
Bride of the werewolf king

Joy_Michael_ · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

The ceremony

Under the moonlight,stood the whole pack around a bonfire. Twelve young female werewolf representing their prospective families were in the middle receiving advise from their alpha.

"Today, is the start of a new day for all of you. Today you don't only represent your families but the whole pack. One amongst you will be chosen to be our queen. Bear this in mind that when you are chosen, is not just for yourself, family or the pack but for the whole race and ..."

"They are here ". One of them whisper to Noah's ear stopping him from completing his statement.

"Okay, I wish you all good luck" Said Noah to them before taking a step back.

Two elderly men and a middle age man walked into their midst. Noah recognize the two elderly to be members of the counsel but, he knew nothing about the other one so, he figured that he might be the king.

( Only a few people have seen what the king looks like. Noah who is just an alpha in a small werewolf pack was not fortunate enough to be amongst those who can visit the palace whenever he wants.)

Now, that he is standing in front of someone who's posture and aura define nobility, he became excited to have received such honor.

Noah stepped forward to welcome them. Noah looked at the middle man and was about to pay his respect when he heard his voice.

"His highness is out hunting in the woods he will soon be here".

"Oh" Noah excalm before stepping away.

After some few minutes everyone turned to the direction of the woods when they heard noises coming from the woods with their super hearing.

The middle aged man walked into the woods with holding a new set of clothes.

Everyone Waited in anticipation when they saw a silhouette coming out of the woods.

While everybody wants to get a glimpse of what the king looks like.

Mia who was sitting on a bench at the back working on her assignment was oblivious to all that.

The ladies were exhilarated when the figure came into view.

'Oh..my.. gosh. He's more handsome than I thought . We are going to make a perfect couple ' Lydia's thoughts were running wild.

"Welcome your highness, we are honored to be graced with your present. Please have a seat" said Noah to the werewolf king.

"No need for that" Noah was interrupted.

"Where are they?" Asked the werewolf king in a frosty tune.

"Yes. Right, here they are" Noah was agitated.

The werewolf king walked to were the girls were standing. He walked past each of them without taking a second glance but when he got to the last person which is Lydia he stopped and look at her again.

Lydia beam with excitement .

He turned around and walked away from her. After a few steps, he suddenly stopped on his track. He looks back with one of his brow lightly raised. And finally went back to the seat which was prepared for him.

One of the elderly men that came with him walked up to him to inquire about his choice.

"Your highness, did you see anyone that capture your attention?".

"Hmmm" He replied.

"Please do let us know which one of these Ladies is going to be our queen?"

"She " He pointed at Lydia.

Noah was excited that his daughter was the chosen one his prayers have been answered.

"I am very honored your highness,that you choose my daughter as your bride" Noah said to the king before reckoning his daughter to come forward . "Lydia dear, please step forward".

Lydia was feeling euphoria when she heard her father command and quickly tried to come forward when they all suddenly heard a rather confusing order.

"Not her"

Everyone looked at each other wondering what was going on. The king clearly pointed at Lydia, but why did he say it's not her? .

"Yo... your highness, you..".

"I was referring to the other one" He said pointing his finger in the same direction.

Everyone was confused. There was no other lady standing behind Lydia apart from the elders in the pack standing around the bonfire forming a cycle behind the girls or is there someone else? They were all curious so they all turned to look behind them and saw just one person sitting one a bench who was focused doing something. In that moment one question poop in everyone's head.

Mia suddenly felt a gaze on her so she turned around to look but stupified when she realizes that everybody was looking at her.

'Did I do something wrong again ' Mia thought to herself. As she always seems to mess thing up everytime.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"Huh_ huh" everyone answered.

"Miss, can you please come forward?" The middle aged man said to her.

"M...me... Why?"

"His highness request your present".

"Huh.. okay " Mia put down her work and walked into their midst .

"What's your name young lady?" Said the elderly man .

" Mi..Mia. Mia Anderson sir" She replied unsure of what was going on.

"Anderson I see" the elderly man then turned to Noah. "Your last name is Anderson also right?".

"Yes. She is my youngest daughter " said Noah.

"Very well then, send her to the palace in two days time to prepare her for the wedding ".

"I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think she is suitable " said Noah.

"Is she not of age?" Came the king's frigid voice.

"Ye...yes she, is but.."

"Then it's settled"

"Your highness, if I may speak " Lydia came forward.

"Go on" the king said. Lydia was so frightened by the look on the king's face but she still muster her courage and speak up.

"Your highness please don't get me wrong, I love my sister but what my father was trying to say is that, she is not suitable because she is not a full werewolf yet. She was not able to shift during her coming of age and up till now. We are worried that it's might look bad on you if you take her as your bride " said Lydia trying to hold back her anger.

"Then she is even more interesting than I thought" said the king. " Luke, meet me in the car in thirty minutes we are leaving and she's coming with us" He said to the middle aged man who's name is Luke.

Lydia almost passed out on the spot thinking where it all went wrong.