
butterfly garden

my butterfly garden you could say, filled with poems relating to me. whether that be my feelings, memories, or made-up stories conjured up from the thoughts i never got to share. welcome to my heart.

acebellrain · สมจริง
10 Chs



thousands of miles away;

with oceans of salt in between.

a shimmer across stars

smothered with a hint of blue.

smoke and redsand,

learning to let go

of feelings long laid to rest.

deserted in cinders,

staring at old pictures

with someone else in my skin.

i hope you're happy

without me—

far far away

in lands we dreamt of seeing.

it stings;

a needle through my heart,

threading together memories

where i choke at the seams.

miss m(you)e

acebellraincreators' thoughts