
By sacrificing the wicked, a better world is created.

What happens when the former CIA commander reincarnates in DC wanting to punish all the guilty? Read on and find out. Warning: These stories have heavy content. And I already make it clear, that my MC is not someone kind to criminals who cannot be useful to anyone or who do not seek redemption.

gglhbjkyyj · ภาพยนตร์
34 Chs

Chapter 16

Author's note.

{N / A: all the characters described are fictional, and I don't have any DC characters}.


Continuation of the previous Chapter.

[Mr. President, during the last few years all those present wondered a single question] (Amanda Waller).

[What would happen if the Justice League decided not to follow our values ​​anymore?] (Amanda Waller).

[What would happen if one day Superman and his friends in the League decided that they should rule the world?] (Amanda Waller).

[And at all times, no matter how much we considered, the answers we had were always the same] (Amanda Waller).

[They could do it] (Amanda Waller).

[The truth is that we don't have enough firepower to stop them, we have our own projects underway to change that, but so far we haven't even come close to getting a guaranteed means] (Amanda Waller).

[Hassan has already proven that it can be that way, and Leon has shown that he can hurt Superman more permanently if he wants to if everyone read the files I sent before this meeting they should have been able to confirm that too] (Amanda Waller).

[Mr. President, as you said yourself, we must stick to facts, and there are no assumptions that we make] (Amanda Waller).

[And the current facts are, Hassan, has never hurt an innocent until now, and he punishes those who break our laws, in addition to respecting when a person pays for crimes when he is punished using our laws too] (Amanda Waller).

[It shows us that Hassan is American, he has our values ​​or at least something close to that] (Amanda Waller).

[But above all, Hassan managed to elude the entire Justice League, for more than 2 months, making them run after their own tail] (Amanda Waller).

[From the skills he demonstrated, all of our experts came to the same conclusion] (Amanda Waller).

[The conclusion that if Hassan wanted to, he could have killed the entire Justice League several times in the past few months] (Amanda Waller).

[But he didn't, which only shows us the fact that he is not an insane who kills anyone for nothing but pleasure, he has a clear goal with the deaths] (Amanda Waller).

[He could have gone to any city in the world, but he chose to go to Gotham, in which case there are only two alternatives that can justify that] (Amanda Waller).

[He wanted Cobblepot arrested, or he went to accompany Leon and keep him safe] (Amanda Waller).

[He already got the first one, but he is still working in Gotham, which means it was the second alternative] (Amanda Waller).

[Hassan is trying to create a safe place for Leon, in which case it leaves us a lot of room to maneuver] (Amanda Waller).

[Leon convinced Hassan to give the League 3 chances, this is confirmed by the reports we got from spying on Leon] (Amanda Waller).

[Leon knew where each of the cameras and listening was, and he left them there so that both we and the League could see what he was talking to Hassan] (Amanda Waller).

[This indicates that he wanted us to know about everything, and in Leon's last conversation with the League he stated that he was the smartest man on the planet, to the point where he could overcome DeVoe, a Meta-Human with enhanced mental abilities] (Amanda Waller).

[Where are you going, Amanda?] (President Smith) said interested.

[Sir, I and every psychology specialist I consulted believe that Leon wanted us to see these conversations, as he must want to come to terms with us] (Amanda Waller).

[And if he has an influence on Hassan, he can make Hassan himself join us] (Amanda Waller).

[If Hassan and Leon join us, we will have two trump cards if the Justice League turns against the American Government] (Amanda Waller).

[Finally, we could have two assets that could really bring the Justice League down in case they revolt] (Amanda Waller).

[So I said that it is a mistake to allow this attack because, in the end, we will have wasted the chance to finally get rid of fear, of the possibility of the Justice League turning against us] (Amanda Waller).

[And what makes you so sure about your assumptions?] (General Eiling).

[And even if they are right, what makes you think that you can guarantee that he will be on our side and not end up being another bomb over our heads?] (General Eiling).

[This is simple General]. (Amanda Waller).

[Manipulating people so that they do what is best for the country's interests is my job] (Amanda Waller).

[And if I'm in this room, and you've all heard me so far, it's because I'm really good at what I do] (Amanda Waller) said with a triumphant smile.

The president, seeing Amanda's confidence, knew that she must have an asset up her sleeve that she didn't mention.

[Amanda, how sure are you able to convince Leon to join us?] (President Smith).

[If I have the chance to come face to face with him alone, 99% chance Mr. President] (Amanda Waller).

[And what do you need for this chance to happen?] (President Smith).

[Our government's full support in my words to Leon]. (Amanda Waller).

[And if a little pressure is put on the League, I need a meeting to be arranged between Leon and me, once that happens, I guarantee you that he will join us] (Amanda Waller).

[What kind of support in your words?] (President Smith).

[I want to create 2 agencies in our government, one official and one unofficial, and put Leon and Hassan as directors of both together]. (Amanda Waller).

[A search and neutralization agency for special criminals] (Amanda Waller).

[And an agency for technology research and development] (Amanda Waller).

[These agencies cannot be chosen from those that already exist, and must be created specifically for these two] (Amanda).

[Why do you want to put them as the bosses and not one of those in this room?] (President Smith).

[I have 3 reasons for that sir] (Amanda Waller).

[The first is that we need Leon and Hassan's trust in our government, and by placing them as leaders of these agencies, we will be able to recruit the other survivors of the project: Knight of Hell while we gain full trust from them and make them work on our behalf in a single move] (Amanda Waller).

[The second, by placing them as heads of these organizations, we will be able to maintain constant vigilance over them with the excuse of being a protocol for this to happen] (Amanda Waller).

[The third, if Leon is really as smart as he claims, we can take technological leadership against other countries] (Amanda Waller).

Listening to Waller, the president nodded when he looked around and said:

[Does anyone else have an idea to present about how we should deal with Hassan?] (President Smith).

Seeing everyone in silence, the President looked at Waller and said:

[Amanda, I'm going to give you a chance to do what you want, I'm going to make this meeting with Leon for you, but don't fail me, or your career will end] (President Smith).

[Thank you, Sir, I will not fail you] (Amanda Waller) said with a smile.

At that moment she got exactly what she wanted.

Guys, I will leave this warning, because some people don't seem to understand my writing style.

In my novels, I like to leave a mystery and some tips for future plans.

That is why some of the actions taken seem totally contrary to the initial goals that my character would have.

I won't say that 100% of the time, there is a plot behind it.

But most of them exist, it doesn't look like it now, but believe me, MC has very clear plans.

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