
Bridges of Mortality: The Coselight War

[Heavy world building + magic] In a world on the brink of collapse, a courageous young boy stumbles upon a mysterious artifact hidden deep within the woods. Little does he know, his discovery sets in motion a perilous adventure that spans the uncharted reaches of the universe. Determined to find his way back home, he embarks on a quest to collect thirteen ancient relics. But he is not alone in his pursuit. A divine being, burdened with the knowledge of the impending cataclysm, vows to rewrite the future and prevent the boy from unknowingly triggering the destruction of the entire universe. Racing against time, their paths intertwine in a relentless chase where the stakes couldn't be higher. As the boy's journey unfolds, malevolent forces take shape and threaten to consume everything in their path. With the very fabric of existence at stake, the clash between gods and the impending doom looms ominously. Will the boy unlock the secrets of the relics and save his world, or will darkness prevail, plunging all into eternal chaos? Prepare for an epic adventure where destiny hangs in the balance, and the clash of gods heralds the ultimate battle for survival.

teddi · แอคชั่น
25 Chs

Veil of Shadows

The shadow group, an elusive and malevolent force, cast its ominous presence over Hastick Bay. The urgency to thwart their wicked intentions gripped me as I gathered my students, a diverse assembly of budding mages. The city's fate hung in the balance, and the responsibility to avert a catastrophic event rested squarely on my shoulders.

The plan unfolded as a tense choreography – a desperate attempt to intercept the shadow group before they reached Hastick Bay. The potential for devastation loomed large, and the consequences of failure were unfathomable. As we huddled, a motley assembly of mages, I conceived a daring strategy that involved utilizing the magical prowess of my students.

Yosif, my top student for three consecutive years, stood nearby. In a pivotal moment, I enlisted his help to craft a formidable astral spell, a chain of magic that would create a protective barrier enveloping Hastick Bay. The plan was intricate, requiring precision and synchronization, but the stakes left no room for hesitation.

As the arcane energies entwined and the protective shield materialized, the shadow group, driven by an enigmatic anger, approached. Their dark entities seemed temporarily ensnared by the magical web, giving us a brief respite to prepare for the impending clash.

Facing my eager students, the question echoed, "Sir, what should we do now?" The weight of my decision hung in the air as I declared, "We fight them head-on." Yet, a daring idea germinated within me, one that demanded a risky gambit to ensure success.

"You take the black box, Yosif," I instructed, singling out my top student. His initial shock was apparent as he revealed his face—hazel eyes, brown curly hair, and a flustered expression. Despite his unpreparedness, I couldn't allow him to perceive this as a burden. He had been my top student for three years; it was time for him to rise to the occasion.

As Yosif hesitated, questioning the potential risks, I interjected firmly, "What if it works? At least we tried, right? This is why we are mages, isn't it?" Without waiting for further deliberation, I sprinted towards the approaching shadow group, leaving my students behind.

In a daring aerial display, I maneuvered through the city, reaching the shadow group as they stood at the edge of my astral shield. Eight ominous figures, their motives unclear, were momentarily trapped.

Seizing the opportunity, I planned to draw them toward me. Yet, amidst the tension, I noticed two unsuspecting girls—vulnerable and oblivious to the imminent danger. A choice presented itself—protect them or stay focused on the approaching threat.

Descending swiftly, I intercepted the girls, a teenager and an infant, both terrified. The teenager struggled to articulate her fear, pointing desperately towards Hastick Bay. The realization struck—her parents were on the other side.

Assuring their safety, I turned back to face the shadow group. Engaging Erlixius, Liu, and Thure, the three enigmatic figures, I sought understanding. They spoke of Arcane, a concept foreign to me, and their mission from entities named Evtar and Fuagi.

Attempting diplomacy, I proposed a cautious approach, urging them to undergo assessments before departing. However, tensions escalated, and the shadow figures demanded the immediate revelation of Arcane's location.

Amidst the standoff, a piercing scream echoed, drawing my attention. Rushing towards the disturbance, I discovered a gruesome scene—a mutilated body, life extinguished in a horrifying manner. Panic ensued, and I ordered an evacuation.

Returning to the shadow group, I sought to continue the dialogue, only to find myself ambushed. One of the figures struck me, freezing me in place. Desperation set in as I unleashed astral arrows, futile against their impervious forms.

The plan hinged on Yosif activating the black box, but my incapacitation left the outcome uncertain. Suddenly, a blinding light enveloped everything—a desperate attempt by Yosif to execute the plan. Darkness ensued, a momentary reprieve from the impending disaster.

As the world plunged into blackness, the fate of Hastick Bay and the enigmatic Arcane remained shrouded in uncertainty. In the ensuing void, questions lingered, and the echo of the confrontation resonated, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of both magic and mortal resolve.

With the city enveloped in the ethereal darkness, time seemed to stretch into an infinite expanse. Within this temporal void, my senses were disoriented, and the chaotic whispers of the shadow group echoed like distant thunder.

As the blackness gradually receded, revealing a surreal dreamscape, I found myself standing in a realm between realities. Shadows danced along the periphery, and the air hummed with a mystic energy. Hastick Bay, once a tangible city, now existed as a spectral mirage.

The shadow figures, Erlixius, Liu, and Thure, stood before me, their featureless visages a disconcerting presence. The void had become a canvas for our enigmatic confrontation. Their voices, devoid of humanity, reverberated in the ethereal space.

"You have intruded upon realms unknown, mage. Our pursuit of Arcane transcends your mortal comprehension," Erlixius intoned, the words carrying an otherworldly resonance.

I braced myself for the enigmatic conversation that unfolded. The shadow group, emissaries of distant entities, revealed fragments of their cosmic purpose. Evtar and Fuagi, names whispered across cosmic winds, sent them on a quest for Arcane—an elusive force that tethered realities.

With each revelation, my understanding deepened, and I grappled with the weight of cosmic forces intertwined with mortal destinies. The intricacies of Arcane, an entity that transcended planetary boundaries, remained elusive, leaving me to navigate the uncharted waters of cosmic mysteries.

The encounter in the spectral realm unfolded as a discourse on the nature of magic, the cosmic dance of dimensions, and the interplay between mortal endeavors and celestial machinations. As Erlixius, Liu, and Thure wove their cosmic narrative, I felt a profound connection to the arcane currents that permeated the cosmos.

In the midst of this ethereal discourse, fragments of my mortal existence intermingled with cosmic revelations. The image of Hastick Bay, suspended in a temporal stasis, flickered like a distant star in the cosmic expanse. The city's fate, once bound to the whims of shadowy malevolence, now rested at the nexus of cosmic energies.

As the spectral conversation unfolded, I realized that the shadow group's quest for Arcane was not solely a pursuit of power. It was a cosmic imperative, a tether connecting disparate realities and weaving the fabric of existence itself. The enigma of Arcane transcended mortal desires, and its true nature remained veiled in cosmic mystery.

In the wake of this cosmic revelation, a decision loomed—a choice between embracing the unknown and resisting the cosmic currents that sought to reshape mortal destinies. The shadow group, once enigmatic adversaries, now stood as conduits between mortal realms and celestial forces.

With newfound clarity, I ventured to convey the cosmic revelations to my mortal counterparts. The spectral realm shifted, and once again, I found myself standing on the precipice of reality. Hastick Bay, released from the temporal stasis, gradually

 reemerged as a tangible city.

The shadow figures, Erlixius, Liu, and Thure, stood alongside me, their presence transcending the boundaries of mortal comprehension. The city, once shrouded in darkness, now basked in the ethereal glow of cosmic energies.

As the spectral veil dissipated, I faced my students, their eyes reflecting a mix of awe and trepidation. The cosmic revelations, though challenging to articulate, unfolded as a testament to the intertwined nature of mortal endeavors and cosmic destinies.

The shadow group, once perceived as malevolent adversaries, now existed as cosmic emissaries navigating the delicate balance between mortal realms and celestial forces. The pursuit of Arcane, a cosmic imperative, transcended the boundaries of good and evil, revealing a tapestry of existence woven with threads of enigmatic energies.

In the aftermath of this ethereal odyssey, Hastick Bay stood as a testament to the intricate dance between mortal aspirations and cosmic forces. The city, once on the brink of devastation, now bore the imprint of a cosmic revelation that transcended the limitations of mortal understanding.

As the cosmic echoes reverberated through the city, I pondered the implications of the enigmatic encounter. The shadow group, once harbingers of darkness, now stood as guardians of cosmic secrets, their mission intricately tied to the ebb and flow of cosmic energies.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I faced the lingering mysteries of Arcane and the cosmic currents that shaped mortal destinies. The city, bathed in the afterglow of cosmic revelations, stood as a testament to the delicate interplay between the known and the unknown.

The shadows, once ominous and foreboding, now harbored the whispers of cosmic secrets waiting to be unraveled. As Hastick Bay embraced its cosmic destiny, I, too, ventured forth into the uncharted realms of magic and mystery, guided by the echoes of a celestial encounter that transcended the boundaries of mortal comprehension.