
Booking Glory

#Wrestling #Sports #Business #Showbiz #Booking "When the lights turn off, the ring becomes empty, and the fans walk away, I want to see their anger, hate, tears, joy, frustration, and vindication. In short, I want them to remember those 90 minutes they paid for." Rob Williams has one goal in his life. To bring pro wrestling to the heights he had experienced in his previous life. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to do. In a world where pro wrestling is considered to be a niche sport, that barely receives any recognition, Rob Williams has his job cut out for him. But, his passion and bold ideas alone won't help him much when he has to battle on all fronts. Some called him a madman. Some see him as a delusional fool dreaming of something impossible. But, there were others who called him a genius, even a visionary. But, Rob was just a man who worked towards a single dream. A stadium full of fans, cheering and booing as he envisioned!!!

kirupakaran · กีฬา
109 Chs

Backup Plans

"And it won't stop with just that, will it?" Rob asked already having some idea who was behind this.

"True, it will only escalate from there," Todd said sighing forlornly. "The paper will start to become a tool in their hands. They will use the paper to attack their opponents and suppress any other rhetoric than what they want out there. They can whitewash anything and make people believe what they are telling is the truth. That is the power of having Wrestle Report in their corner."

"Who are these people?" Nelson asked sharply. "I don't think ordinary people will be able to move something as big as Wrestle Reports."

"True," Todd said with a sad smile. "I never expected my idol to be the one to do this. However, that is the world we live in."

"You mean?" Nelson said catching on. "Steven Rush…" Nelson whispered in a hushed tone.

"… and probably Willy Wagner," Rob said grimly.