on how I know my skills plus, it isn't like I can return anytime soon. If anything, I would only return to help Sis reform the clan."

He then looked up seeing snow was coming down, "Quetzal, is this?" Quetzalcoatl flew up and made a large caw before it grew to a bigger size for Ren to get on.