
Chapter 375, chatting

The Demon World was located at the border of the portal constructed by Zenas.

Here, Faroese built a temporary camp for the Black Swan Troupe and the actors from Nolan’s White Briar troupe to use. Banshees, invisible to the naked eye, patrolled the sky.

If any dangerous creatures entered the set, they would warn Josh.

“Perfect! The second act is over! Everyone, take a break.”

Josh said to all the actors on the set.

The second act was the scene where the male lead had just arrived on Pandora. The scene that was constructed was the outpost that humans built on Pandora.

When Josh finished his ‘end’sentence, the ‘future’scene that was cast out of steel gradually faded away.

It slowly returned to the interior scenery that was built out of wood.

“I still can’t believe that what I saw just now was an illusion.”

“Did you see those giant magic puppets? and the firearm of the future.”

“Is it really possible for us to live in rocks and iron blocks in the future?”