
Can I go back again?

I watched Re zero recently. Subaru "Stop It" made me feel sorry for him. That's why I decided to make a fanfic about him and give him a golden finger. More than the Re zero fanfic itself, it's about Subaru himself. I don't think I will continue to write it for long tho.

Lazydude · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

A world without anime

A colourless world where the sun didn't shine. Yet it was not dark. Just grey. Such was the place he was stranded right now.

"And here I thought I was dead for real now. Then again, what is this place? Desert? I don't think I have ever been to this place before."


A low growl came from behind. Subaru froze from the sound. His body grew stiff. He slowly looked back and saw what he identified as a demon beast. Without a second thought he ran as fast as he could. 


The beast roared. It started chasing him. Subaru ran as fast as he could. It was of no use. The beast had blitzed past him and was now infront of him making low growling noises. 

Subaru now had the proper view of his predator. It had a weird dog like shape with a white skull. He had resigned himself to death. He didn't care. If this dog wanted to kill him then so be it. He wondered why he even ran.

'Do you want to suffer again?'

A flashback came to his mind. It was from the time when he was being eaten alive by those rabbits. His body shivered. Although his logical mind wanted to ignore it, his reflex side was shivering too hard. The pain he felt then as his flesh was being torn from pieces to pieces. Just thinking about the time was enough to make him nauseous. He didn't want to die like that again. 

"I will not die with such pain. I will fight with this beast. At least the adrenaline rush will lessen my pain." 

Taking off his jacket and wrapping around on the left arm, he took the fighting stance. 

"This is kinda nostalgic."

The dog jumped at him to bite. Subaru was ready. He quickly defended himself with the arm wrapped with the jacket. The beast bit on the arm protected by the jacket. Subaru then smashed the dog down on the sand and tried to hit but something blinked infront of him and the next thing he knew was getting ganged upon by multiple of these beasts. 

"It's gonna be the same thing again."

He was resigned to his fate. But it still hurts getting your arms and abdomen getting eaten. The pain is excruciating. So, excruciating that it feels like something is coming out of him.

'Why won't you bring me out? Please bring me out'

"Beatri…..No…..You are…...Aerial."

The moment he spoke these words something seemed to resonate in him. A rush of power flew through him. The sudden burst of power knocked the beasts that were feasting on him away from him. 

For Natsuki Subaru himself it felt rejuvenating. This rush of power felt great. As he started getting up, he realised that he was holding a sword. A plain western double edged longsword. Not totally plain. It did have a demon shaped design near the hilt.  

"A sword? Oh well this will do."

Quickly rushing without giving a chance to the enemies waking from dazed state. He slashed the head of two dogs. It cut through them like tofu. The sword was very sharp. Those two beasts immediately turned into the dust and vanished. 


The remaining beasts made very loud noises and shrieks.

"Shut up! You will turn me deaf." 

The beasts were quickly defeated. Some of them ran away. Before they call reinforcement, Subaru decided to get away from here. So, he began to run.

After some time he came across the cave.  Fortunately for him, he didn't encounter any of the beasts after that. He slowly walked inside the cave. There was a similar kind of beast but a bit more humanoid. It seemed like it was sleeping. Subaru silently cut it's head off and let it die a silent death.

After checking out the entire cave and finding out there was no demon beast. He sat at the end of the cave, leaning against the wall, thinking about his situation.

He lifted his sword to look at it. He wondered, "Where did you come from?" It was at this time he noticed his hands they had changed. They had the whitish colour. He quickly checked his body. His abdomen, some part of his chest, mostly his left side had turned white. They didn't feel human anymore. All the parts that were eaten by those beasts had grown white. He touched his face, the left side had a weird hardness to it. Subaru got scared. Something was happening to him but he didn't know what was happening. 

"Then again why should I care?" 

'Sleep Natsuki Subaru.'

His eyelids started to get heavy. He fell asleep. 

'Why can't you be more selfish? There's no one who knows you in this world except me. No one for you to save but me. No one to care for you except me. Only you and me.'

Subaru felt something touch him. It was quite pleasant. He longed for this sleep for a long time. But everything must come to an end, so did his sleep. 

He had no goals, no reason, no passion to strive forward. Most of his feelings were numbed. He saw no worth in his existence. He tried to suicide but realized that he had lost his blade. He wished for the blade.

Then someone whispered near his ears, "Only if you won't kill yourself."

Subaru just turned around without getting startled, he was just too calm. He didn't find anyone. 

"Am I starting to get paranoid?"

'Promise me'

"Again? Why don't you show yourself first?"

'Promise me'

'Promise me'

'Promise me'

'Promise me'

'Promise me'

'Promise me'

'Promise me'

These words started repeating in his head. The irritation started getting to him. He didn't like it. The voice he was hearing he hated every bit of it. 

Calming himself down, "Fine. I promise not to kill myself."

The sword appeared in his hand. He checked the weapon. He had no knowledge where it came from but he did have some doubts.

"My wish?"

He wished it to go back, the sword disappeared. He again wished to have it back, the sword appeared. After figuring things out, he was happy he could make the sword disappear and bring it back. It was a sword without a sheath. It would be a pain if he had to carry it around without its sheath.

Subaru wondered what were the things he could do for now. He didn't feel hungry nor thirsty. For now, he is going to search for people. Maybe they will know where he was. He would take it slow.