
Breathes of Cold Air|(Stranger Things)

An inside perspective to our favorite babysitter as he wades through concannon conversations about emotions and the like. I couldn't get some situations out of my head so I decided to put them on 'paper' there is plenty Steve Harrington bias you have been warned

Wtf_Bro78 · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

awkward conversations

He was then left with all of the kids, god those shitheads were annoying, he got his ass beat again, what motherfucker uses a plate in a fist fight. While he didn't want to go to the nerve center thing but like usual he was wrong, add on no longer having Nancy as a motivator sure was making this all very confusing. All he had was wanting to prove her right about him, that he could be someone worthy of love from someone like her, or maybe at least just love at all. fuck I'm hating all this self pity.

and with that the front door opened interrupting his reflection, looking to see who came to presumably talk to him. and there he saw Jonathon fidgety and mad. When Jonathon locks eyes with Steve he seems even more pissed, but not enough to go back in. Jonathon takes a seat on the steps, but as far as he can be from steve, not a surprising reaction considering they have never gotten along. Steve no longer able to go deep within his own thoughts anymore sat in the awkward silence.

until Jonathon whispered "we broke up"

he almost looked like he was going to cry, he looked how I felt when me and nancy broke up.

"do you want to talk about it?"



"umm...I couldn't go to Northwestern with her"

"why not?"

he scoffs at this "cause I'm poor Steve"


now he's angry "I'm not like you I can't walk into any college I want with my daddies money!"

"does it look like I'm in college dumbass?"

he backs away with that "you know what I mean"

"not really, I do have it easy, I'm a white guy in America from a well of family, but last time checked you're most of those things too."

"I have to work from the bottom, I don't just get handed things."

"this really isn't my fight, ... but you are so focused on what you don't have you are losing what you do. And even I know so much more people have it so much worst. You might have to start from the 'bottom'... but every step up you take is much easier than someone like Sinclair. so that is why I'm calling bullshit, and that's not even counting the payout your family got from the government."

"... I ... I guess your right, but that was mostly an excuse"

"i guessed that surprisingly enough"

"I think, when I moved to California I figured out just how reliant I was on her, how I wasn't really myself, but who I thought I should be to be with her... if that makes any sense."

"it kinda does, but I guess for me it was more of a good thing for me"

"I guess I know how you felt now"

and once again I got pissed "no you dont, she did leave you for someone else"

luckily for Jonathon I got up walked into the house slamming the door behind me instead something more stupid, huh I guess that's progress.

and that's when I see Robin trying to sneak back into an inconspicuous location

"heard that did you snoopy?"

looking a little guilty and then confused "...snoopy?"

shaking my head "how much did you hear"

"I saw Jonathon go out, I was worried something would happen." she said defensively

"well I dont want to talk about it" I said walking away

she then followed me "why not?"

I answered by giving a look, I dont even know what look, but I gave it.

"come on I hear it's not good to keep all those emotions bottled up."

"bottled up?"I ask taking a seat

the livingroom group now with only a teary eyed Nancy, since will and argyle had decided to leave to go check on Jonathon.

Robin clumsily found an excuse to leave "I think I'll go check on the detective group"

I chose to go sit closer (but not too close) to Nance.

and silence reigned once again

and now I'm starting to let my thoughts drift in the silence maybe because I'm just more comfortable around her than Jonathon. Thinking about how much she has changed since they broke up. Nancy found a calling and it made her even bolder and braver. She had grown into the most beautiful girl hes seen into the most beautiful woman he's seen. She showed how much he'd been holding her back, when he was with her she only got more and more consumed with bitterness, but with Jonathon she fulfilled her potential and more.

"what are you thinking about?"

my head snaps up to meet her eyes "umm... uhh... you."

"why'd you look so sad?"

I dont think I can lie to her if I tried

"I was thinking about how much you've changed since..."

"and how did that make you sad?"

"You didn't really change when we were together, I'm just seeing how Jonathon was better for you than I was" my voice weakening

I was then surprised with arms wrapping around me, I dont really hesitate to return the hug.

"you helped me when I was at my lowest steve , it was thanks to you, Jonathon got me at my best"

I was speechless

"thank you steve"

"uh... you're welcome" I say feeling a weight being lifted from my chest

and she laughs, that beautiful laugh, music to my ears strong enough to snap vecnas curse. I chuckle and rub my neck awkwardly sitting back more comfortably.

"so uh... are you ok with being here with the whole Vecna curse thing"

"...I think there are enough happy memories here to counteract the bad ones" smiling coyly

"good, good" I say blushing a little bit playing with my hair a bit

and a very good silence comes back and somehow both of us seem to be feeling much better prior to 5 minutes ago and the redness around her eyes is fading away. He might not be able to be the one for her, but he can do this much, and he can be ok with that.

*high pitched whistle* a gruff shout interrupted the silence "kay I got it all, in the living room now!"