
Chapter 2_Mystery man.


"Are you drooling miss" He smirked.

But his voice sounded far away, I was shamelessly checking him out. This man before me was probably a god or he may have jumped out of one of Michelangelo's paintings, from the looks of his body he probably lived in a gym, his suit hugged his body outlining his biceps, I gulped, his body probably belonged in an art exhibit, I looked at his face and my mouth went dry, He had a sharp jawline and an even sharper nose, his eyes were a shade of brown that reminded me of chocolates.

"Am I perhaps the object of your fantasies?" He said smugly. His voice was deep and rich.

"Sir, sorry to interrupt but Mr. Williams Will be arriving shortly"A short man, most likely his secretary said. But Mr. Smug face kept his eyes trained on me, making me feel suddenly jumpy.

"If you'll excuse me, "I said brushing past him in a haste and making my way outside the restaurant.

Once outside I took out my phone and deactivated airplane mode, I had three missed calls and fifteen text messages from my best friend Azalea.

Slowly I made my way to my car, which I shared with my bestie, my mind was still muddled from my encounter with MR. Smug face, I would have to call Azalea later when I had gotten a hold of myself, with that resolution I started the car and drove off in the direction of my apartment.

"Earth to Elena," Azalea said waving her hand in my face. I had found her waiting for me inside my apartment, she had used her spare key to enter in a bid to find me.


 "Were you daydreaming" she gasped.

"I hardly daydream and you know it" I couldn't contain my smile.

"That doesn't make it impossible you know," she said.

"You have failed in your endeavor to tease me"

"Ok but did you read my text messages"

"I don't know why you send them when you know I won't read them."

"You madame are a lost cause, I don't even know why I bother, by the way, Caleb called"

"Ugggghhh" I groaned, "now I see why you called and texted me"

"But he is a cool guy"

"And I don't like him in that manner, I can't just lie to him under the pretext of dating him you know, that wouldn't sit well with my conscience" I really didn't need this right now but I had to set her right.

"You seem annoyed," she said apologetically.

"I wanted to scream  YES but instead I hugged her and said "Nah, just stressed out, we've been receiving prank calls today so my mood is not good right now" 

When I released her, Azalea looked like she was considering something

"What are you thinking about"

"I think that you have a crush on someone and that is why you are behaving so annoyed at the mention of Caleb".

"Are you attracted to someone else?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

My first instinct was to deny but looking at my bestie I knew I could share my turmoil with her.

"Yes," I said as my breath caught in my throat.