
Chapter 1_coincidental meeting.

Elena's Pov

"Good afternoon ma'am, you ordered from Grill plaza"  I smiled while assessing the woman in front of me. She looked arrogant.

"No I didn't," She said looking at me with an expression of fury.

"It must be a misunderstanding, sorry for wasting your...." I didn't have the chance to finish when she slammed the door in my face.

"Time" I completed.

Well, that was a nice conversation, sighing, I turned to leave. This was the third prank call today and I most definitely didn't want to receive another.

Reaching my destination I looked up at the sign which read "GRILL PLAZA" and sighed, parked the van, and jumped out.

"Yo Ellie" 

I swung round to find Caleb my colleague beckoning to me with frantic hand movements 

"Hey, Caleb, working the afternoon shift are we"I said punching him playfully on the shoulder, earning a smile from him.

"I heard we've been receiving prank calls, he said and I groaned.

"Tyler just can't keep his mouth shut can he"

"No I don't think that's possible, e," he said and we burst out laughing.

"It is true though we've been receiving prank calls and from the looks of it we might receive another one, but look on the bright side"

"What,", he asked looking interested.

"My shift ends now, "I said looking at my watch.

Caleb looked as if he wanted to strangle me and I laughed at his expression

"Say goodbye to Tyler for me," I said strolling past him with hands in my pockets. 

"Hey wait" I turned and stared at him.

"I just wanted to ask if you've thought about my proposal" 

"I have, but my answer remains the same, I can't date someone I consider  my brother"

"But I like you a lot"

"And I like you too, just not in a romantic manner," I said.

"Just think about it again, I'm sure you'll change your mind"

"My answer will not change, Caleb"

He looked so sad that I wanted to hug him but I couldn't because that would only lead him on.

"Hey Caleb," I said.

"Yeah" He looked hopeful.

"I hope this doesn't affect our friendship, because I cherish you a lot "

"Then why can't you date me"

"Because I'd be lying to you, and I don't wanna do that".

He turned away from me and walked into the restaurant, I knew I had hurt him with my blunt words but I wasn't one to beat about the bush either he had to know that I couldn't date him and he would have to live with it, it is not the end of the world anyways.

"I'll be off now" I shouted at his retreating back and pouted. He wouldn't stay angry at me, but I knew that if I had just faced such blunt rejection I would have been angry too.

I turned to go and walked straight into a very sturdy chest, groaning I looked up at the man I had walked into and my mouth fell open.

"Are you drooling miss" He smirked?