

warnings evil mc. might kill your fav characters. do not complain when he acts like an asshole or does something evil. a selfish and evil man is transmigrated into An au mcu with the powers of the astras of the brahmastraverse. in a quest to entertain and impress the previous omniverseral devil and become the new one. I fully expect the majority of you to know nothing about brahmastra (bollywood fantasy movie) hence everything will be explained in the story and if you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments btw nothing in this story including the images used belong to me

draculemorningstar · ภาพยนตร์
6 Chs




Looking at the 2 new stars next to my old one I couldn't help but laugh manically ,I had gotten stronger then both captain America and early iron man in one night and all I had to do was kill a pedophile and get laid.


The reason I claimed  that I had gotten stronger then both cap and iron man is becouse of the 2 astras I recieved. 1 for fucking up canon with the letter I sent to Tony and 2 for fucking up pepper with the fucking I gave her.

The astras I received where the vanar astra(super monkey astra) which gave me the flexibility and athleticity of a super monkey along with the ability to jump massive distances.  I could prolly jump over the Eifel tower if I wished to.

And the second astra I received and the one I was truly ecstatic about was the nandi astra( sacred bull astra) which gave me the power of a THOUSAND BULLS!!.

I could cave caps face in with a single punch and rip starks armour to pieces with my bare hands! Hell I could even take on the hulk, I mean I'd lose obviously but I could hold him off for a while especially since the nandi astra sort of gives me a heavily nerfed one directional super speed  as I could run with the power of a thousand bulls but I couldnt change direction without stopping and a low level healing factor which would allow me to heal from something like a bullet wound completely in merely a day. Basically I was like a shape-shifting spider man  now

But as amazing as the power I felt in me now was ,I had to remind myself that I was still only a mortal and still very easily Killable, remembering what happened to the previous users of the nandi astra helped in calming me down alot. 1 died after getting shot in the chest about a dozen times,and the other died after having a trident made of magic fire shoved through his chest ........huh maybe I should invest in some chest protection.

But the important question was what was I gonna do with all this power, I spent all day thinking of plans that would allow me to gain the most power in the shortest time,  trying to remember what all those fanfiction mcs in my previous life did to get op. With options ranging from both joining the avengers to going up against them for more chances to gain astras until i finally came to a conclusion.

I'm not like those fanfcition mcs I read about, I can't make incredibly complicated plans and carry them out perfectly. Being evil doesn't automatically make you a evil genius, also why settle for just one option? Why not milk them both for what they're worth! After all if I can't use order and logic to win this shit, I'll become the very Embodiment of chaos and insanity!!...... meh whatever its shopping time.

I didn't really have the money for an actual costume or any sort of idea where I could get one made from even if I did. So I went to the only place I could....the mall.

I ended getting a cool looking jacket with a hoodie and I even picked up a kakashi mask from an anime store.....I know not the best beginning costume but not the worst either, at least it isnt wasn't a onesie like Parker.

(Click for image)


Fury pov.

Looking at the scientists working on the tesseract I can't help but both hope and worry,  hope that this will lead to what I want it to, a way for humanity to combat threats from the wider universe, the dangers of which the arrivals of people like thor and Carol had already shown him.

And worry that perhaps this wasn't the right call, that perhaps all this technology would do is lead to even more war and bloodshed amongst his own people, used by corrupt politicians and generals for their own needs rather then that of the people.

Just as he was contemplating these things he was broken out of his revery by coulson who handed him a tablet with a YouTube video on it , one that seemed to be posted only 15 mins ago and already had millions of views on it and said " sir you might want to watch this."

Taking the tablet from him i see that the video in it is made by a drone, some one was probably test driving there new drone and trying to check the camera quality of the thing which was admittedly pretty good, must have been a stark product.

In it the drone was capturing the skyline of Newyork city ,everything seemed normal. Until suddenly something appeared on the screen, there right in the middle of new York City!,  floating in the sky was a man encapsulated by the image of a gigantic white and golden ape!!.

(Click for image)

He suddenly falls down toward the street with gawking pedestrians hurriedly moving out of the way, a feet of comman sense he had not expected from the new yorkers.

There's a flash of white and golden light as he lands and a crater is formed where he does. Standing up unbothered by the impossible by human standards feet he had committed,  his face covered by a hood and a half face mask he gazez towards the citizens of new York and utters out a single demand.




I started this fic really randomly after rewatching brahmastra, I honestly had no overall plan for it, and even know I only have half a plan as I'm mostly just making this shit up as I go along 😅, but hopefully whatever this fic turn out to be , it will be both very chaotic and very fun.