
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

A Wierd Day

"Gentleman, If you would be so kind to inform me of what you're doing here?".

To say that the atmosphere in the house was awkward, was like saying Rudeus was a little perverted, A huge understatement.

Eris was glaring at Orsted, Rudeus was nervous, Badigadi was just smiling, Orsted had a blank look on his face as he stared at Alex, and others were just confused and terrified.

No one could blame them, three worldly powers starting at each other, surprising their killing intent and sipping tea.

"I was here to see who my Fiance was praising so much, and it just so happened to be your brother".

Badigadi said with vigor, two of his arms in the air.

"I'm looking for you".

Orsted deadpanned like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Alex deadpanned back, How was he supposed to know why the dragon god was here for him... He knew, but the relic didn't need to know that.

"So, let's start in order, what do you want with my brother?".

Badigadi smiled, excited to answer, fully ready to state his desire.

"I want to fight your Brother!".

And the room went silent.

Posted looked mildly interested, Rudeus was pale, Alex had a blank look on his face and the family looked incredulous.

Releasing a sigh Alex turned to Orsted, indicating that it was his turn.

"I came to investigate the Mana that was released about a month ago, and by extension you... Also, that dragon that is outside".

Alex hummed, looking at both of them for a moment before giving his answer.

"And why should I humor either of you?".

Seeing their raised eyebrows he decided to clarify.

"You barged inside a school full of teens and started beating them up until I stopped you".

His finger moved to Orsted.

"And you put a hole through my brother's stomach".

As soon as he said that, Paul, Zenith, Lilia, and the children looked from Rudeus to Orsted before Paul exploded.

"He did what?!, Rudeus, why didn't you tell me this?".

-Eris POV-

She was having a hard time holding herself back.

The bastard was sitting there, in front of Alex, stating that he wanted to investigate strange mana and Ace.

And he had the gall to say that in front of her.

She wasn't as Dence as everyone thought, ever since Alex did something to her that allowed her to cast silently, she knew something was different from before.

Her mana felt different, her Touki felt different, not in a bad way, but the change was noticeable, and over the years, she feel the change in both of them.

And now, since orsted wanted to investigate the storage mana, that meant he wanted to investigate Alex...

Her Alex.

She would cut him for. the second he made a suspicious move.

-Paul POV-

What do you mean this guy punched a hole through my Son?

I'll destroy the bastard.

I don't care if he's the second worldly power, I'll rip him to pieces, dismantle him and rebuild him just to break him again.

He was barely holding himself back, but then looked at his other son, Alex who was sitting there, looking calm as if he didn't care.

But his experienced eye could see it, the tenseness of his muscles, they were coiled, ready to spring into action at any time.

His sword was nowhere to be seen, come to think of it unless he went to school or outside the house, his seord was never seen.

There was also the fact that the floor at his feet was freezing, that was another peculiar trait of him as well as Rudeus.

One froze while the other burned when angry, but it rarely got to that point.

However, those thoughts didn't change one thing.

Paul was mad... and he wanted the blood of Orsted.

-Zenith Pov-



Zenith was reading Orsteds mind, waiting for a confirmation of the claim, she didn't want to believe it.

Her boy.

Her baby boy got such a fatal wound from this man, made her furious.

Her husband was already yelling, Little Eris was ready to lash out, The giant man with four arms was a little interested, and Alex...

[I'll tear you apart and feed you to Ace you little...].

She stopped reading her son's mind, not wanting to listen to the colorful curses he could come up with, and focused on the white-haired man.

[...shit, he got me there].