
Boruto: HHHHH

Vitekc2312 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Karin Uzumaki

After Suigetsu told Sasuke about everything that happened to him in the past, the guy grabbed his head and closed his eyes with a painful expression on his face.

- Hey! Sasuke, what's wrong with you? Suigetsu approached him, putting his hand on his shoulder. – Did my words remind you of something?

Sasuke shook his head and straightened up. – My head hurts terribly, but it's still a solid fog.

"It's better not to tell him that in fact his words did not give me anything, except for some of his words, I remember the rest from the anime, besides, he obviously lied, given the nature of the original... But since Suigetsu said that I'm quite popular, I can use it for myself. Anyway..."

He adjusted the bangs covering his left eye.

"In any case, I understood what Sasuke was doing in the period between the war and the present time, and judging by the fact that his... or rather my daughter is only ten, two years before the canon of Boruto."

- Are you sure everything is fine? Suigetsu squinted at him. – It seems that you are so hot in the sun since you have lost all your memory. Even your skills were lost?

- Yeah, my skills are also lost, - Sasuke nodded, getting up from his chair. - Can we go to Orochimaru's lab? Maybe he knows how to help me.

- I wouldn't really advise you, Orochimaru in the past still tried to capture your body, even though he changed, but I still don't think he gave up all this.

- Maybe so, but besides him I have no one to help, besides, I'm not asking you to help me, but I demand, do you think you have a choice? Sasuke grinned. - So what?

Hearing his words and seeing the way he looked at him, purely mechanically Suigetsu began to nod his head and immediately turned away.

- Then let's go…

He headed for the exit.

"He may not remember how to use his techniques, but he's still terrifying! Is it embedded in his body, or what?"

Seeing how Suigetsu easily succumbed to his small threat, Sasuke was surprised for a moment, but then realized what was the matter.

"After all, the Aura of the original owner of this body is working. Well, I can hide the fact that I lost more than ninety percent of my strength using only Sasuke's Aura."

After that, they quickly reached the place where Orochimaru's laboratory was, although they could not get into it using the usual entrance and did it through a secret exit, which Konoha, who was watching Orochimaru, did not know about.

- Okay, so you've always had a secret passage? It turns out that at any moment Orochimaru can escape and no one will prevent it? Sasuke looked around in the cave, following Suigetsu. - Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Konoha about this? You did tell me about her, after all.

- I'm not worried about this, Mr. Orochimaru himself ordered me to bring you quietly to the laboratory and use the secret passage.

- Stop... when did you get in touch with him? Sasuke was surprised. - We were close all the way here.

- Mr. Orochimaru's technique for communication, he invented it not so long ago, uses telepathy, although for this he must work with the brains of those who use it. Not perfect yet, still based on the techniques of the Yamanaka clan.

- I understand, although I don't understand what exactly it is about, - Sasuke frowned.

"In the anime, could only Yamanaka do that? Although it seems like yes... if Orych has developed a technique based on Yamanaka techniques, then he can get into my head to go through my memories..."

He had similar thoughts, Sasuke panicked quite a lot internally, although outwardly his face was still calm and did not express any emotions, as if the stone face was his basic form, which in principle it was.

After that, they walked through the cave and came to the wall, where Suigetsu folded the seals with his hands and the clay parted in different directions, allowing them to go inside.

The corridors of the laboratory were very spacious and consecrated, and the walls were covered with different patterns and walking along them, the guys passed several different rooms. And an extremely beautiful girl suddenly came out of one of these rooms.

She has long scarlet hair, eyes of the same color, average height and extremely attractive build, and glasses accentuated her beautiful face, making her even more attractive.

[Girl's status: Uzumaki Karin.]

Description: Age: 33 years old.

Height: 166 cm.

Female relatives: None.

Character: a pretty calm girl who can sometimes get out of control and be rude and cruel, but in relation to Sasuke she is always extremely positive and shows great interest.

Trust: 100. The parameter shows how much a person trusts you and listens to your opinion.

Arousal: 100. The parameter shows how excited a person is. The higher, the greater the probability of successful seduction.

Depravity: 100. The parameter shows how depraved a person is. The higher, the more relaxed it becomes and the more it allows you to do in bed.

Submission: 100. The parameter shows how much a person is willing to obey you. From zero — complete ignoring. Up to a hundred — complete and unquestioning submission, both of the body and thoughts.

Condition: Calm.]

- Suigetsu? – she muttered and immediately noticed Sasuke. – S-S-S-Sasuke? P-p-why are you here?!

[Condition: Joy! Excitement! Desire!]

- He has problems with his head, so he's here to be examined, - Suigetsu pointed at Sasuke with his thumb. - So he came here.

- You have a brain problem here! The girl barked at him and looked at Sasuke. - Sasuke, why are you going out the back door with this idiot? And.... what's wrong with your chakra? Are you sure you're Sasuke?

It was noticeable that the look directed at Suigetsu was friendly and aggressive, whereas she looked at Sasuke extremely positively and with some adoration, but at the same time there was confusion and misunderstanding in her gaze.

[Condition: Doubt. Distrust.]

"She's a great sensor, and if she doesn't recognize my chakra, then it's not surprising that she didn't meet us at the entrance, although she should have been the first to come running to see Sasuke... By the way... her condition is changing too fast somehow..."

Sasuke thought.

"Suigetsu has already answered you, I have some problems with memories. And about the chakra, I don't understand what you're talking about, but I'm a real Sasuke, at least I think so," he said calmly.

[Confidence: 30 (-70).

Submission: 20 (-80).

Note: Due to your amnesia, these parameters have decreased dramatically, since now the girl doubts whether you are the Sasuke she loves or some person who pretends to be him.

[Optional: Tell her she's a beauty.]

- However, I did not expect to meet such a beauty here. What's your name?

Sasuke did not pay attention to these alerts and decided to try his luck, what would happen if he suddenly gave her a compliment.

And as the guy expected, his words made the girl freeze in place, and then blush and quickly disappear behind the door under the astonished gaze of Sasuke and Suigetsu, as if defiantly slamming the door.

[Trust: 60 (+30).

Submission: 40 (+20).

Condition: Embarrassment. Slight distrust. Panic.

[Note: Your harsh compliment took the girl out of her rut, which led to her unstable state.]

Sasuke was extremely surprised by her jumps in mood and status. They rode like they were riding a roller coaster, which was extremely unexpected.

And while both guys were in amazement, the girl on the other side of the door leaned against her back and covered her face with her hands, feeling her getting quite hot.

"Oh-oh-oh-he complimented me! Is that t-t-t-exactly Sasuke? X-x-although the chakra has become more tender and warm than before, however, this is definitely Sasuke, although at first I did not recognize her... w-w-w-what's going on?"

Suigetsu meanwhile looked at Sasuke and smiled at him.

"It's been a while since I've seen her like this... have you seen it though? Well, it doesn't matter, Mr. Orochimaru is waiting for you, so you should go to him.

- Yeah, - Sasuke nodded and looked at her as he passed the door.

"I didn't expect such a reaction, she seemed to have become more mature for so many years, but apparently the feelings hidden in the depths broke out because of the compliment? Although how they escaped... leaked a little"

The guy thought for a few seconds and turned his gaze to Suigetsu.

- So what's her name? - the guy asked to divert attention, after all, according to history, he has amnesia.

- Karin, she flowed over you in the past, apparently you just revived her old feelings, I would hide from her if I were you, she still held back for a long time, - Suigetsu said rather distantly.

- In other things... it would be fun to watch this," he glanced at Sasuke out of the corner of his eye.

In response, he received a rather cold look that made him shudder, after which he accelerated his step forward. Still, in the past, Suigetsu respected and feared Sasuke, so these feelings have not gone away.

A few minutes later they went into a huge room with various appliances, where there was a table in the center, to which wires were connected and something similar to a VR device from SAO, as Sasuke himself noticed.

"Welcome, Sasuke," a hissing voice came from behind him.

This voice made him tense up and immediately jump aside, taking out his katana, looking after how a man with a feminine appearance looks at him with his vertical eyes with obvious desire. His instincts, or the instincts of the original owner of the body immediately began to shout about danger, and the chakra in his body began to move quickly, which caused an unusual pattern to appear in his right eye, and his vision improved significantly.

- So even though you don't remember anything, your instincts and body memory are working. It's interesting," Orochimaru licked his lips. - What do you remember about yourself besides what you told Suigetsu? And how much of your skills have been lost?

- Lost? He muttered doubtfully.

- I noticed how you moved, if you had the same strength, you would have moved several times faster and most likely would have killed me, - Orochimaru walked past him. - So what?

- I don't remember anything before I woke up in the desert, and I have to restore my skills on my own, while only kunai, with a low percentage of hits, I learned to throw, and shurikens are pretty good.

- Clearly, please lie down on this table, I want to check your condition, - pointed to that Orochimaru. - With the help of this table, I will be able to check your condition to the fullest.

Nodding, Sasuke walked over to the table and lay down in it.

"Damn... I'm risking a lot of what I'm doing now, but I still need it. After reading a lot of stories about systems, I'm not very sure about my own, but what if he finds out that I'm from another world? Still, it's better to find out about everything, maybe I'll enlist the help of Orochimaru."

After he lay down, Orochimaru connected all the wires to him and put the helmet on top, after which Orochimaru began to conduct tests, examining Sasuke's body, as well as his brain, fortunately he could not create anything similar to the Yamanaka clan technique, so the Orych did not penetrate into Sasuke's head.

During the examination, while Sasuke was lying with his eyes closed, Karin came to them, who apparently moved away from the recent and was now calmly watching everything from the side, but Suigetsu had gone somewhere. Although Sasuke had a question about where another guy from their team had gone, whose name he certainly did not remember.

When the examination was completed, Orochimaru disconnected everything from Sasuke and he calmly sat down on the table, looking at the "doctor".

- What exactly is wrong with me?

- I have not noticed any influence of mind techniques or techniques that affect the body. However, there is some strange subdural hematoma in your brain, which gradually resolved from the very beginning to the end of the examination. This is an extremely strange and unusual condition. Usually, ADHD is extremely dangerous for any ordinary person, but apparently because you are far from ordinary, it affected you differently. You may have lost your memory because of it, but even though it resolves, the memory itself does not recover.

- Orochimaru, I don't understand what you're talking about, so can we omit all this medical crap? Sasuke said.

"I really don't catch up with shit, so his words are an empty sound to me, especially since I know the reason for the lack of memory."

- Okay, - Orochimaru nodded without arguing, although the interest in his eyes did not disappear anywhere. - As for your body, it is in an extremely depleted state. Maybe you still have all your physical abilities and the ability to control the chakra, but they are greatly underestimated and you need to train to regain strength. And your chakra control is bad because of memory loss, although on a subconscious level you can control it.

- Is there at least some good news?

- There is one, - Orochimaru smiled. - I found myself an interesting test subject. Well, for you, this is a chance to become stronger than you were before, at least physically you will be able to develop.

- I see... Sasuke lowered his frowning gaze down. - I want to stay in the laboratory for a while and so that no one knows about me from Konoha, is it possible to train somewhere here?

- Yes, - nodded Orochimaru getting up. - Now I will return and replace your lost arm, this should help you regain strength faster. And then I'll leave now I have my own things to do, so I'm temporarily entrusting Karin to look after you, if you need anything, contact her.

Sasuke got a new hand surprisingly quickly, of course, it was not as good as his native one, but it will go for the first time. After a while, Orochimaru left Sasuke and Karin alone, which made the girl immediately nervous, as she did not know what to expect next.

- Karin, - the guy looked at her and smiled. "From now on, I'm counting on you to take care of me.

From his smile, Karin felt dizzy, before that she fulfilled her dream and saw his smile only in the eternal tsukuyomi, but seeing her now in reality was strikingly different from seeing her in her fulfilled dreams.

Sasuke was willing to bet that if she were ten years younger, she would have fainted from this, however, due to the fact that she is now over thirty and she has become more mature, the girl quickly came to her senses and smiled at him with a red face.

"P-rely on me!

[Trust: 65(+5).

Condition: Joy. Desire.]

Despite the fact that he clearly behaved differently from Sasuke's past, most likely due to the fact that she is an excellent sensor and is sure that he is Sasuke, the girl quickly accepted him like this and was easily able to start trusting him again.