
Bride of the werewolf king

Joy_Michael_ · Urban
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15 Chs


"Your highness, I think you are making the wrong choice" said one of the elderly man standing in front of the king who was sitting on a chair in a hall.

"Why do you think so, Elder James. You all asked me to pick a bride so did I. Now tell me what I did wrong" The king said to them.

"What I'm saying is that, you need a strong queen to fight beside you your highness, not a girl who cannot even shift. It's been unheard of, your highness.

The king looked at them, enjoying the dilemma they were all in. They are forcing to get married saying it was the right thing to do as a king, when he clearly never wants to marry. He picked Mia amongst the other girls because he felt she was different from the others. But he never expected she will exceed his expectations and was just the right candidate he could use to pork at these old haggs for his amusement.

"Too bad, I don't plan on changing my mind" he before leaving them. The moment he came out of the hall, Luke follow behind him.

" How is she?" He asked Luke.

"She's settling in" replied Luke. "Your highness,I.."..

"Fuck Luke, whose side are you on? Cause I know what you are going to say. You only addresses me by title when you want bore me with your talks".

"You will continue to hear them until you take this matter seriously "

"Send her to me when she is ready" He said as he walked into a room and lock Luke out before he gets the to enter.

"Humm" Luke sigh. "Why is he always stubborn? I'm getting headaches from all rash behaviors and mood swing" Luke said before walking away.


Mia wasn't sure if all these this is real or it was just a long dream. She moved around the room inspecting every single furniture and designs. Her inspection was disrupted when she heard a knock on the door.

"Ehmm, come in" Mia said. The door was opened and a young lady wearing a uniform walked in.

"My name is Lucy and I'm going to be your maid from now on miss..." Said Lucy trying to get her name inorder to know how to address her.

Mia wasn't sure how to replied. To have a maid attending to all her needs was a new thing to her.

"Oh! Mia. Mia is okay by me"

"Okay Miss Mia, I'm going to.."

"Please call me Mia. It's kind of awkward addressing me as a miss" said Mia to her

"Okay Mia? " Lucy said not sure of what will happen to her if someone was to find out. "I will draw a bath for you" Then she rushed into the bathroom.

Mia sat on the bed which was more softer than her bed back at home.

"I think it will feel great if I lay on it" she then climb onto the bed. "Hmmm, this is so amazing " Mia giggles when she felt the softness of the bed against her skin.

"Your bath is ready " Lucy informed her.

"Okay " Mia got up and was about to take off her clothes when realized that there was another person in the room. She looked at Lucy in awkwardness. Lucy immediately understood her and turned her back to Mia.

"You know we are both girls and there is no need to shy away" said Lucy.

"I know but I'm not comfortable with it " When she was done, she entered the bathroom which was a lot bigger than her old bedroom. She entered the bathtub which was already prepared with red flowers spread allover. Mia inhaled the sweet fragrance of the water in astonishment .

"I think my skin will be glowing by the time I come out of this water" Mia said in excitement. "Who say money is not good. I'm sure Lydia must be crying her eyes out by now. It's such a shame I can't see it." Mia chuckled. "Wait! But how did all this happened? why did he choose me instead of the other girls?" Mia wondered.


When she was done with her bath, she put on a bathrobe before stepping out . Mia almost freaked out when she saw the figure waiting in room. She looked around to see if Lucy was also there.

"I sent her away a moment ago" The king said.

Mia was not sure how to behave around royals so she tried to make an awkward curtsey. " You highness"

Seeing Mia in that awkward position, her tried to hold his laughter by sitting down on the bed.

"Sebastian, You can call me Sebastian and stop whatever it is you are doing" Sebastian said to Mia.

'thank God' Mia thought to herself before standing up.

" Sit" Sebastian said pointing to the chair by the dressing table.

Mia sat down, nervously holding both her first together.

"Are you comfortable here" Sebastian said looking around the room.

"Ye...yes your highness.. sorry Sebastian". She quickly corrected herself not daring to look upward.

"So tell me, how come a werewolf is not able to shift?. It's kind of surprising".

"I don't know " said Mia timidly. This is a sensitive topic to her. She have always been made fun of due to her predicament for the past four years.

Sebastian noticed that she not comfortable with the conversation due to her body language and tried to change the topic to something else.

"Tell me if there is anything you don't like and I will make sure to dispose it.

"Yes your.. Sebastian"

"You can ease up around me. We will soon get married and I don't want you passing out everytime you see me. Have a good night " Oliver said to her before walking out.

"Bummm" Mia breath out. " I really thought I was going to pass out. Wait! How did he know that? Was it that obvious? Ha.." Mia cried out after hitting herself on the head.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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