
Boruto: HHHHH

Vitekc2312 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Embarrassing Massage

When he was left alone with Karin, Sasuke decided that this was his chance to get such a lovely person like her, especially knowing that even after more than ten years she continues to flow through him, besides, although Suigetsu told him about his wife and daughter, he would not care even if he had all memory. After all, he knew that Sasuke had hooked up with Sakura not out of love, but purely to revive the clan, which he had succeeded in fucking.

- Karin, as far as I learned from Suigetsu, you hated Orochimaru, then why are you working for him? - Sasuke followed her down the corridor. - Suigetsu started working because it's easier for him to live, and you?

- Are you really Sasuke? Karin suddenly asked, stopping, which is why Sasuke almost flew into her back. - Before, he was never interested in what was happening to us, he was ready to sacrifice us for his goal at that time before the war and during, and after that he completely forgot that we exist, - the girl turned and looked into his eyes, adjusting her glasses. - Even though your chakra is similar to his, but it has become softer and warmer, I still can't believe it's you.

- To be honest, I'm also not sure if I'm the person you all remember, - Sasuke sighed.

"This body has a great reaction, I didn't even notice how I stopped so as not to bump into Karin's back, although it would be nice..."

He pondered.

- Judging from Suigetsu's words, I was selfish, cruel and pretty... a terrible person, and your words only confirm that it is. Maybe memory loss is a chance for me to get better?

Although Sasuke spoke rather strange words for his past self, which could give him a completely different person, but his detached look with admixtures of cold, as if said that it was still the same Sasuke, despite his words.

And precisely because of her feelings for him, the girl did not think about it too much, so she just turned away and went on.

"This is my chance!"

The girl thought.

"I'm sorry, Sakura, but since he's lost his memory, he's a completely different person, so I won't feel remorse if I take him away from you."

Of course, Sasuke himself did not know Karin's thoughts, so he calmly followed her into one of the rooms, which will now belong to him. When he entered the room, he saw that it was quite spacious with a bed and everything necessary for life.

- Now this is your room, it is located opposite mine, so if you need any help, you can always knock on my door, - Karin smiled at him. - Now I will take you to the training hall, where you can practice, I will monitor your progress.

- I would like to start with body training and basic skills, without using the chakra.

- Okay, I'll tell you everything you need, let's go.

After walking for some time through the corridors, they got into a spacious training hall, where Sasuke stood up at the very beginning, and Karin next to him, they both had shurikens and kunai in their hands. She began to teach him the correct throwing, and before that he barely learned, though not in the right way. By the way, he managed to hit the target on the third attempt.

"Apparently you still have muscle memory," Karin summed up, looking at the hundreds of shurikens and kunai already thrown at the target.

"I need to call Suigetsu to check your sword skills, I'll be back soon."

When the girl left, Sasuke looked at his hands and squeezed them several times.

"After all, I have muscle memory, it just didn't work because I threw incorrectly? Although maybe I didn't feel it because my body was overstressed? And now it is more relaxed than before..."

After spending some time in his mind and thinking about everything that had happened recently, Sasuke also looked at his statue without seeing any changes, although Karin's statistics had changed, now her subordination parameter was higher than before, which slightly surprised him. But while he was in his thoughts, Suigetsu and Karin entered the hall, so he decided to postpone his thoughts and got down to business.

He and Suigetsu started fighting with swords, Sasuke used his sword, but Suigetsu is kind of simple. Despite the fact that Sasuke's statistics were quite low and he moved no faster than an ordinary person, or rather not much faster, he could fight back Suigetsu, who periodically disappeared from his field of vision.

Disappearing, Suigetsu attacked Sasuke from blind spots, but the guy's reaction, however, was not bad, since he managed to repel them, although if his sparring partner had fought with all his might, most likely Sasuke would not have had time to react to any attack.

Karin, watching this from the side, saw only how Sasuke, standing on the spot, fights with Suigetsu, who attacks from different angles and sides, having a somewhat insane smile, clearly enjoying the fight. The sword fight lasted for quite a long time, about two or three hours, and although it was not noticeable on Sasuke's face that he was tired, however, shortness of breath spoke about it, and the missed blow to Suigetsu, which almost hit the guy's throat, fortunately he stopped.

- And you are strong, even despite the loss of memory and strength, - Suigetsu grinned, putting his sword on his shoulder. - I think at least you will be stronger than any ordinary genin.

- Hey! Suigetsu! - Karin came up to them, giving him a slap on the back of the head, which caused the guy's head to fly apart with splashes of water, then recovering.

- What the fuck are you doing, you red-haired fool?! Suigetsu snapped. - Do you want me to teach you a lesson?

- Go mind your own business! Karin shouted, pointing to the exit. - Then we'll figure it out ourselves.

- Yes, yes, - he put his hands behind his head. - I'll leave you lovers alone.

Sasuke was just silent all this time, as he didn't know what to say until Suigetsu left the hall, and Karin turned to him.

- Forgive him, he always says some nonsense that comes into his head.

Of course, she was embarrassed that Suigetsu called them lovers, but since Sasuke did not react to this in any way, she also decided not to say anything about it.

- It's okay, - Sasuke sat down on the floor. - After all, he's right, now I'm hundreds of times weaker than myself in the past, I need to train and recover before returning to Konoha.

"Besides, even though I don't remember exactly what happened in Boruto, but I have to be ready to fight against Ootsutsuki, and for this I need to become many times stronger than myself in the past, I hope the system will give me all the necessary opportunities for this, it's not just that I have it."

Seeing Sasuke's face suddenly plunged into thoughtfulness, Karin was a little depressed.

"He probably wants to see his wife and daughter even though he doesn't remember them?"

In other respects, she quickly forgot about these thoughts, as she understood that Sasuke would obviously be here for a long time.

- I think you only need regular training at the very beginning, then your body will help you remember everything, so we can go through basic training in one day.

- Okay, then I'll count on you, Karin.

Smiling at him, Karin started training, in total it took until the evening and Sasuke even learned to walk on the walls thanks to this, and Karin was now sitting and stretching a little, while yawning quite nicely, covering her mouth with her hand.

Looking at her from the side, Sasuke saw how she stretched out and showed off all her seductive body curves, and also opened up a little view of her smooth tummy, covering her eyes while yawning.

- Do you want me to give you a massage? Sasuke suddenly blurted out.

"Your mother! Why did I say that?"

From his words, Karin froze in surprise and looked at him with embarrassment, she did not expect to hear such words from him, while seeing how he looked at her with a smile.

"Y-do you really want to do this?"

- Why not? he replied, remaining calm.

"Since I offered, I will go to the end."

Karin, not thinking about it anymore, immediately agreed, so they went to her room where she took some cream and gave it to Sasuke.

"Could you turn away for now?" I need to undress and lie down. By the way, how exactly are you going to do a massage?

- I think you don't need to be shy, I noticed how tense your body is, so you need a massage both from behind and from the front, if you don't mind, of course, but... if you're really so shy, you can cover yourself with a towel.

Karin immediately became even more embarrassed by the realization that the man she so desired had finally begun to show interest in her and was taking the first steps instead of her. The only reason she was still sure that he was the same Sasuke was because of the full examination and the fact that she had already heard about the change of character in people who had lost their memory, although doubts had not left her until now.

However, even despite all this, she was still morally not ready to show herself to him in all her glory, so after undressing, the girl covered her intimate parts of her body from Sasuke and lay down on the bed, while the man himself simply turned away.

- I'm ready.

- Okay, then I think I'll get started.

Sitting on Karin's hips, she shuddered, and then she squeaked a little because of the cold cream that Sasuke squeezed out of the tube on her back. Removing the tube to the side, Sasuke gradually smeared the cream on Karin's back, starting a gentle shoulder massage, which gradually became a little tougher, as the shoulder muscles were overstressed. Having finished with the shoulder massage, he gently began to descend her smooth and slightly slimy back from the cream lower and lower, making circular movements with his palms in the process.

Karin felt no pain all the time of the massage, only pleasure and how her fatigue gradually fades to nothing. She was surprised at how skillfully he moved his hands on her back, and when his slightly rough hands fell on her waist, she moaned.

- Ahhhh! - it escaped from the soft lips of Karin, who immediately, embarrassed, buried her face in the pillow. - Uh-uh-this...

- What a nice voice, - said Sasuke, pausing for a moment. - He's so cute and I really like him, I want to hear him again.


Before Karin could somehow object or begin to resist, a moan broke from her lips again, as Sasuke began massaging her sides, gently moving his rough hands, which only pleased the girl. After finishing relaxing Karin's waist and lower back, he sank lower, starting to knead her soft and small ass, but even if it was small, it could not be called flat.

Due to the fact that he was kneading her ass, Karin was very embarrassed and continued to moan periodically, restraining her voice with a pillow, but Sasuke had a great view of the girl's small anus and her charming pussy, which was very beautiful.

Karin certainly did not notice how he deliberately pushed her buns apart to look at her intimate parts of the body.

Karin gave herself too much to the pleasure of the massage, she also noticed that the massage was intensified due to the fact that Sasuke's chakra penetrated her body, affecting her nerves. Sasuke himself also noticed how the chakra in his body penetrates into Karin, which of course surprised him, but he remembered that he had a "massage" item, realizing that his initial massage skills had been improved many times.

Of course, he did not finish kneading Karin's ass and went down to her smooth, slender and soft legs, first he walked along Karin's right leg, noticing that as soon as he began kneading her heels, the girl's moans intensified.

- So this is your weak spot? Sasuke muttered, holding her leg in his hands. - And if I do so.

Karin already wanted to do something at least, but she felt Sasuke run his index finger along her heel, and his chakra penetrated her leg, affecting her nerves, which made her moan loudly.

Sasuke certainly enjoyed teasing such a lovely person, he completely discarded any possible consequences of his action, and for some reason he knew that nothing bad would happen after that.

After about ten minutes, he still finished playing with his legs, and in particular, his heels, Karin, who had completely lost all her strength, so she just let him turn her over, not covering her attractive body and third-size breasts in any way.

The girl's eyes were somewhat glassy, and because of her poor eyesight, there was a solid fog in front of her eyes, in which she could only see the silhouette of Sasuke.
