
Brightblade's Tale : Story of Timothy the Kind Hearted Prince

Timothy Brightblade, the eldest descendant of the Brightblade Family who managed to claim a city with their military power and defend it from all the advances of the neighboring city, is just starting his journey as a weapon master. he is known as the Kindest Crown Prince of the Brightblade Family for his merciful conduct and forgiving act. he also actively avoids unnecessary battles and is eager to have friends. the problem is, he is bad at talking. what will someone who is destined to be the strongest do when his peace-loving attitude is ruined by his own bad social skills?

Northsouth · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

ch 5. Cultivating Weapon

a new day has arrived.

Timothy is once again back in the class, just not the same class as the one from yesterday. today he is in a Weapon Cultivation Class. The one who teaches the class is called Teacher Magog, a man who claims to be the best Cultivation Teacher in the Dragon Soul Special School.

"Okay students, now summon your weapon and let them feel the air in this room." said Teacher Magog.

the room where they have their classes today is specialized, meant to help cultivate the Soul Weapon. there is something in the air that makes energy feel thicker and purer compared to normal. Timothy quickly summoned his Soul Weapon, the one-handed sword, and let it feel the new air in the room. 

Timothy can quickly feel the difference when he summons his sword like there is an excitement that suddenly builds up from within him. Timothy can only guess that it was his sword that got excited when it felt the thick energy in the air.

"Okay now, let's do something simple first.

please perform your own martial arts technique, if you have any.

if you do not, please just do anything that you count as an attack." said Teacher Magog.

Timothy is focusing on himself now. he quickly performs the Martial Arts Technique that his father has taught him since he was a child. it was called Brightblade Battle Arts. Timothy begins to take one step and quickly moves his sword. he slashed and stabbed with power and grace. he takes one more step followed by another slash. 

in total Timothy takes five steps before he stops and panting. the Brightblade Battle Arts is a difficult technique and it requires his all just to perform the five steps.

"well done, Mister Brightblade.

I see that you have learned quite a lot. you have a good talent." said Teacher Magog.

Timothy, while he was resting on the floor, decided to look around and surprised to see how diverse is the Soul Weapon. some use cold weapons like himself, spear, machete, dagger, and several more. some use long-range weapons, one even uses a hot weapon which is a gun, a classic revolver gun like what they show in the old movie.

the weirdest of all is those who wield weapons with the shape of daily items, which is book, bag, and even shoes. Teacher Magog seems to notice Timothy's surprise and decides to enlighten him.

"Don't be surprised by their shape, Mister Brightblade.

the weapon can be anything, shape, and form, depending on where they are used.

books might not be dangerous on the battlefield, but they are deadly in the research room or magic room.

shoes are an everyday wearable item but try to get kicked by someone who wears shoes.

even a bag can be dangerous, as you will never know what is inside.

try to read a book about "The Legend of The Unusual". it was full of people with 'unique' weapons and made their legend from it." said Teacher Magog.

Timothy can only nod for now. he still cannot see how a book or a bag can be a weapon, but he decides to check on the book later when he has the time. he loves the library after all.

after the series of attacks, Teacher Magog told them to perform a defensive move. then after that, he asked them to perform the movement technique. lastly, he asked them to perform all three of them as if they were fighting against someone.

"very well, student. you have done your best.

now before you leave this class, you can check your Soul Weapon progress. you already learned how to do that yesterday, right?" asked Teacher Magog with a smile.

everyone nodded and quickly checked on their progress. Timothy also asked his Soul Weapon to show him the progress, with the simple table Teacher Morgana showed them yesterday.

Name : Timothy Brightblade

Age : 16 Years Old

Human Mastery Level - Weapon Apprentice 2%

Soul Weapon Evolution - Common Weapon 15% !

Timothy smiled. his weapon is progressing so fast. it takes almost his entire life and he just realizes now that his Soul Weapon is only ten percent in progress. meanwhile, in just a few hours in this specialized classroom, his weapon grew five more percent. 

"I believe you have seen quite a good boost in your progress today.

that is what we call Weapon Cultivation. you perform everything you know about attack, defense, and movement. combine them all in a single practice session while allowing your weapon to absorb the energy in the air.

now, I know you are eager to cultivate more but I advise you to rest and wait for tomorrow.

your weapon might be able to grow but your body will collapse under such pressure. for your own safety, as long as you are in this school, please only cultivate for two hours.

heed my warning and I promise you that you will have a Rare Soul Weapon soon." Said Teacher Magog as he opened the exit door.


Timothy is in the cafeteria, eating his lunch just like every other student. sadly, he is sitting alone in one corner with no one else dare to approach him. 

'how long until I can get a friend? it started to feel quite lonely.' Timothy thinks.

Timothy continues to eat in silence, drown in his own mind. then suddenly he is awakened by the sound of a haughty boy from behind.

"Timothy Brightblade, I challenge you to a duel!

we will fight in two weeks!" said the voice.

Timothy turned his body and saw that it was Harold Smithson again. this time he is accompanied by several students behind him. Timothy guesses that they are there as moral support.

"Harold Smithson, you want to challenge me? Are we even allowed to do that?" Timothy asked curiously.

and once again, Harold and his entourage seem to misunderstood his words. but this time Harold take control of his emotion better and keep his head cool.

"We are not allowed yet, but in two weeks after our Battle Class we are allowed to challenge anyone we like to settle our problem." explained Harold.

"then why are you not challenging me two weeks later? why the haste? and why do it at lunch?" Timothy asked.

"just don't want you to chicken out and run away at the last second, saying that there is no official challenge given to you. you know the kindest usually also means the most coward out of all." Howard said with an evil smirk.

Timothy didn't see anything bad about it. of course, he didn't like fighting, especially one where there is nothing good that come out of it. but apparently, Harold holds such a big grudge against him that Timothy can't say no to that. but at least, Timothy has to try.

"Can we just not do it? the challenge I mean.

you will not get anything good from it. like, it is useless no?

we can just talk like before and make something for you." Timothy tried to argue.

unfortunately, Harold just cannot accept anything more than a fight. he just throws a letter to Timothy rudely and quickly turns back to wherever he comes from. his entourage looks confused but they quickly follow Harold while staring menacingly at Timothy sometimes.

giving up trying to fix the situation, Timothy decided to just finish his meal and go back to his room. he just wants to get some extra rest. Today somehow makes him feel more tired than he is supposed to.


at the Brightblade Castle.

Arthur Brightblade is in his personal office, listening to his spy voice reports.

"The Bakasars are currently deploying their own border walls, taking a large part of our land. in the land that they claim, they found a secret cave that led to an underground mining area." said the voice in the recording.

Arthur can only grit his teeth. he quickly wrote some notes on his computer to be delivered soon. then he listens to another report and makes another note.

apparently, the neighboring city begins to consider the Brightblade Family as a weak family. Arthur has heard about this, especially since his eldest son Timothy is someone who hates killing. Arthur knows his son best and that his killing attitude is not something he is willing to change no matter what.

"the other kids are still too young. the second oldest is just fourteen." said Arthur to himself.

at this time, he would love to be able to talk with his son Timothy. That young man seems to have a good read on the city resources and manpower. Timothy is just the best son, except for his no-kill rules.

"look at me, lose to my own child. that child didn't even mature yet and I have already relied on him so much." Arthur talks to himself again.

Arthur then wrote another note and put it on his most urgent and secret channel. after that he quickly goes to his room to get some sleep. as he closes his eyes slowly, Arthur can still think of a little plan.

"I guess it is time for Arthur Brightblade to show himself once more. right, Ruthra?"