

Our Mc was lokw you or me was he an orphan no was he hated no he was your joe smhoe walking down the sidewalk when evrything change and now he lives his life. In a MHA AU so if sone things dont add up thats why. *NO GACHA* *NO STORE* *Curse Words Should be Beep out* *Chapters Min. of 1000 Words* *Chapter Upload Once A Week Min.*

PUGMECH · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chp. 9, All Right its All Might

--(MC POV)--

This is kind of awkward. Izuku hasn't let go of the hug so I am kind of just stuck here. I will just wait until he let's go.


Izuku then let's go quickly and then puts his head down. Huh seems like he is embarrassed about what just transpired.

"Sorry Sensei," said Izuku

"What are you sorry for," I said

"W-what just happened I'm sorry I cried on you," Izuku replied

"It's fine Izuku crying is a normal thing many people do. It's unhealthy if you bottle it up all the time," I say

"O-ok … thank you Sensei," Izuku says and he whispered the last part

"So, *clap* getting back onto the swing of things we are going to start your analysis training," I said

"So, what are we going to do?" asked Izuku

I then gave Izuku a fresh new crispy notebook and said "What you are doing is you're going to take this notebook I just gave you and I am going to give you a made-up villain or hero with a quirk and see what their weakness is; Or what they can do to make it stronger. Then when you done this enough, we are going to move on to real villains but just do their weakness and not what can they do to be stronger," I said

"Hai, Sensei," Izuku said while visibly shaking from excitement

"Ok let's begin the first hero would have a-" I said


"That should be all for today Izuku. So, from now on I will see you here early at 6 AM and we will only do the physical exercises. Then when you come back from school, we will do the mental ones we can either do them in person or I can send you the quirk that person has," I said while ruffling his hair

"Hai, Sensei thank you again for training me I will do my best to make you proud and show everyone I can be a hero," Izuku said while smiling

"Of course, it's my pleasure to train you maybe I can even help you pick out your hero's name or costume I do know a thing or two in that department," I said

"Ok, Sensei I will ask you next time since I don't have my notebook with my costume and hero name on it," Izuku replied while scratching the back of his head

"Don't sweat it we have plenty of time to decide what it should be," I said

"Ok, Sayonara Sensei I will see you tomorrow" Izuku then begins to speed walk home

Ok so I definitely need to come up with more powers but they have to be weaker since whatever I think up is going to be OP. So, I will do that later. For now, I need to make sure Izuku's hero costume is better since yeah, his mom made it and that's really nice but …

It won't help him in defense or anything really, it's literally if someone just made his costume to cosplay it. No, some enthusiasts would make it out of better materials than the original suit itself.

Anyways he never really uses the bunny mask he only used it the first time he used his suit and that fun time in the manga or the movie where it folds like a hoodie but then turns into a helmet. So, I can either get rid of it or just tell him Hey use it you dummy you might want a secret Identity.

I will think more about it later. For now, I need to catch up on some materials Nezu assigned me so I am fully prepared. I can also either expand the pipe system and then keep on my police radio I was given since I am now a license Pro-Hero.

So, I will use the radio to know if any bloon portals open up. Oh yeah, I can't upgrade the banana farm for now since it only gives me about 100 XP each day so I have to wait five days to be able to even unlock an upgrade for the farm.

Now it's just a waiting game until Izuku meets All Might and gets OFA.


--(Izuku POV)--

I begin leaving school with my burnt notebook in hand. Since Kachan … no since Bakugo exploded it because he doesn't want me to become a hero. Well I don't need him, I have Sensei. He believes in me and he is doing so much to help me.

Bakugo exploded my notebook but it was only the one I used and not the one Sensei gave me so it's fine plus I can just rewrite my notes on another notebook.

I should hurry up and get home so I can do my quirk analyzing the training Sensei assigned me today. The last one was about someone with a slime. Was it more like a sludge like power where they can shoot out the substances from their bodies.

The best way to stop it was to use something like water to try and dissolve it since the sludge is a semi solid so you can get rid of the sludge on you or maybe someone with an air quirk can make an air bullet or use enough air pressure to disrupt said sludge. Then it's all about incapacitating the villain.


"What was that," I said

I saw that the man hole was slightly opened and that there was green ooze coming out of it leaving a trail.

I then followed the trail until it went up and saw a sludge-like person … I guess the quirk of analyzing is going to be useful. I then jump out of the way when the villain tries to jump me.

"Stop moving kid I need a skin suit I didn't know HE was in town," said the Sludge Villain

'Ok think back to what Sensei taught me,' thought Izuku


"Alright Izuku that's enough for today we will continue on a new thing I shall teach you," said Sensei

"What is it, Sensei?" I asked while tilting my head in confusion

"It's what you should you do if you are attacked by a villain," said Sensei

"WHAT! But-Sensei-I-am-not-even-close-to-being-a-Pro-Hero-plus-mutter-mutter-mutter," I muttered

"Izuku calm down, breathe in and out slowly and let me explain ok," said Sensei slowly

I then breath in and out trying to calm down I then say "Hai, Sensei sorry for interrupting you"

"It's fine now while you do have a while before you become an official Pro-Hero there's no shame in preparing since it's better to be safe rather than sorry," said Sensei

"Ok, but shouldn't I try and find a Pro-Hero since that what everyone says to run away," I said

"Yes, while if you can run away, you should but let's say you're cornered most think that they can't fight back since if you use your quirk, you can get charged for vigilantism and since most can't fight without their quirk, they think they are helpless," explained Sensei

That is true some people got fined or even temporarily put in jail for using their quirk even in self-defense. So, most people just say to run or scream for a Pro-Hero to save you.

"This is far from the truth since even before quirks people could defend themselves with people with guns, knives, etc. So, who is to say you can't defend yourself since as long as you don't use a quirk, you're fine to do it. So, since you are quirk-less they can't charge you since it would be impossible for you to use one since you don't even have one," continued Sensei

"But I don't know much about martial arts I tried to do it but they kicked me out after discovering I was quirkless so I only had a few months of knowledge on the subject before we did quirk infused martial arts," I said

This was true it was fine no one suspected a thing I actually had a friend but then when they did quirk martial arts to further your craft, I had to tell them I didn't have one so they kicked me out. Since they didn't want to waste their time one someone who was useless in battle.

"Izuku there is one type of fighting style all about survival anyone can do it but you should only use it against people who are actively trying to bring you harm are you ready to learn this technique," said Sensei

"I am ready, I swear to only use it on those who bring harm to me or my friends or love ones Sensei," I say while bowing down waiting for him to explain what I will be learning

"Alright! What I am going to show and explain to you is called street fighting. This is all about getting out on top using any means possible and your environment. Some may say it's unmanly or villainous but it's not the technique that makes it but the person so long you use it for good forget what other people say," said Sensei

This sounds like something I have to use since I am always going to be at a disadvantage since most villains, I will fight will have quirks so I have to take any advantage I can get.

"So, for example, you use sand or dust and throw it in their eye to blind them or get any nearby object to try and hit them with and by any, I mean ANY OBJECT. So even if you hurt them as long as you don't kill them it will be fine since they will heal them in prison," said Sensei

"But what if I permanently injure them wouldn't that be unheroic," I said

"Izuku, look most villains will try to kill you so I don't want you to hold back if you do … You might die. I don't want that and I think your mother won't want that either. So, if you do find yourself being attacked by a villain, defend yourself like it depends on your life because it will. Don't worry what may happen just DO," said Sensei while putting a hand on my shoulder

"Hai, Sensei" I said

*End Of Flashback*

'Just DO' rippled through my mind

'Of course, just protect myself no matter the consequences' I thought to myself

Ok so what do I have around me um there are some plastic and glass bottles and some tarsh and liquid, nothing much. Physical attacks won't work since he is made of sludge, Ok I still have some darts and sand in my pocket from training.

I carry them around the darts just in case. The sand was just there from training. So, I just have to do my plan. Izuku focus, you did this plenty of times already just DO IT.

I then get some sand from my pocket and throw it at the villain's eye I then yell "POCKET SAND"

I then get a dart out and do the technique like I always did before and throw it at the villain's eye since that's the only spot that looks like it will do any kind of damage. The villain was no longer disoriented by the sand and covered the attack with some sludge.

"Nice try Kid but it will take a lot more than that to take me-" screamed the Sludge Villain before being cut off with me throwing a glass bottle at its eye while it was distracted in its speech

"BOTTLE THROW" I said while running back, making some distance between the villain and me. I am now on the other side of the tunnel. I was about to throw another dart when all of a sudden, the manhole shook again.

'Oh no is it another villain' I thought to myself

When all of a sudden, I hear "HAVE NO FEAR FOR I AM HERE" said All Might

I can't believe it's All Might! I am saved though I was going to escape so I should have been fine anyways. He then revs his fist back and says "TEXAS SMASH!!!"

The sludge villain is then destroyed by the wind pressure kind of like how I theorized with my analysis. But the wind pressure was so strong it sent a bottle to me and I was knocked out.


"Hey-Hey-Hey" I hear while I feel someone lightly repeatedly slapping my face

I then look and remember when I see it was All Might I then back away as fast as I can.

'I can't believe it I am meeting All Might the number one hero in Japan and overall, the world as well at least mostly agreed upon,' I thought

I then get out my notebook and try to get his autograph to see it was already signed I am freaking out okay calm down don't say something embarrassing


Ok at least it wasn't what I originally thought like making this a family heirloom.

He then flashes a smile and does a thumbs up. He is so cool!

"I am glad you are All-Right citizen now if you excuse me I have to take this villain to the police," said All Might while patting a soda bottle in his pocket containing the sludge villain

'Wait he's not staying I have something to ask him so many things but this is important,' I thought

He then gets into a squat then he says "Well I better get going. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!" he says before jumping away but I grabbed onto him fast enough to be launched up with him.

He seems to notice the added weight when he looks at me and squirms around trying to shake me off and then says "WOAH! I heard of some touchy fans but this is going too far please let go."

My face is then flapping about in the wind and I say "I can't let go or I will die"

He then stops moving and the says "Good Point,"

I then said "I have a question that I really need you to answer,"

All Might then says "Ok keep your face down while I search for a place to land,"

I then bury my face in his leg and wait for this to stop. It eventually did and then I let go. It was really crazy. I think my life flashed before my eyes … wow my life really sucked until Sensei came around, I might have even died to the sludge villain.

All Might then said "Well that was something but I really need to go and turn in this villain,"

I then said "No wait I need to ask you something,"

All Might said "No! I can not wait,"

Oh no, All Might is leaving. I need to say this quickly. I need to know from him.

I then said "Even if I am quirk-less can I become a hero?! Can I try and become as great as you?! Or just try and become one?!"

All Might then stops walking. It feels like an hour went by when only a few seconds went by.

Then all of a sudden Sensei appears in a flash of red and blue he then looks towards me and says "Izuku there you are I was worried when you didn't respond back to my messages so I assumed you were in a villain attack and went out patrolling,"


It seems our little future hero is in a dilemma. Will All Might say yes or no. How did Super Monkey even find them. How will All Might react to two more people learning his secret. We will figure it out next time in BTD in MHA.

(A/N: I am not dead I am still alive. So here ia a new chapter for you my readers. So you know the drill leave a stone, comment, or review if you liked the story so far. Also I might not post a story on christmas week or new years so you may have to wait a while. Anyways have a great day)

: )