
Chapter 7

Rue was lying on the bed thinking about how cool the camp is going to be. Kaitlyn seemed really nice so at least she had a friend.

" How long till dinner? " Miles interrupted her thoughts.

" Oh... umm twenty minutes " guessed Rue.

" That was incredibly specific " joined Kaitlyn.

Miles let out a laugh as he threw a book at Rue.

" What is wrong with you ? " she drawles.

" Read the damn title " he snapped back.

Rue picked up the booked and looked at the title " Camp Redwood Rules ".

" There is an actual book full of rules? " she asked.

" Yeah it's written by that Kane guy " responed Miles.

Rue opened the book and then she realized it only had 20 pages.

" You know the first two chapters are about having fun... " said Miles looking at Rue with his puppy eyes.

" Ughhh ok let's do something " she said bored.

" Yesss that's the spirit "

Kaitlyn smiled and followed Rue and Miles out of their Cabin.

They saw Lucas and Dean outside so they went to talk to them.

Lucas didn't have his hair braided anymore but Dean had his blonde hair in a pony tail.

" Rue, Miles, Kaitlyn, how are you? " started Lucas.

" Looking around. What are you guys doing here? " asked Kaitlyn.

" We were thinking about jumping into the water. " laughed Dean.

" Brilliant " said Rue sarcastically.

Miles laughed and wanted to add something but Dean cut him off.

" So guys, we were thinking about something. We want to find aboat and go out on a swim. "

" Isn't that against the rules? " asked Miles.

" Oh come on, are you scared of a little water? I already talked to Brandon and he loves the idea. "

" I am not in, sorry Dean. It sounds dangerous " apologised Lucas.

" Fine weirdo. Come one Rue. Kaitlyn? Miles? You guys must come. "

Kaitlyn looked as Rue expecting her to say something.

" We are so in " said Kaitlyn, breaking the silence.

Dean gave her a quick smile and nodded.

" Brandon will let you know when we are going " he smirked and left.

" Kaitlyn are you out of your mind? We could get in trouble " Miles broke out.

" We won't. It will be fun. On a boat, in the middle of the night " Kaitlyn smiled while making ghist sounds.

" You know someone always gets killed in this scenarios " said Rue laughing.

" Yeah and that will be... our damn boredom " snorted Kaitlyn.

They all burst into laughter and entered the cafeteria.

They sat down at a table with Brandon and another boy.

The guy had midnight hair, artfully messy. He had feline green eyes. He was sitting stiffly and was watching the other kids. He was pale and had a strong jawline.

Rue looked at Brandon and raised her eyebrows. A sign of asking who the guy was.

Brandon looked at her and shook his head as if the boy was crazy.

Kaitlyn was looking at him too. She gave Rue a look and then started to talk to Miles.

The boy blinked twice and suddenly became aware of what was actually happening.

He stuck out his hand at Rue, smiling. Rue shook his hand. " Rue " she said.

" Harvey " he responded.

Rue introduced Kaitlyn and Miles to Harvey and then they all started talking.

" I am so hun- " began Brandon but was interrupted by Eleanor taking a seat next to him.

" Hey " she said in a low voice.

" Where have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you " demanded Rue.

Eleanor shrugged and said she was just tired. She was in a cabin with Harvey so they already knew eachother.

Kane and Tony came into the cafetaria and sat down at the teachers' table. After that the food was served.

Rue and Kaitlyn got their plaes full really quickly but they had to wait for Brandon and Harvey who were waiting for their.

" Such a waste of time " said Brandon while smashing his tray on the table. He had a bowl of spaghetti and a glas of milk.

They all had the same thing, except for Harvey who had raw carrots and dip and a glass of water.

He was eating slowly, enjoying every single bite of his carrots, while Rue and Kaitlyn were shoveling pasta into their mouths.

" Rue how can you eat like that? " laughed Brandon.

" Oh shut up. I was hungry "

" Yeah I can see that " he smiled. 

Miles and Eleanor were surprisingly quiet. They were just eating like normal people.

" Hey magic buddy, are you alright? " asked Brandon between bites. " You don't look ok "

" I'm fine, I'm just really tired " he responed in a sleepy voice.

They finished their food in silence and left the cafeteria. Miles and Eleanor went to their cabins, saying they were tired, while Brandon, Rue, Kaitlyn and Harvey.

They went for a walk in the woods. Thy stopped at a place that had multiple logs on the ground on which they could sit.

Rue and Kaitlyn shared a log while Brandon and Harvey had separate ones.

" This camp is really boring " said Harvey arrogantly. " We can't even swim in the lake "

Rue rolled her eyes " It's barely the first day. You can't just go and throw yourself into the water "

They started talking about camp and how they are going to do a lot of crazy things so it would be unforgettable.

After a few hours, maybe, they couldn't say how muh it passed, they left.

Harvey and Rue went together while Brandon and Kaitlyn said they want to stay a little more.

The boy was walking so gracefully but arrogant at the same time.

" Why do you think this camp is going to be so cool? " he asked Rue.

" Because they have an archery contest. And I'm definitely going to win that one " she smiled.  " Why do you hate it so much? "

" Oh, " he began looking down at his shoes. " I just... have a fealing, let's call it like that "

" Oh so you can predict the future now " Rue joked. He looked at her shaking his head in annoyance. " No, that I can't do. But I assure you, I have many other useful skills "

" Ohhh Lord, enlighten me " she responded using the same tone.

" I am at climbing up trees and rocks and stuff " he said trying to sound as modest as possible.

" Oh wow, how unique " Rue responded sarcastically.

" That's not all. I can swim really well and I am a very strategic person. " " Also very modest " he added.

" For sure. You know, swimming is the only useful thing on that list. "

They reached the lake. The moon was creating a silvery path on it while the stars were shining on the sky, like a beautiful accessory.

" The sky looks nice " Harvey said looking up.

" Yeah it does. Anyway, I have to go back to my cabin "

" Sure " he said in a soft voice.

He followed her to her cabin.

" You know your cabin is in the opposite direction, right? " Rue made fun of him.

" Just making sure you won't pass put of fear. " he said winking.

" Right. I won't. Your services are no longer required. "

" Yes, your Majesty " Harvey made a bow and left.

Kaitlyn was... already there.

" How did you arrive before us? " Rue asked confused.

Kaitlyn put a hand on her heart. " Oh but I didn't stop to look at the beautiful stars and the shiny lake. "

Rue laughed. " I don't like him. Brandon is arrogant but he doesn't pretend like he can predict the future. "

" I haven't really talked to him but something was weird. " Kaitlyn nodded.

Rue approved. Kaitlyn looked at her and smiled. " I know what it is! He didn't make his bow low enough " Kaitlyn joked.

Rue covered her ears with her pillow and went to sleep.

Then she remembered that Brandon hadn't mentioned taking the boat in the middle of the night on the lake.