
Chapter 8

" Rue! Rue wake up ! " Kaitlyn was shaking her. " What do you want " responded Rue pulling the sheets over her head.

" We have to go to eat breakfast. " Rue opned her eyes and rubbed her eyes. " Fine. " . She put on a red t-shirt with a golden bird on it and some short blue jeans.

Miles was already there eating a yogurt. Harvey was running his hand through his hair laughing at something Brandon had said.

Kaitlyn and Rue took two trays and filled them with food. Rue had a sandwich, a chocolate pudding and some water. Kaitlyn had scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice.

They joined their friends and after some time Eleanor came too. She was weearing a blue skirt and a plain pink t-shirt.

Harvey was lazily eating his food while Brandon and Miles were already done.

" Come on, hurry up. " Brandon begged Harvey. The boy just snorted and continued his lazy eating.

Rue was staring at his unusual crow-black hair and his glorious green eyes.

" Hey we have some contests today " said Harvey with his mouth full. " I heard we are going into the forests " he made some ghost sounds.

" I bet Tony will lose us the moment we get there " Brandon laughed.

" I think we are actually going with the other coach. " Rue said staring at her water. " Kane? " everyone was curious.  " No. That other guy... Fisher " .

Everyone laughed and started a conversation on how they will piss off that poor coach.

They agreed on just disobeying him which was simple but efficient.

" Harvey, god damn it, eat that bloody food! " screames Brandon. Harvey put an arm around his shoulders. " Relax, friend. We have plenty of time. "

After a few minutes, Harvey finally finished his food and stood up from a table, stretching his arms. They all looked at him as he slowly made his way by the lake.

" That was unexpected " said Eleanor laughing. Everyone looked a little bit shocked for a second and then smiled.

" So Rue, in the forest  are you going to point your bow at me again? " said Brandon winking.

" This time I think I will actually shoot the arrow " she replied, a big grin on her face. Brandon stuck out his tongue as Rue rolled her eyes.

They all snuck into the forest after breakfast just to feel stupid. The trees were just like a painting. Or even stolen from a fairy tale. The birds were singing their usual happy song and the wind was accompanying them with its usual blow.

They went at the same spot as the other day. They sat down and silence fell upon them.

After a few minutes, Harvey came from his " long walk by the lake " , wearing his customary smile and walking gracefully towards one of the logs.

" Did you eat some fish too? " asked Brandon while mimicking he was fishing.

Harvey just glared at him and said " So are you coming to the party tonight? "

" The what? " Eleanor asked. Harvey rolled his eyes and continued " The party. Tonight. In the forest. "

Brandon looked at him and started laughing and dancing. " If course we are coming, aren't we? " he gave all of them a smirk and they all nodded.

" Good " Harvey shrugged. "Let's go back, Fisher must be waiting for us. ".

They all left and went to meet uo with the lovely coach. Monty and Lucas were there sitting next to him.

They started howling and clappung when the kids arrived. Kaitlyn gave them a murderous look and they both sat down and shut up.

" Thank you for finally coming " said Fisher, playing with a little toy that he had in his hand.

Then he explained them how they must careful into the woods because they could get hurt and all the unimportant rules they didn't listen to.

" Hello, hello dear friends. Are you coming to the party? " Lucas came behind them, putting his arms around Rue's shoulder.

Rue twistedhis arm and pushed him away from her. The boy was panting but he recovered soon, to see Rue with a big smile on her face.

Monty was talking in a quiet voice with Harvey. Probably just boys stuff because they kept laughing like some brainless vikings.

" Here, someone needs to show me if they can climb a tree. " Fisher "interrupted " them all.

They looked at him with a shocked look and then at eachother. Harvey sighed and climbed the tree really quickly. He climbed high and gave all of them an arrogant smile.

" Bastard " said Rue and stretched her arms. She climbed the tree just a bit slower than Harvey, but it counted.

" Guys, too high, come back! " yelled Fisher.

" Sorry coach, we are too high we can't hear you! " shouted Harvey. Rue laughed and sat mext to him on a strong, thick branch.

" So, how do you know Brandon? "  asked Harvey. Rue smiled " School. " .

Harvey awkwardly nodded.

Meanwhile, Brandon was watching them and Eleanor was studying the tree. As for Miles, Monty and Lucas, they were talking.

Harvey pushed Rue and caught her right in time. " ARE. YOU. OUT OF YOUR MIND? " she scremed. He just laughed at her fear and started looking at the other trees.

" Tonight there's going to be alcohol. " he said with a big grin on his face.

" And where are you planning to get alcohol from, genius? " Rue asked, concerned for his mental health.

" Well, arrowhead, I am going to steal it from the coaches' office. "

He looked at his shirt, looking for anything ripped or stained and went back down. The girl followed him and it all ended uo with a big lecture from mister Fisher.

"... and you got stains on your shirt how are you going to the dance ton- " he was finishing but was interrupted by Kaitlyn " The dance? "

" I shouldn't have said that... it was supposed to be a surprise. " he stopped and thought of something for a second. " But now you know. "

Monty was laughing and asked " Is this why all the coaches asked the boys to- "

" Shhh " interrupted Fisher. " That's a surprise too. "

Monty let put an " Oh" and continued his walk in the forest, followed by Rue, Eleanor, Brandon, Lucas, Kaitlyn, Harvey and Miles.

" What did the coaches asked you to do? " Rue asked Brandon.

" Where's the fun in that? Should I buy you a dictionary so you could look up the word 'surprise' in it? "

She rolled her eyes and went up to Miles, asking him the same question. " Sorry, I can't tell you. " was all he said.

She didn't bother asking Harvey so she started making up theories about it. Maybe the boys aren't going to come. That would be an amazing surprise.

Kaitlyn didn't seem particularly curious, she was just walking and kicking the rocks that were in her way.

After about an hour they made their way back to the camp. The boys were enjoying themselves because the girls had no idea what was going to happen that night.

Fisher said that the walk was over and left the kids alone by the river.

" Guess you didn't shoot me after all " whispered Brandon in Rue's ear.

She pushed him away and grinned.

" I see that was the only thing that you had in mind. Can't stop thinking about me, can you? "

Brandon shook off the leaves that were still on his shirt. " Of course I was thinking about it. I wasn't feeling like getting killed. " And then he left.

" See you at lunch " awkwardly said Harvey while he easily backed down.

As for Miles... he was already gone. And now Rue remained with Kaitlyn, Eleanor, Monty and Lucas.

" I think Brandon already told you about the mistery party. " Monty broke the silence.

Kaitlyn nodded. " He did. Are you coming? "

Lucas gave out a laugh. " Of course we are. It will be fun. " Monty agreed. " Also, I heard Harvey will steal some drinks. " they both got really excited and waited for the girls' reaction.

" I heard that too. But I don't think it's a good idea. What if he gets caugh? " Eleanor inquired.

" That's on him. I just want to drink that's all. "

Rue scoffed. " Boys are barbarian creatures. " Kaitlyn continued " All they want is to drink, have you noticed? "

Before Rue could open her mouth, Monty stepped in. " Are you telling me you are not going to drink at the party? At all? "

" Of course we are. But we are not excited about it. " she smiled.

The boys laughed and gave both Rue and Kaitlyn playful shoves.

" Come on, we have to get to lunch. "

They walked into the cafetaria and sat at their usual tables. Harvey, Brandon and Miles were already there, talking in a quiet voice.

" What are you guys talking about? " Eleanor demanded as she took a seat at the table.

" Oh, you wouldn't understand. Mem stuff. " Brandon said proudly.

" I didn't know you fit in that category. " snapped Rue popping a piece of bread into her mouth.

They put some food on their trays and joined the boys again. They were whispering again, but this time, neither Rue nor Eleanor said anything.

" So Rue, what are you wearing at the party tonight? " asked Harvey looking at her insistently.

" I guess we all have our secrets, don't we? " The boy turned his glare at Kaitlyn. " How about you? "

She looked him in the eye and said, " Just some... casual clothes I think. " Miles was absorbing every single word while eating. Then he said, " That's... not a good idea, I mean... umm you will definitely look good but ummm... you know... maybe something more... umm.. party-like? " he stuttered and everyone was looking at him now.

Brandon was trying not to burst into laughter while Harvey mouthed to Miles " Nice move, mate " .

" Then what should I wear? " Kaitlyn definitely seemed interested.

" Well... I'm not an expert... but casual is fine yeah. " he stuttered again.

Rue chuckled and masked it with a cough.

" Casual is fine. " Kaitlyn returned to her food.

Brandon was pushing Miles under the table and making fun of him. While Harvey was just patting his shoulder like Miles just did the biggest mistake ever.

The party was in two hours so everyone went to change.

Rue and Kaitlyn went in the cabin but no boy was to be found. Only Freya qas sitting on her bed deciding what to wear.

" Where is everybody? " demanded Rue.

" Guys are so weird. They took their clothes and left. I know this whole thing is a surprise but... whatever. "

" Wait how do you know about the party? " Kaitlyn asked. Freya looked away from ger clothes and responded " That Kane guy told everyone. "

Kaitlyn smiled and chose her clothes. She had black jeans, which fitted her perfectly, alongside with the black belt she put on. She also wore a one shoulder sleeve crop top. " Wow. " Rue thought. " She looks brilliant! ".

"Kaitlyn, you look amazing! " exclaimed Rue.

" Thanks! "  was all she said before going to the bathroom.

Rue looked at her outfit which was a red skirt and black deep v-neck long sleeve top. She put on her red sneakers and braided her hair and exited the cabin.

She waited for Kaitlyn so they could walk together.

" Where is this party? " asked Kaitlyn behind her while she exited the cabin

" I have no idea "

" Great. "

So they wandered through the forest alone. They started gearing music and people laughing so they headed towards the sound.

When they arrived, the surprise the boy were talking about was that " They are all wearing... suits. That was the surprise? " Kaitlyn said.

Rue looked at them. Indeed, all of the boys were wearing suits or something that looked like a suit.

Eleanor was drinking a cup of something. She was wearing a pink skirt with silver stars on it and a white shirt with a splash of every single colour on it. She was laughing at somehing Dean had said.

The boy was wearing a white shirt that was unbuttoned at his chest, tucked in a pair of beige trousers. He had black shoes and his blonde hair was combed and was looking actually decent.

Rue was looking for Miles but she couldn't spot him.

" Ladies! " it was Lucas who prowled next to them.

He looked then up and down " Looking good I see. " Kaitlyn made a bow and left to talk to Rue.

" Wait for the dance " Lucas said waving his shoulder, before he left.

Rue didn't bother to ask what dance he was talking about. She didn't have time to think because someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see Miles, all dressed up.

Her friend was wearing a burgundy blazer on top of a black shirt with stains of colours and paint on it and trousers of the same colour as his blazer.

" Wow, you are all... "

" Handsome " he laughed. " You are the queen here, miss Rue. " he whispered and then hugged her tight.

" Am I interrupting a moment of true love? "

" Oh, you got to be kidding me " groaned Rue. " Brandon. "

She pulled away from the hug and looked at Brandon. She had to admit He was looking the good.

He was wearing his usual smirk and his curly black hair was wild as fi you couldn't control its direction. His clothes were made to precisely match the contours of his body.

He was wearing a white unbuttoned shirt with a dark grey vest on top of it. He also had a long black jacket on his shoulders which had a beautiful golden flower on the top right corner. His pants were grey, no chains this time, but he was wearing multiple silvery rings. And as if he wasn't already dressed up, he was moving with a subtle grace, and surprisingly not arrogant.

" Rue you are looking fabulous. " he said winking.

" Thanks. Not so bad yourself. " he gasped " I will take that as a compliment. " he paused and glanced at Miles " Oh hello, magic buddy. Do you want to have a drink? "

Rue looked at Miles for confirmation and nodded.  They went along at a table that had drinks on it. Not so fancy but it worked anyway.

" So we have... raspberry lemonade fizz, orange juice, some punch I guess and water. " Brandon looked at the options.

" I will take some punch." requested Rue. Miles didn't want anything.

Brandon poured her punch and handed her the glass. Eleanor joined them to refill her glass. She was all smiling and sparkling.

" Guys come on let's dance! " she shouted over the music while jumping.

" Oh I'm good thank you. " Rue answered.

" Oh we are so doing this! " Brandon shouted, grabbed Rue's arm and dragged her to the " dancing ring " .

" Let. Go! " she struggled.

" Not until you dance! "

She awkwardly started moving her feet and shake her hands when Brandon grabbed her hand, spinned her and puller her back to him. Then he jumped along with the girl. Miles joined them too, holding Kaitlyn in his arms and trying to keep her on the ring.

They never had so much fun. The magic of the music erased every single bad memory, nightmare or regret. They were moving along with the music and didn't care about anything. Every step was another step into the void where they were caught. A void where nothing mattered. Where everyone was happy.

The songs were changing until it stopped at a slow one.

" Ughhh come on! " yelled Rue. Everyone was protesting but Fisher's voice was heard " Grab a damn partner and shut up. "

Some people left the ring and had a drink. Miles was already dancing with Kaitlyn and Eleanor with Dean. So that leaves...

" Oh no way! " Rue said shaking her head.

" What? Afraid I will step on your foot? "

" Last time I checked, I stepped on your foot "

He laughed as he remembered.

Then, Brandon came closer to her. Each step was aasured and steady, graceful.

He grabbed her by her waist and moved on the rhythm. Swiftly and smoothly. The girl did keep an appropriate distance before she decided there was no threat in dancing with Brandon and  put her hand into his.

" Don't you dare, move your hand " she warned him.

He moved her a little bit more faster " I won't, I won't. "

Even this. Dancing slowly, felt good. Like a break from all the madness. In dancing and in their real lives.

Miles winked at Rue and she stuck out her tongue.

" Ouch. You stepped on my foot! " whined Brandon.

" Prick "

Finally the somg was over and Rue just pushed Brandon away from her. The next song was also a slow song so they decided to change " partners " and Miles danced with Rue and Brandon with Kaitlyn.

" You dance way better than Brandon, you know. " Rue said.

" I know" he responded brushing his hair into her neck.

She chuckled and continued the dance.

" May I? " a familiar voice. Harvey.

He was stretching his hand to Rue. An invitation to dance.

" No, you may not. " she hissed.

He wasn't wearing a suit. Of course he wasn't. Harvey had a black turtle neck shirt with a long black jacket on the top of it. Beige belted pants, a chain clinging to them and on his finger, a ring with a snake shape.

" Sure. " Miles saidz pulling away from Rue's arms, running his hand through his hair. He left to dance with Eleanor.

Harvey still had his arm outstretched. With a sigh, Rue took it and moved along.

" Damn it, he is a good dancer " she thought.

" Brandon dances better " she rolled her eyes.

He lift his eyebrows " Does he? " then he gently spinned her and puller her back to him and leaned her all the way down elegantly to the ground, holding her shoulder and waist.

He pulled her back up and raised one eye brow. " Who dances better now? "

Rue scoffed " I will only admit that you do not dance that bad. "

Then the song stopped again and the music became party-like. Miles was making Eleanor laugh, which was actually a miracle and both Brandon and Kaitlyn joined Harvey and Rue to dance together.

They were jumping and laughing again, when Brandon came closer to Rue and said " I know I promised alcohol but we are doing that tomorrow. We forgot about the party tonight. "

" I could've lived without your drinks "

" Yeah right " he moved his head on the rhythm and clapped his hands.

They danced and drank an atrociously big amount of lemonade and punch, and after a few hours the party stopped.

" Booo " everyone was yelling.

Fisher's voice again " Sorry kiddos. We have contests tomorrow. Go to sleep. "

The magic faded away and everything was back at its usual grayish colours.

Kaitlyn, Rue and Miles got back to their cabins, Brandon and Harvey following them.

" See you tomorrow " Brandon said making a low bow in front of Kaitlyn and Rue.

Harvey rolled his eyes and simply said " Goodnight "

" Harvey is a good dancer " Kaitlyn said with a big smile when they reached their beds.

" Yeahhh he is ! " Miles raised his head from the blanket.

Rue put her head under the pillow " Nooo ughh " Then they both laughed and kicked Rue with their pillows.

It was a good day. Actually, a very good one.