
Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage!

Izuku Midoriya, couldn't be a hero. But despite this, he soon finds he's a magnet for trouble, particularly trouble involving children. There a lot's of children in the city with quirks that cause issues for them and the people around them. And if their parent's won't care for them then he will! It may not have been the type of hero he wanted to be. But he's a hero none the less! The Fanfic is made by Kyodon and not mine.

Screm_Boi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
150 Chs

Chapter 150: The Girls of Hell

In the city, a small green car is driving through the city, with four particular people inside it.

The driver was one Hisashi Midoriya, a large man with a green dragon head, but an otherwise normal body. He had on a pair of dirty tattered jeans, and a dirty tank top.

In the back, his three daughters, all of them had green hair, and a pair of green dog ears and were wearing the same black shirt and skirt combo with red shoes. Despite them mainly looking the same, one could tell the difference between them by their expressions.

The one all the way to the left, was currently scowling and seemingly trying to stare Hisashi to death. This was Yaba.

Next to her, was a girl with a rather bored expression, looking down reading a book. She also had the only real physical differentiator, that being the snake coming out of her behind like a tail, which was currently wrapped around her waist. This was Ji.

And the last one was looking down at her legs with a somber expression, sniffling slightly. This was Inu.

The car ride had been silent for hours, as everyone knew what was happening there. The girls were being left by their parents.

They'd been told that they were being given away some time ago, and each of them had reacted in their own, unique way.

But even after packing their stuff(they didn't have a lot) they still didn't know one thing.

"Can you at least tell us where we're going you fucking bastard?" Yaba spat at her father.

"It should be pretty obvious sis, we're going to an orphanage." Ji scoffed, not looking up from her book.

"Actually, not quite," Hisashi said, still looking at the road, while the three girls looked at him curiously. "I decided to throw you girls a bone, and send you to live with your brother."

"Our what!?" All three girls shouted in shock.

"We have a brother!?" Inu asked her eyes wide like dinner plates.

"What the hell!? Where the fuck has he been?!" Yaba shouted.

"I am curious about why we've never heard of him before," Ji asked thoughtfully.

"We'll I never really had any reason to bring him up." Hisashi shrugged. "He's your half-brother I had with my first wife. Technically only wife but that's whatever. And he's done rather well for himself. Unfortunately, he hates me so I can't really ask him for a lot of favors. But he's also a bit of a sap, so I was able to convince him to take you three in. He's actually a lot like Inu. Just bigger and more of a nerd."

"Well if he's like Inu then I guess we don't need to worry," Ji said nonchalantly.

"I doubt anyone's as nice as our Inu, but if he's half as nice I guess that's good," Yaba smirked.

Meanwhile, Inu just blushed intensely and looked down. "Guys, stooppppp."

"But anyway, I think you'll like living with him. Like I said, he's done very well for himself." Hisashi told them.

"Great, we might own more than two sets of clothes." Yaba spat.


Soon after that conversation, the car went quiet once more, until Hisashi arrived at a gate in front of a forest.

Yaba raised an eyebrow. "Hey old man, pretty sure we're not supposed to go here."

"Funny, considering you don't know where you're going." Hisashi countered. "And trust me, we're meant to be here."

And then, the gates swung open, much to the girl's surprise, and they drove in.

"I thought you said we were going to live with our brother?" Ji asked cautiously, as she looked around at the surrounding forest.

"You are," Hisashi answered casually.

"Then why the fuck are we in a forest?" Yaba asked.

"This is your brother's property." Hisashi sighed, as he was forced to explain himself. "Basicly, he owns this forest and everything in it. So naturally, he lives in the center of it."

"He owns a whole forest!?" The three of them shouted out in shock.

"Yeah, now quiet down," Hisashi told them, getting annoyed by all the questions. "We're almost there."


"What the fuck?" Yaba shouted, as the car had arrived to the gates just in front of the Midoriya building, and looked at the massive house in shock and awe.

"That's the rich for ya. Never fail to be flashy as hell." Hisashi said, as the gates opened up and he drove in.

All the girls were still too stunned to speak, as they arrived at their destination.

The car finally came to a stop around the tree, and they could all see Izuku standing on the stairs to the house, with Sai by his side.

"Alright get out," Hisashi instructed. "We're here."

Ji nudged Inu snapping her out of her shock. "Sis, open the door."

"Sorry." Inu apologized for being slow, before opening the car door.

The three girls shuffled out of the car and looked up at Izuku who approached them with a smile, making sure not to look at his father. "You three must be my sisters. It's nice to finally meet you all. I'm Izuku."

"H-Hi!" Inu gave a polite bow to her brother. " M-My name is Inu. P-Please, take good care of us, big brother."

"Nice to meet you brother." Ji gave a small bow to Izuku. "I'm Ji."

"I'm Yaba. What's with the weird demon robe?" Yaba asked as she walked up to Izuku and started tugging at his robe to get a better look.

"Oh, this is just special armor to keep myself safe in case anything happens," Izuku explained, before looking up at his father who was hurriedly pulling out the couple bags the girls had from the trunk of his car. "Did you bring it?"

"Yeah yeah, I have the papers." Hisashi pulled an envelope from his pocket and threw it at Izuku, but Sai caught it before it got close. "Good luck with your mother."

"Get off my property," Izuku ordered bluntly.

"Fine, Fine. Goodbye everyone, may we never meet again." Hisashi said, as went into his car, before driving away.

Inu gave her father's car a sad look as it drove off, Ji didn't seem to care, and Yaba gave her father the finger as he left.

Well, they seem to have pretty distinctive personalities. Izuku thought before he went over to the girls. "Well, now that he's gone. I guess I should take you to your room. Now, do you want to share a room or have separate rooms?"

"Share!" The girls said simultaneously.

"I…see. Guess you don't like to be separated." Izuku chuckled awkwardly.

"You're damn right! The Cerberus sisters stay together!" Yaba said, before high-fiving her two sisters.

"Cerberus sisters?" It was then that Izuku took special notice of their ears and Ji's tail. "I see. So you three have a quirk that makes you like the famous three-headed dog."

"Uh-huh! Our quirk is called Cerberus! It gives us super strength, speed, and fire breath, and we can't die!" Yaba boasted.

"The closer we get to each other, the stronger our powers are," Ji explained.

"But if we get too far apart, our quirk will be useless," Inu admitted shyly.

"I see! That's a really cool quirk! And unique too!" Izuku's eyes lit up, he always loved hearing about new and interesting quirks.

The girls seemed to like hearing that. Yaba confidently smiled, Ji gave a sly smirk, and Inu gave a small smile.

"But how good are you at controlling your fire breath?" Izuku asked them. "Do you think you need one of our fireproof rooms?"

"Yes please." Inu nodded.

"Why do you have fireproof rooms?" Yaba asked curiously.

"By the way what kind of place is this?" Ji asked, looking past him at the house, before looking at Sai. "And who's this?"

"My name is Sai Bura." Sai introduced herself with a bow. "I am the head guard of the Midoriya Foundation."

"The Midoriya Foundation?" Ji gave her brother a curious look.

"Right, I'm guessing that man didn't tell you a lot about me, so you must be confused," Izuku said. "I'll explain everything as we walk to your room. Sai could you get their bags?"


The five of them walked through the halls, with Sai in the back carrying all their bags on one long sword.

"So the Midoriya Foundation is, for the most part, a childcare facility. Speciflcy we care for O.P.C.." Izuku started.

"What's an O.P.C.?" Enu asked, tilting her head in an adorable manner.

"It stands for Overly Powerful Children," Izuku explained. "They're basically children whose quirks are too uncontrollable or dangerous for them to live normally among other people."

"So this is an orphanage for powerful kids?" Ji summarized.

Izuku shook his head. "Not an orphanage. All the children here are officially adopted by me."

All the girl's eyes widened once more.

"Wait!" Yaba shouted. "So that means-"


Suddenly, Shiruku came running down the hall. "Daddy! I ran out of-oh. Who are they?"

Once again, the girls were staring wide-eyed, looking at Shiruku like she was an alien.

"Oh, these are…my sisters." Izuku introduced.

"You have sisters?!" Now it was Shiruku's turn to be shocked, looking back at the girls with the same expression they were looking at her with.

"Yeah, I just learned about them now. It's a long story, but just treat them like everyone else ok?" Izuku asked her.

Shiruku nodded but couldn't help but continue looking at the three girls, who continued looking at her.

"Shiruku, we can talk later, for now, I need to take care of these three," Izuku told her, as he grabbed one of his sister's hands and tugged them along. "Don't worry, I won't take long ok?"

"Ok." Shiruku nodded, before running off to go tell as many people as possible about this.

With that done, the five continued trudging along, but now the girl's wide-eyed gazes were locked onto Izuku.

"You're a dad!?" All three of them asked at the same time.

Izuku sighed. "Yes. A lot of these kids see me as their father since I'm taking care of them, and I don't mind being their father. These kids have had it pretty rough for the most part, so if they want me to be their father, then that's just what I'll do."

"Wow." Inu looked up at her brother with wide adoring eyes.

"So how many kids do you have?" Ji asked.

"21," Izuku answered, as he readied himself for another surprised reaction.

However, at this point, the girls were getting used to it and just looked at him shocked.

"You have 21 kids with super dangerous and hard-to-control quirks?" Ji asked. "That sounds like a poor choice of job brother."

"It has its downsides. But it has plenty of upsides." Izuku said gesturing to everything around him. "But it's not really about that. The point is, someone needed to help these children, and I was the only one willing to step up. So I did, and I don't regret it one bit."

Inu continued to look at her brother with admiration in her eyes. So cool.

"Wait, how did you get so rich taking care of a buncha kids?" Yaba asked. "If parenting came with a paycheck the old man wouldn't have let us go."

"Well like I said, they're not normal children. They're O.P.C.s." Izuku explained. "Because of how dangerous O.P.C.s are, the government steps in whenever they're involved. It's important to them that O.P.C.s are safe and live good lives, and as the person taking care of them, the government pays me quite a lot of money. Money which I used to help earn more money. And thus I got all this."

"Wow. So you're like, rich rich?" Yaba asked.

Izuku chuckled at her wonder and innocence. "Yes, I am. Ah, here we are."

They had finally arrived at the girl's new room. Seeing as it was a shared room, it was one of the bigger rooms in the house.

Izuku opened the door, the girls rushed into the room, and once again their eyes were filled with wonder.

"Sweet our own T.V.!" Yaba shouted as she ran towards the T.V. at the center of the room.

"Finally some proper beds!" Ji exclaimed as she looked at the three beds in the room.

"We have a window!" Inu gasped, as she ran over to it and smiled. "It looks so pretty outside!"

Izuku and Sai stepped in, and Sai set their bags down on the ground. "Thank you, Sai. Now can you please give us some space?"

"Of course sir." Sai bowed, before taking her leave, closing the door behind her.

Izuku then turned back to his sisters, who were still admiring their new room. "Girls, can I speak to you for a second."

The three turned towards him, and gave each other worried looks, as Izuku's tone didn't indicate anything good.

"Ok. So…I did agree to take you three in. But that was mostly to make sure that man didn't leave you anywhere shady." Izuku explained seriously, kneeling down to talk to them face to face. "But, this place, is not as safe as I'd like. Like I said, the kids here, while they are great kids, are dangerous, and they regularly destroy parts of the house and a lot of the forest, and they can hurt you or even kill you if you're not careful, even if you have a strong quirk. I'm also being targeted by a very powerful evil organization, who's attacked this place before, and even sent assassins. I'm doing everything I can to increase the security of this place. But even then, there's still a risk we'll be attacked. You three, aren't O.P.C.s. So you don't HAVE to be here. You don't HAVE to be at risk. But at the same time, you are my family, and I don't want to push you away. So I leave the choice up to you. Do you want to stay here, or go somewhere safer? I promise no matter what you choose, I'll do my absolute best to make sure you have a good life."

The three of them just looked at him for a second, before looking at each other, and nodding.

They looked back at Izuku, and Yaba crossed her arms and smirked. "Like hell, we're leaving! This place seems awesome bro!"

"Thank you for your concern brother, but the Cerberus sisters don't back down from a challenge," Ji smirked as well.

"I really don't want to leave you, big brother! I want to stay a help!" Inu gave Izuku a determined look.

"Long as you keep us fed, and put a roof on our heads, we'll make sure anyone coming at you is good as dead!" Yaba proclaimed as she punched her palm for effect.

"Nice rhyming sis, but try not to actually kill anyone. We'll be a lot less powerful if you're stuck in jail." Ji said, with a deadpan expression.

Izuku smiled down at them, feeling his heart warming just a bit. "Thank you. I'll do my best to make sure you're happy."

With that, Izuku stood up and made his way toward the door. "Well, I've got some work to get done. Sorry, I couldn't spend more time with you, but I have to do what I have to do. But feel free to call me if you need anything. Oh, and you can decorate your room in any way you want. You're free to do whatever you like, so long as you don't hurt yourself or each other. And try to keep the cursing to a minimum. I understand if it's a habit, but please make an attempt."

"Make no promises bro," Yaba replied.

"We understand brother. Thank you." Ji replied

Inu rushed forward and hugged her brother. "Thank you, big brother!"

Izuku took a breath and took a second to appreciate the wholesome cuteness of this scene, before kneeling down and hugging them back. "You don't need to thank me. Just doing my job."

And with that, Izuku took his leave.

The girls looked at each other and immediately converged.

"Seems like was have a pretty reliable big brother," Ji said.

"He's really cool!" Inu said, her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah can't believe we had a rich brother this whole time and that shitty old man never told us." Yaba scowled.

"I can't believe we're aunts." Ji brought up, with a curious expression. "Just kinda weird huh?"


"Greetings!" Kiba shouted from the other side of the door. "Please allow us entry into your domain!"

"Translation, can we come in?" Fu asked alongside her.

The girls looked at each other and nodded before Ji responded. "Yeah sure."


"Welcome!" Kiba said after slamming their door open. "You must be our aunts! I do hope you don't mind if we don't call you aunty."

"Please don't." All three girls said simultaneously.

"Good. We've come to show you around, and introduce you to your new home!" Kiba said.

"You've come to do that. I've come to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Fu added.

"Well, thanks," Yaba said, before crossing her arms. "So, what's there to do in this place."

Kiba smirked. "A lot."